That’s Annoying
Just One of Those Things… As last night, another annoyance caused by epic disorganization. And I do mean epic. Fixable, but annoying. This today comes from my inability to get organized in a meaningful and long-term fashion with my writing and publishing. And this concerns Smith’s Monthly. Today, I really dug into the layout of Smith’s Monthly Issue #45. Now understand, Issue #44 came out in the summer of 2017. I have a ton of ads and promotions about a lot of my books in each issue. You know… filler. Since the magazine is all mine, might as well promote some of the other stories and series and such I…
Four Days Left On Workshop Sale
Ends on Thursday at 5pm West Coast Time… Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable site is half price. Just put in the code Resolution. In case you missed it, here is the full first post about the sale and why we are doing this… Covid in Getting Worse… I honestly never would have predicted this last spring. Not in a million years. But at least now we have some hope on the horizon with the vaccines going out. But they won’t do much good especially over the coming months. Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale in May, we had an expectation…
Story #1 of Challenge
I Promise I Won’t Do This Every Day… But for the first story, I figured it was worth mentioning. And more than likely I’ll talk about the challenge once a week or so as it is going on. And post small thumbnails of covers. So for story #1 I wrote a story I needed to write for the Year of the Cat #11. It is called “Cat Running Wild” and it is a Pahket Jones story, who is a spin-off of my Poker Boy and Ghost of a Chance series. I have done 7 Pahket Jones stories so far. She is a superhero in the world of cats. Story was…
Math is the Friend of Prolific…
And the Enemy of Excuses… Writers who want to hold dearly to the myths of writing must stay away from math. Math can be super deadly to writer’s fears and myths and beliefs. Math, after all, is just numbers. So let me point out where this is glaringly clear in a simple example. You write 250 words of fiction a day, shorter than many of your emails. Most writers can do that in 15 minutes or less. So you do that every day, you manage to make your writing important enough in your life that you carve out 15 minutes a day to do it. 250 words x 365 days…
New Year Starting…
Writing This Safely From Home…. …On New Year’s Eve, after midnight. 2020 has left the building. 2021 shows ugliness to start and promise over time. So thought I would talk about the writing challenge I am going to set for myself and some thoughts on how you could ramp up a writing challenge in the New Year. Here is how I would suggest you come at doing a writing challenge in 2021. Decide where you want to be at the end of 2021 with your writing. Some people use word count, I use project or story counts, but I do track words just for fun as well. On good years…
Workshop Order and Breakdown…
Workshop Curriculum 1/1/2021 I went through these back about four months ago, so with the sale going on now, I thought I would do it again so everything is clear. Today’s post is just the workshops and I’m going to divide all of them down into areas of study. And the numbers are my suggestions on the order to take these workshops because many of them build on others. (Two types of workshops are included. Regular and Classic.) All workshops and courses can be found on Teachable. Just hit “see all courses.” To get them at half price, just use the code Resolution Pop-Ups and others will be listed later.…
Half Price Workshop Sale In Case You Missed It..
Yes, We Are Doing It Again… I talked about this in full the day after Christmas, because Covid is just as bad, if not worse, than earlier. So we are going to do one more sale of everything on WMG Publishing’s Teachable. And we really, really hope never again. 2020 will be over and with it we hope these sales. We want us all to get through this virus and go back to at least a new normal as soon as possible. But, we are not there yet and there are dark months ahead of us in the first of the new year. And WMG Publishing wants to help you…
Collection Classes Now Available
They Are Now Available to Get with the Workshop Sale… Here is the structure of each class in general. A nine week class. (Yes, I said nine weeks.) And each week will have five videos and an assignment. The goal at the end is to have written five new stories with a certain base theme and published a five story collection. Week #1… General stuff about collections and the topic of the class and how to do titles. Assignment would be to come up with a number of possible titles and tag lines for your collection that you will be working toward. Week #2 through Week #6… Videos about the…
Year End Half Price Workshop Sale
Covid in Getting Worse… I honestly never would have predicted this last spring. Not in a million years. But at least now we have some hope on the horizon with the vaccines going out. But they won’t do much good especially over the coming months. Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale in May, we had an expectation that as things opened up, we would all be able to slowly go back to a changed, but new normal life. And that sort of happened for some. Sort of. But by July it was clear that most of us were still locked…
Why I Do Smith’s Monthly?
Bringing Smith’s Monthly Back with Issue #45… What is Smith’s Monthly? Simple. It is a regular 70,000 word magazine with only my work in it. It has a novel, four or five short stories, and often part of a non-fiction book or a serial of another novel. Monthly. I did 44 straight months of the magazine (three and a half years) before life rolls got in the way, things like Kris getting sick and moves to Vegas and so on. I put the magazine on pause, knowing the time would come when I would be back doing it. And this is that time, finally. So with Issue #45, January 2021,…