Thank Heavens For Naps…
A Nap Day Today… Actually, a three-nap day, although it was actually only two because the first one was interrupted by a phone call I had to take. Now I normally take a twenty-minute nap once a day, usually right before dinner. And since I am freelance, I can do what I want. There are advantages. But today I woke up exhausted. Kris and I managed to get one of our cars into the shop for a standard tuning ,and then we got an amazing lunch that we ate sitting in the car looking at basically nothing with 1970s music playing. But the moment I got home, the first aborted…
The Fey Kickstarter Campaign
Is Live!! Folks, after almost twenty years, Kris is returning to The Fey and she needs your help. Watch her in the video and she explains it perfectly. She needs a deadline. Just with the idea of doing this campaign, she has spent a number of hours each day going back over the big seven books of The Fey, starting to put the entire world back in her head after twenty years. No small task, let me tell you. In the campaign there are some really cool things. Kris has already started a blog series that will go to her Patreon backers that will talk about all the ups and…
This Has To Be Short Tonight…
Not a Lot of Eye Left… I have been doing very detailed work on laying out the paper and PDF version of Smith’s Monthly #47 which will be out in a week. Should have it done by tomorrow which is my deadline. Yay. Honestly, it has been a blast doing this. Also I spent a bunch of time this week on other deadlines, but also getting ready to launch RETURN OF THE FEY Kickstarter campaign, which will start on Tuesday. That’s right, Kris is back working on the Fey after twenty years. How amazingly cool is that. In fact, there is a “Coming Soon!” page you can click a link…
Some Short Story Covers
Just Having Fun Tonight… Yes, I will do a wrap-up of the 15 days of tracking time, but next week. I want to do something else now. So since I am laying out the paper edition of Smith’s Monthly #47 that will be out in a week or so, I had to do the covers for the five original short stories in the volume. And since I was still in a keeping track of time mode from the challenge, I can tell you that including finding the art, these five covers took exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes with InDesign. And cost me exactly $5.00 in real cost. Four were…
Sale Ends Today!!!
All Workshops and Classes Half Price!! At least through today, Thursday. Then all finished. This is the last day. So to get a workshop you are interested in, just use the code AGAIN to get anything on Teachable at half price. If you have any questions or problems, just write me directly. And if you know other writers, feel free to pass the code around. Also, yes you can jump into one or more of the challenges at half price and start any time you want in the future. And as I said last night… Stay safe out there. Mask up and six feet. Don’t be the last soldier to…
March Workshops Launched… Sale Ends in Two Days!!
March Workshops Started… March workshops are now live and the April regular workshops are available to sign up. But more importantly, the half-price sale is almost over. Ends Thursday at 5 pm. And wouldn’t this be wonderful with the news today if this was the last one because the pandemic is getting close to being over? Got a hunch we got some bumps ahead, even with the news about the vaccines today. So I hope this is the last sale. Of course, I have been hoping that for eight months now. So just use the code AGAIN to get anything on Teachable at half price. If you have any questions…
Day Five: Writing a Novel In A Half Month
Chapter Five: Day Five of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Again today started out as just another regular day, but Mondays are never just another day, so even though I took out my normal grocery shopping, the day so far has been just as I expected. Last night, after I signed off here, I watched a little television before going to bed at 4 am. Day Five, Entry One. 11:30 am. Rolled out of bed and was at this internet computer at 12:30 pm doing email and business stuff. 2:00 pm. Lunch with Kris and today watched news. 3:00 pm. Regular weekly Zoom meeting with the main crew…
Workshop Questions and Day Four: Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Some Workshop Sale Questions Answered First… Before jumping into the first post for Day Four, Chapter Four… Questions About Classes for the sale… Yes, you can still jump into the Shared Worlds class. Lots of videos to catch up on, and just last night I put out a call for another Cave Creek story. I am sure there will be more calls for stories in the Cave Creek shared world, but if you do jump in, watch all the videos first. Again, there are a lot of them. Licensing Class and Decades Ahead Classes will be going for another full year. The Pandemic ground them to a halt because Licensing…
Workshop Sale AGAIN!!
Back to School, AGAIN… Workshop Half-Price Sale As I said two months ago, I honestly never would have predicted this last spring. Not in a million years. Not many did and those who did warn us of this, none of us listened to. We just couldn’t imagine being locked up for a year. But at least now we have some hope on the horizon with the vaccines going out. But they won’t do much good especially over the coming months. Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale way back in May, 2020, we had an expectation that as things opened up,…
Smith’s Monthly #46 Out Tomorrow
In Theory… That means that I will have gotten two months out in a row, and already working on Smith’s Monthly #47 layout (March issue) and putting #48 together (April issue). As I do covers for short stories, I’ll post them here. But I have a desire to do a novel quickly, so I may do one of those books that I talk about the writing moment-by-moment each day for 10 days. The reason I got onto this idea was way back (years and years ago) I did that here, put all the blogs together into a book called Writing a Novel in Ten Days. Well, that book is in…