Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive…
We Are Accepted!! The Kickstarter campaign for a Pulphouse Fiction Magazine subscription drive has been accepted.We have three or four more days of fine-tuning and such and will launch it on Tuesday, July 20th. Two really amazing special workshops are going to be offered only through the campaign, plus subscriptions and books and other fun stuff. And I am sure that if we hit some stretch rewards we will offer backers fun books and workshops. Anyone have any ideas that you would love to see in a Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter campaign, you have until Monday night to suggest them to me here in the comments or in a private…
How to Write Spaceships…
Special Class in THE CHASE Kickstarter… And you only got about 20 hours to get it. Goes away and won’t be offered again after 7 pm West Coast Time. Most writers I know, especially beginning writers, think they know how to write spaceships. But I see very few who actually do. Most end up putting a “bridge” in the middle of the ship, or the front of the ship as if spaceships had fronts, and by the time they are done, might as well have Captain Kirk sitting down in the center. And no setting, no sense of scale, and no clue how to do any of that to make…
Forty Hours Left in The Chase Kickstarter…
Still Time to Get the New Diving Novel… And a bunch of other great stuff. You can get all sixteen Diving Books, or all six Colliding Worlds Collections, or two special workshops on writing that you will never get anywhere else. Those two workshops are only offered through this campaign and only in the next 40 hours. We also gaining quickly on the next stretch reward which has another book for everyone, plus another Pop-Up Class worth $150.00. And that will be the second one. So jump to the campaign and look at all the great stuff. And get early maybe the best Diving novel so far. And that is…
On THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign. THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two, again only available through the campaign. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to…
THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign Hit Third Stretch Reward
And Is Well On Its Way to the Next… THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to the first…
… IN FIVE DAYS!! Wow, not only did if fund very quickly, but then it went on to hit the first stretch goal in just ten hours and the second stretch goal in five days. Fantastic and thank you all. THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop,…
THE CHASE Hit First Stretch Goal…
… IN JUST TEN HOURS!! Wow, not only did if fund very quickly, but then it went on to hit the first stretch goal in just ten hours. That might set a record for the 19 Kickstarter campaigns we have done over the years. Sure surprised all of us in a great way. THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in…
Made Ten Days on the Exercise Streak
5 Miles Per Day Minimum… And with starting any streak, the world said, “Not so fast.” First six days went as planned. I got to the gym each day and did a decent pace. Then on the next day I ended up not going to the gym for various reasons and ended up later in the evening walking around our building. Thankfully, it has not gotten hot yet, but that will change in the next numbers of weeks and late-night walking outside won’t be an option. Last three nights I ended up cutting it so close, I was walking in the hallway outside our condo at 15 minutes until midnight…
The Chase: A New Diving Novel Kickstarter
Launches on Tuesday!! This is the book all of us Diving Universe fans have been waiting for. Boss, Coop, and so much more. This book is impossible to put down once you start reading it. Trust me. And it is done and will be ready to send to Kickstarter supporters in late June and early July and will be published officially to the world in late September. Don’t want to miss this one, and to make sure you don’t, go to the prelaunch page at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/403649867/the-chase-a-new-diving-novel And then click notify you on launch. All supporters will get an electronic copy months ahead of official publication dates. And here is not…
Secrets and Lies Storybundle
FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LOVE MYSTERY… Kris put together what I think might be one of the best mystery StoryBundles in a long, long time. And I feel really lucky to have a book in this one, let me tell you. Here is the link to get it: https://storybundle.com/mystery There are some amazing novels and stories in this bundle and if you love mystery, you don’t want to miss it. I even have one of my Cold Poker Gang novels in this called Dead Hand. It would be a good one to jump into the series with. https://storybundle.com/mystery On another topic, all the surveys went out today on The…