Advertising and Building Fans…
Kris and I Went to An Aces’ Game Tonight… Great fun, great game. And then at the half, I was out in the huge lobby that circles the arena and every 100 paces or so was another booth selling swag. And a lot of them had long lines and a lot of stuff was sold out. And then I really looked around and it seemed I was one of a very few people out of the 9,000 there that didn’t have an Aces’ shirt or hat or something. Kris even wore her Aces’ t-shirt. And so I watched with that vision in mind starting the second half. Everything, and I…
Some Questions About Details Classes…
First Two In Each Series Now Available… In fantasy, the first two Down in the Details classes are 1) Magic Shops and 2) Portals. In mystery, the first two available are 1) Unsolved Crimes and 2) Locked Room. In science fiction, the first two are 1) Invasion stories and 2) Exploration stories. Each class has a prompt for a story to write and send it to me for original anthologies in each genre. But I have gotten questions as to why I tell writers to not send the stories to me first. Yes, I pay 6 cents per word, and yes it will be original anthologies, and yes the writers…
Why Do Streaks?
Day #4,031 of This Blog… Never missed, as I said yesterday. So why do this, or any other writing streak for that matter? The answer is simple… FOR YOURSELF You do it for yourself. Last year I wrote over 100 short stories in 100 days. Why? Because I wanted to. Thought it would be fun, and it was. Over the last few years WMG has had challenges we offer to writers on Teachable. A no-lose challenge. If they miss, they get what they paid in credit in workshops, if they hit the challenge, they get a lifetime subscription of their choice. Story a week, novel every two months, novella a…
11 Years Plus…
Twelve Years Ago Bill Trojan Died… He was a sf and mystery fan, a collector, a hoarder, and a great friend. I spent most of a year taking care of his stuff after he died and settling his estate. 11 years ago on August 1st I started a blog streak, saying something here every night. 11 Years Have Gone By… I have never missed. Power failures, internet failures, computer crashes, being in the hospital, I never missed a blog. As of today, this is blog 4,030 in a row. I was 60 years old when I started this. In the last 11 years I have also written about 14 million…
Some Updates…
Thanks, Everyone… For the support of our grand opening sale for the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine new Shopify store. It was great and we got the store off the ground. Just wonderful! Thanks!! A couple of updates… I will turn off the sale for the workshops around noon when I get up. I would imagine the folks at WMG will be shutting off the sale for the bookstores as well around that point. So if you are up before noon West Coast Time, you can still grab a workshop at half price (see the last number of posts for details.) SPECIAL PULPHOUSE WORKSHOPS I got really delayed this weekend and will…
Last Full Day of the Sale…
LAST DAY ON THE SALE!! 50% off All WMG Writing classes and Workshops… Everything. The code to get any class, workshop, subscription on WMG Teachable 50% off is: GrandOpen Just hit purchase on anything you want and on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will have it for half price. Everything is available, including the lifetime subscriptions and the bundles to the new DOWN IN THE DETAILS classes. BRAND NEW CLASS SERIES… The brand new series is called DOWN IN THE DETAILS series and it has eight fantasy classes, eight mystery classes, and eight science fiction classes. There is no deadline to take the classes or to turn in a…
Two New Stretch Rewards Posted…
One for Diving Kickstarter and One for Pulphouse… That’s right, two different stretch goals up today. In the Diving Kickstarter the second stretch goal class is posted. It is the second class in the new DOWN IN THE DETAILS science fiction group of classes. It is live on Teachable as well. It is called Writing Science Fiction Invasion Stories. For the backers of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine who want to try to get into the pages with a story, the guidelines for August are posted in an update to backers. Follow the guidelines completely if you are going to send me a story. TWO MORE DAYS ON THE SALE! Remember!!! 50%…
Reminder About Down in the Details Classes
All Three First Classes Are Up… Each week one more class will be filled in all three genres. The second ones in a few days for each one. Thought I would remind you all about them since there is only three more days in the sale to get them at half price. The brand new series is called DOWN IN THE DETAILS series and it has eight fantasy classes, eight mystery classes, and eight science fiction classes. There is no deadline to take the classes or to turn in a story. Just one story per class per author, but no deadlines at all. If we fill one of the anthologies…
A Really Fun and Great Thing…
Writer David H. Hendrickson Runs for A Great Cause… Award-winning mystery writer and regular contributor to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, David H. Hendrickson has decided to run the New York City Marathon in early November. Now some of you might remember that in my last half-marathon in February here in Vegas, Dave had already finished and because I was having back issues, came back for me and helped me get through the finish line, to a medical tent, and then to the car. Dave is amazing and he just completed a Half Iron Man race. That just hurts my head. Dave is running the full New York Marathon and he is…
August Workshops Now Live!!
They Just All Started… The Nine Regular Workshops (including the three new this month) are all live and going as of tonight and they are… Class #12… Aug 8th … Magic Bakery Class #13… Aug 8th … Writing into the Dark Class #15… Aug 8th … Teams in Fiction Class #16… Aug 9th … Depth in Writing Class #17… Aug 9th … Plotting with Depth Class #18… Aug 9th … Depth in Action Class #19… Aug 9th … Applied Depth Class #20… Aug 9th… Killing Critical Voice Class #22… Aug 9th … Advanced Depth Each are six weeks long with five assignments that I respond to and give feedback on.…