• Challenge,  publishing

    Diving Universe Game Refund

    Going Out This Week! The Diving Game that many of you picked up as a reward in the RETURN OF BOSS Kickstarter Campaign is still lost somewhere in this pandemic and international shipping mess. The game started off being delayed in one factory last October for almost three months. Then we pulled it from that factory just before it closed and got it in another. From that point we have heard (but can’t confirm) that it was shipped a long time ago. With so much cargo backed up in containers all over the world, and this being only 1,000 copies of a small game, we have no way of knowing…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day of the Sale!!

    Ends on Sunday, October 10th, late in the evening, so don’t miss this one. Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL Lots of new workshops and writing classes. Normally we ended these sales on Thursday, but this time we only wanted to do a week and move on, see if people were still interested. Especially since we have some really amazing new workshops. POWER WORDS… That workshop started October 5th and then it is offered again on November 3rd and every month for a while after that. Going to be amazing. And difficult. MAKING A LIVING WITH NOVELS… That is starting on November 2nd. We…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Only Two Days Left For the Workshop Sale!!

    Just Two Days!!! Ends on Sunday, October 10th, so don’t miss this one. Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL Lots of new workshops and writing classes. Two months ago when we did the last sale, we suspected it would be the last one, but we had thought that before. And over this last month we have gotten a lot of questions about doing another sale. So in the end, after two months, we felt we could do a week-long sale to help out and keep people learning this fall. Plus, we have some really amazing new workshops. POWER WORDS… That workshop started October 5th…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Wet Blanket Reality… Chapter Two

    Chapter Two… The Query This book is a travelogue through the steps it takes in 2022 to become a traditionally published fiction writer. So please read the Introduction and First Chapter before this one. You do that, this chapter will make more sense, as much as this chapter will ever make sense to a sane, thinking person. (Writers are neither sane or thinking at this point in this process.) So after years of work, you declare your novel masterpiece finished and have a party. So what next? EVERYONE KNOWS (stupid common knowledge and not true, but we’ll go with the myth here) that you must have an agent to sell…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    October Workshops Starting…

    Tuesday and Wednesday… The October regular workshops are starting, plus the second sessions of the special workshops from the Pulphouse Kickstarter. Those two are not available for sale, but the eight October regular workshops are available and there is a half-price sale going on. See the last two posts for information. I have two more chapters in the Wet Blanket Reality book done, both on the next steps a writer goes through with agents to get to being traditionally published. So stay tuned for that. Or as they say in traditional publishing, “Hurry Up and Wait.” (Not kidding.) Remember the two new six-week regular workshops, POWER WORDS starting tomorrow and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Some Questions On New Sale…

    Fall Special Workshop Sale… Starts today and ends next Sunday, October 10th, so don’t miss this one. Just one week! Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL I wanted to answer a few questions that I got. First off, the brand new HOW TO MAKE A LIVING WITH NOVELS is for any level of writer. If you are selling and writing novels regularly, this will help you put the pieces together. If you are just hoping to write novels in the future, this will detail out what you need to do. So for all levels and a full six weeks of information. Second, yes both…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Fall Special Workshop Sale!!

    For One Week Only!!! Starts today and ends next Sunday, October 10th, so don’t miss this one. Just one week! Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable half price. Just use the code: FALLSPECIAL Lots of new workshops and writing classes. Two months ago when we did the last sale, we suspected it would be the last one, but we had thought that before. And over this last month we have gotten a lot of questions about doing another sale. So in the end, after two months, we felt we could do a week-long sale to help out and keep people learning this fall. Plus, we have some really amazing new workshops.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Next Chapter Will Be Coming

    Right Now I Am Having Fun Writing… I will get to the next chapter of Wet Blanket Reality about traditional publishing next week. The next chapter is all the things you have to do to get an agent. That will be a fun one, I promise. Also today I got forwarded a link to an article that might be right up there with the most stupid article I have ever read about publishing. All stuff that I am pointing out as really bad and stupid, this article manages to turn it into positive to help writers. I just read it with my mouth open and thinking about how writers trapped…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Having Fun With Collections

    Going to Do Seven or Eight… I had ten collections planned for my 70 books in my 70th year. I did two earlier in the year, then just forgot about these others until Allyson at WMG reminded me a few months back and told me they had them on the schedule to be published toward the end of October. Oh, oh… I have so many short stories, I have a couple of issues. First, I can’t remember what a story is about without looking at it. Second out of a choice of around 300 short stories that are already in print, mostly in Smith’s Monthly, or other WMG publications, and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Wet Blanket Reality… Chapter One

    Chapter One… Manuscript Must Be Perfect Writers who believe in the myth of traditional publishing also believe deeply in the myth that rewriting is good and that a manuscript must be perfect before you dare send it off to an agent. Perfect, I say!!  Perfect! (I have never in my 40 plus years in publishing ever seen a perfect manuscript.) So what happens is that years and years pass while the writer “Works on their book.” Okay, come on, we all know a number of these writers spending years “working on their book.” And sadly, these writers are proud they are doing that and they will be glad to tell…