Challenge,  workshops

In-Person Workshops Announced…

Just Two of Them…

Because Kris is just finishing up the in-person workshop here, and she had a blast doing it with 14 really great writers at Resorts World, we decided to announce another two in-person craft workshops.

  • FANTASY DETECTIVES… May  6th through 9th… Resorts World in Las Vegas.   Taught by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Cost is $750 for the class. Must be paid to hold your spot. Limited to only 14 writers.
  • SPACE OPERA… January  13th through 16th, 2025… Resorts World in Las Vegas.   Taught by Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Cost is $750 for the class. Must be paid to hold your spot. Limited to only 14 writers.

If you have never been to a WMG in-person workshop, contact me directly with information about your writing and publishing.

If you have been to one, contact me and I will get you how to pay the fee through Paypal and get your name on the list.

Again only 14 spots total and as I write this to announce this, three spots are already gone to writers who are here at the moment. So basically 11 spots left at the moment.

Both these craft workshops will fill very quickly. They are really fun.

(Study Along classes are also up for both.)


Reminder that it will happen at Resorts World in the middle of July (dates not yet announced).  The cost is $900 to hold your spot and out of the 40 spots, only 9 spots left. So don’t miss this one. Got a hunch it will fill soon. Contact me on how to pay and to get on the list if you have been to an in-person workshop before.

So three in-person workshops in Las Vegas. Two fun craft classes taught by Kris and the Anthology Workshop returning for the first time since 2020.