Keith Urban
Amazing Show! Kris and I fought our way down to the Planet Hollywood Casino tonight through all the construction around the Formula One site. Luckily we gave ourselves plenty of time. Yikes. Friday night in Vegas and construction do not mix. We had tried to see Keith Urban for three years. First cancelled by the pandemic. Rescheduled during Cowboy Christmas when most attending would be without shots, so we cancelled on that. This was our third attempt. Neither of us had ever been in Planet Hollywood or the Miracle Mile Shops, let alone a very strange parking garage not built for far too many large pick-up trucks with big wheels.…
In The News…
Las Vegas News Is Like No Other… Sure, we get all the political stuff, and last week almost every page of the paper and news channels were covered by pictures and articles about the Golden Nights. Of course. But the CBS station has an investigative news unit working all the time on Area 51 stories and alien stories, among other strange things like bodies being found in Lake Mead as the water went down. We watch the news of that channel every night for not only the weather, but head-shaking stories like aliens spotted in a backyard. Not kidding. And now tonight, the NBC major channel ran a wild story.…
New Business Computer…
Oh, Joy… This computer was giving me signs it was on its last legs. So I got a brand new iMac and a brand new second screen. Both still in their boxes. Wow are they cheaper than MacPlus laptops. Wow! Now comes that hard part… cleaning up my office. One old computer that I actually have not turned on in a year is already out of the office and staged to go to storage along with an empty file cabinet I just don’t see myself using. I am finding sticky notes that I am sure I wrote in the last century, but that is not possible since I have only…
I Was Bad…
Went Out for a Long Walk… To get my exercise, my five miles per day (which I did thank you very much). Very busy Saturday night with a big parade on the Strip for the Golden Knights. What a party. But downtown was pumping as well and as I was trying to go around the Fremont Street Experience, what did I happen across but an evil place with a large round door. The brand new PinkBox Doughnut Shop on Main Street, right where the Fremont Experience ends. Oh, oh… Now this chain has five or six stores here in Las Vegas and plans for others in towns in the West.…
That Was a Surprise…
Tina Turner: The Musical This is a touring broadway company, and I knew it was about Tina’s life, and I knew a lot of what had happened up until she left Ike, which was intermission. The second half of her life and her struggles I did not know about. But above all that, the entire thing was amazing. And the woman playing Tina could sing. Wow! So a fantastic and fun night tonight. If this broadway touring show comes to your town, go see it. Be ready for some rough moments and scenes. But worth it.
Ninja Warrior
Women’s Championship… Katie Bone, at the age of 16, won the Ninja Warrior’s Women Championship in one of the most amazing displays of power and ability I have ever seen. And she is a type 1 diabetic. I have watched film of her winning rock climbing contests, and at one point I turned to Kris and said, “If Katie gets to stage four, she will win this thing. She goes up a wall better than Spider-Man could.” Stage four is a sixty-foot tower they have to climb twice to win. I was right. She is an amazing example to all of us to not let life issues and health get…
Kris Has a Birthday!
I Got Her Two Cakes… Why? Well, because for a decade or more, the only cake Kris got was some ugly thing I baked. When we lived in Lincoln City, OR, the idea of dairy-free to the locals meant they didn’t put milk on it, but covered it in butter. So we moved to Las Vegas where there are more major bakeries that do Vegan than we could visit in a day. (We managed six or seven one afternoon in only one area of town.) So today (Sunday, June 4th) I am taking Kris with a group of friends out to her favorite (and safe) restaurant for a fun dinner…
Day Off… Sort Of…
As Much of a Day Off As I Ever Take… We had our wonderful cleaning crew here starting just after I got out of bed, so Kris and I wished the cats good luck and headed off to a fun lunch at a place called the Black and Blue Diner. Then we had an adventure. We went looking for vegan cakes. Kris had a list of seven or eight she had found online, and we managed in three hours to hit four of them spread all over one part of Vegas. We were so far away from our place to the West, I swore if we drove much farther we…
Writing and Recording…
Spent Most of the Day Doing Both… So by the time I turned my attention to this blog, I was way too tired to think about more myths and more choices. So how about a cat picture instead? A picture of the beautiful Miss Suzy who lives with the writers Chris and Steve York, or from what I understand, she allows them to live with her. And the little orange guy is our Gavin, He is now 21 pounds and a love and a main member of promotion central. This was a picture taken a few days after we rescued them both.
37 Years
Kris and I Met May 4th, 1986… Can’t imagine living the last 37 years without her. So I am going to celebrate with some memories from the past. We had a wild and fun time in those 37 years. These pictures will not do that justice… But you can see what we looked like young. (Kris still looks young.) Kris going by me in a flash… Note how she is laughing at me. (grin) This was just a year or so ago. Oh, my god were we young… 37 years ago. Kris’s first pizza after being unable to eat pizza for over a decade due to health issues. Damn that…