Fun Run… Fun Pictures
Uphill, Both Ways… Well, it felt that way to a guy still overweight. Granted I have lost four pounds in the last few weeks, but not enough to run too much uphill on bad knees. I ran the first seven tenths of a mile to start, which turns out was slightly downhill. Feeling great. Walked a short hill, then turned a corner and all I could see into the distance was uphill. Well over a. mill uphill. So I walked it. Ran small downhill sections, but walked all the hills, far more walking than I had planned, and missed the podium by one spot. Got 4th in my age group…
The Fun of Las Vegas
Great Friends and Fun Things to Do… Today, because housekeepers were swarming all over our place, Kris and I got out, had a great lunch, and then spent some hours in Cowboy Christmas in the convention center. Six billion booths and people on two floors of the old massive convention center. Everything you can imagine and a bunch of stuff I couldn’t imagine. But seeing the giant booth of Yellowstone merchandise was fun with the licensing side. We went in, walked to the back, and started back forward in a different aisle. Took hours just for that on one floor. I wanted to do the show to see how my…
Holiday and a Cat
Figured It Had Been a While… So tonight, a picture of the cat (Angel) who spends a lot of time on my lap watching my screen as I do posts. We put up one of three trees and Angel claimed it. It is now very festive around here. A cat and a Christmas tree. What more can you want out of a blog?
Great Santa Run
Me and 5,000 Friends Out for A Run… Weirdly enough this year, even with the eye problems which made tripping a real hazard, I managed to run a ways. No Santa Run before this have I run at all. Just too many people, but Las Vegas Blvd has been redone, wide, pavement, smooth, and I managed to stay on my feet and with and ahead of Kris for a half mile or so before we turned onto older streets and I dropped to walking to stay as safe as I could. This is a major charity event for Opportunity Village and every year they try to have the record for…
Thinking About Next Year
December 1st… Time for any fiction writer to start taking stock in how the year of writing went, and planning for the following year. I will talk later about 2022, but tonight I spent a lot of time really going over a challenge for 2023 and see what the benefits would be and the downsides. And more than anything, how the entire idea and challenge fits for me and my eyesight at the moment. It is supposed to be better, and it is improving slightly, but how much and by when is a moving target at the moment. That makes planning for the year a slight challenge, more than normal.…
A Cold Poker Gang Story!! That’s right, one of my stories that Kris wanted for the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2022 went out today!! It’s a Cold Poker Gang story and you can still get it just fine by going to www.wmgpublishinginc.com and signing up for the Holiday Calendar of a story per day. You will get the ones already sent out (such as my first one) and then get a story per day from there. Now would be a great time to get on board if you have missed it up to now. Read a holiday story every day. And for those of you who have read my story, wouldn’t this…
Thanksgiving Holidays
We All Have Our Stories and Traditions… I had no tradition for this holiday growing up. None. My family was so unpleasant at its very core, a holiday forcing all of them into one place was my definition of a nightmare. So after five years of being out on my own, my father and his new wife (worse than my mother, which I must say took some doing) were in Palm Springs over Thanksgiving where I had a nice place and was a golf professional. Stupidly, I offered to cook for them. The wife would have nothing to do with that, so she forced us to go up the Tram…
Rebecca Moesta’s Birthday Dinner
GREAT DINNERS ALL FIVE NIGHTS THIS WEEK! As Kevin said in his Facebook post with this picture: “Rebecca’s birthday dinner with Kris Rusch, Dean Wesley Smith, Todd McCaffrey, Mark Leslie Lefebvre, and the Winner Twins. Much fun (and sushi) was had by all.” I agree completely. Here is the picture so I can get away from this computer for the night and actually get some sleep.
Lots of Learning
Amazing Week of Conversations and Learning.. Pretty exhausted after four days of getting up very early. But wow was it worth it. Major areas I have learned stuff about… Kickstarter… I will be sharing a bunch of this over time as we test some of it out, and also sometime this winter I will be updating the free Kickstarter class with a bunch of new suggestions. I will alert you here and over that class when we get it done. AI in Publishing. So, so many ways AI change indie publishing and our lives over the next five years. Art, audio, and text. Just amazing. I will do updates regularly…
Another Fun Day
I Hope My Two Lectures and One Panel Went Well… I just got going and was my normal blunt self. Huge numbers of people in the two lectures, which was surprising to me, but they must have known that would happen since they put me in that big room. And fun being on the Kickstarter panel. Then I headed home in the late afternoon and an hour later walked down to the Arts District and met Kevin Anderson and the entire crew from D2D for pizza and a pub crawl. Fantastic fun, and Kevin and I got telling stories over beers about some of the old-timers in the field of…