• Challenge,  Cover Fun,  Fun Stuff,  publishing


    To Genre… There are a lot of elements to branding in fiction, so much so that we are thinking of doing an entire six week regular workshop on the topic. (Let me know if interested. No requirement to take it.) Branding becomes critical not only the in basics like genre covers, but in so much more, such as licensing, trademarks, and overall value of a book or series, let alone its sales and licensing. And wow are there a lot of elements that go into branding in fiction. (Six weeks worth easy.) Most writers I’ve talked to tell me they understand branding, but as I stare at just their covers,…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Workshops in Kickstarter

    FIVE SPECIALS… They were from earlier Kickstarters and have not been for sale and never will be outside a kickstarter campaign. So since this is for ten of my book series, (Dean Wesley Smith Starter Kit) we went looking for some old special workshops that fit some of my series. And we found five that you may have missed when they went by over the last five years. So here is the write-up about them from the campaign… —- The ones we brought back are the ones that fit with one or more of my series in the Starter Kit. You can get your choice of one, two, three, four,…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Kickstarter is Live!!!

    And Fun for Me!! You can see it at DEAN WESLEY SMITH Starter Kit.  All kinds of my books, some great special workshops coming back from other Kickstarters (You get a choice if you missed one before) and some fun stretch rewards, including a brand new lecture series. And I was going to add the challenge there as well, but alas it breaks Kickstarter Rules. Sorry. And take a look at the branding. I’ll talk about it later. Only ten days on this one, so really tight turn. Don’t miss it.  

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign


    DEAN WESLEY SMITH Starter Kit… Kickstarter campaign starts tomorrow. You want to get a sense of what I write since I never talk much about my own books here, take a look at ten of my series we are offering first books in the Starter Kit. We launch at noon West Coast Time, but the promotion page is up. That way you can have Kickstarter contact you the moment it fires off. And trust me, if you back a campaign quickly, it really, really helps us. A lot. First books of ten of my series, plus some great special workshops (actually your choice of five) and a series of new…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    More On Dean Challenges

    Some Great Questions This Weekend… Main question is that if I go past a million words, does that mean anyone in the challenge must as well? Nope. If I write past a million words (love how you guys are worried about that while I am worried with the eyes of just getting close to that number), the challenge is capped at one million. So the full folks need to write that much, the half need to write 500,000 words. If I do 800,000 words, that is the mark for the full and 400,000 is for the half. I will be reporting every week on both challenges with a video. Every…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Writers at the Ball Park

    Great Fun on a Great Afternoon.. Kris and I and Lisa Collins headed for the Royals/Rockies pre-season game here in Vegas. The park is fantastic, we had good seats, and my eyes are better enough that I could actually track balls after they were hit, which was a worry of mine going. Made the afternoon a lot more fun, let me tell you. Kris did a great post about the afternoon on Facebook. I just wanted to put the picture here of what it looks like when two New York Times bestselling writers go to a baseball game. It looks exactly like any two people. (grin)  

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    Learning In Writing

    Not Like Other Skills… This came from a fun conversation with other writers today at lunch. When you learn something in fiction writing, you can’t just take that learning and apply it like learning how to fix a pipe or do something in Photoshop. I wish sometimes it worked that way, but alas it does not. So when you learn something from a writing book, or another writer’s work, or a workshop like we teach, you must do your best to understand it while learning it, then go back to writing and forget what you learned. That’s right, forget it. When you learn something about a craft area of writing,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Update to Award On the Full Challenge

    Got Some Questions About the Awards… On the full challenge, if you get past whatever I write or anywhere near a million words in the nine months (no matter how much I write if I write more than a million), then you get your choice of a Lifetime Subscription. But if the Lifetime Subscription doesn’t interest you, or you already have it, you could get something like a full year of the Advanced Craft Classes (going to be doing six more in 2024.) Or one of the year-long subscriptions that has a price about the same as a lifetime subscription. (We will do another of those in 2024 as well…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing

    Dean Challenges… Two of them…

    Both a Full and a Half Challenge… Last night I mentioned I was thinking about doing a challenge for anyone who wanted to try to match or beat the number of consumable words I wrote from April 1st 2023 until December 31st, 2023. Nine months. I said what I hoped to hit, but of course that is just the plan and we all know how plans go. (grin) But I also suggested that I would set up a challenge for anyone who wanted to try to match me. A challenge similar to the other challenges already there. And a couple people thought they could keep up or beat me, which…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Writing in Public

    A Fun Challenge…

    This Is Only An Idea… Many of you know I got basically an eye infection in my only good eye back in late October that pretty much made me blind for a time and vision challenged for months now. Docs said it would take six months to get better and it has been getting better. Still not back yet, but I am getting back reading. I will be catching up on workshop stories I have let go (thanks for understanding) and even more fun I will be reading Kris’s new Diving novel that has been sitting on my table for three weeks. Damn that is exciting. But even more exciting…