Workshop Question…
Would Anyone Be Interested In a Pulp Speed Workshop? No requirement to take it, I’m just trying to find out if there is interest. In the Making a Living with Novels workshop, I talked about Pulp Speed, described it in one video. And I have described it here on this blog a bunch of times over the years. But not once have I explained to anyone how to reach pulp speed. I do it so naturally over decades, I guess I just sort of thought that if a person wanted to do it, they could just do it. I sort of forgot what it took for me to build up…
December and January Workshops
All Now Available… Took me most of the day today, along with moving stuff out of the old condo and working on laying out Smith’s Monthly #55, but I got them all ready to go and posted. And as I said last night or in a comment or something, getting a brand new workshop available to start in February. Also, the Decade Ahead classes will start back up after two years of this pandemic. Crystal ball is clearing a lot. Thankfully. So January the Decade Ahead classes will start up and this next week after I get them organized some, I will open them back up for sign-ups. All the…
December Regular Workshops Now Up
January Workshops Will All Be Up Tomorrow… So both December and January regular workshops will be available. Then a day or so after that a number of the collection’s workshops will be extended through next year. And then three or four Master Business Class workshops will launch (Kris and I have been working on them.) We will launch even more over the next week or so. And a lot more by the end of the year. I got a couple of questions about workshop sales. And writers wondering if we are going to do another one, maybe for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Nothing really planned, but if a few…
Ends At 7PM West Coast Time Thursday!!!
Only Hours Left… And we hit the 5th stretch goal, so more free books and another free Pop-Up writers’ workshop for all backers of any reward. As I write this there are just 20 hours left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. But that is enough time for you to back a reward and get everything, including the nifty 38 original stories calendar. And remember the two special classes in this one. And discounts for other workshops at the bottom. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st. That is 38 original stories. Yes, original stories!! If you are…
Workshops Available in Holiday Spectacular Kickstarter
There Are A Bunch of Workshops… And All Get You the Calendar!! We have two special workshops for writers in this campaign. And the only place you will ever be able to get either one is right here. You can buy either one or you can buy them both together at a discount. No matter what you will also get the 2021 Holiday Calendar with 38 stories delivered to you daily. Both workshops are three weeks long, and the final week’s assignment for both workshops will be to write a short story that Kris will read for the 2022 Holiday Spectacular. We will offer both workshops twice. You have your choice of…
Some Clean Up… And Writing Stuff
Special Workshop Codes Are Out… First, if you signed up for a special workshop in the last Kickstarter, either Making Place a Character or How to Use the Rule of Three, the links and codes are out. If you were signed up for one or both of those workshops, and didn’t get a letter from me with the Subject Line “Special Workshop” (or Workshops), please check your spam filter over the next day or so. If not there, no worries, we have time. Write me and I will get you the codes when I get back later in the week. Second, refunds on the Diving Game are slow, and I…
Refunds for the Game Will Take a Full Week…
So Give Me a Little Time… I will get to them all. Thanks! Tomorrow, unless I tell you otherwise, at some point the codes to get into the six stretch goal Pop-Up writing classes will be going out to everyone who backed the Ten Little Fen Kickstarter campaign. So watch for those from WMG and if you haven’t gotten them by Wednesday and I haven’t said they are delayed, check your spam filter and give it another day. If still not there, contact Josh at subscriptions@wmgbooks.com Over this next week I will also be contacting each person who signed up for one or both of the special workshops with the…
Last Day of the Sale!!
Ends on Sunday, October 10th, late in the evening, so don’t miss this one. Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL Lots of new workshops and writing classes. Normally we ended these sales on Thursday, but this time we only wanted to do a week and move on, see if people were still interested. Especially since we have some really amazing new workshops. POWER WORDS… That workshop started October 5th and then it is offered again on November 3rd and every month for a while after that. Going to be amazing. And difficult. MAKING A LIVING WITH NOVELS… That is starting on November 2nd. We…
Only Two Days Left For the Workshop Sale!!
Just Two Days!!! Ends on Sunday, October 10th, so don’t miss this one. Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL Lots of new workshops and writing classes. Two months ago when we did the last sale, we suspected it would be the last one, but we had thought that before. And over this last month we have gotten a lot of questions about doing another sale. So in the end, after two months, we felt we could do a week-long sale to help out and keep people learning this fall. Plus, we have some really amazing new workshops. POWER WORDS… That workshop started October 5th…
That Was Close…
Almost Missed Doing a Blog… Day 3,351 in a row writing something here. Got done with all the workshop stuff, including starting the last of the October new workshops, then went back to my writing computer to work on a novel, then after a few thousand words headed to watch some television. Then after a short time, headed for bed. I was just about to doze off when I wondered what I had written about on my blog. I couldn’t remember. Then it dawned on my that I couldn’t remember because I hadn’t done it. Didn’t want to get up, almost tossed it in right there, but I climbed out.…