• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Brand New Story Bundle…

    FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LOVE MYSTERY… Kris put together what I think might be one of the best mystery StoryBundles in a long, long time. And I feel really lucky to have a book in this one, let me tell you. Here is the link to get it:  https://storybundle.com/mystery Here is Kris’s blog introduction to the bundle… —– SECRETS AND LIES STORYBUNDLE by Kristine Kathryn Rusch Want me to pick up a book? Put the word “secret” on the cover. Secret histories, secret lives, or heck, just the word “secrets” by itself. I love secrets. Secrets imply something slightly nefarious, something untoward, something that must be kept hidden for…

  • Challenge,  Cover Fun,  publishing

    Covers for Issue #48 of Smith’s Monthly

    Short Story Covers… This for Smith’s Monthly #48 which is the April Issue. I did these five covers tonight, took me about an hour and a half total, again the longest time was looking for the art. Just as with every month, the short story covers are all different in the issue. That’s a good thing. There is an original Marble Grant story, which has a different look to the cover using Pop Art. The other four all used the template. I have original stories from Bryant Street, Sky Tate, Cold Poker Gang and a reprint of a Pahket Jones story from the cat anthologies. So five very, very different…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Post Just For Readers

    Books In The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign… Wow, are there a lot of books for readers in The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign. To start off with, everyone who backs the campaign at the $5 level and above will get a copy of the brand new Fey Novella that Kris will write to get herself back writing Fey novels. She explains it all in the video. It is at the bottom of this post. Then if you backed the reward at the $30 level, (or added it to another reward) you would get all seven books of the Fey in electronic editions. And there is also a…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Post Just For Writers

    A Summary of Classes in the Kickstarter. We are just ten days from the end of The Return of the Fey Kickstarter campaign. So thought I would summarize where we are with classes and stretch rewards with lots of time left. First off, there are two amazing classes you can back on this campaign. You can get one or both, actually. Special Three Week Writing Epic Fantasy workshop. This will only be offered through this campaign. You can start it May 4th or June 1st. (I may have said different dates on the campaign, but these are official start dates.) Cost is $150.00 Lessons from the Writing of the Fey.…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing

    Saturday Night…

    Too Busy Working On a Novel… To spend too much time writing a long, thoughtful post. So basically this is another one of those filler blogs to keep my streak alive. I think this is 3,100 days in a row without missing writing and posting a blog here. Might be 3,101 days in a row. Too busy to spend the time and check exactly. (grin) Now I admit that is silliness. But still going. And the Return of the Fey Kickstarter campaign is still going and Kris and I are putting final touches on a Pop-Up class every day and I am recording one a day. Which is why I…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    Colliding Worlds Sent to Backers…

    All Six Books in Electronic Format… At the moment, only the backers on the Kickstarter Colliding Worlds project got them. The paper  and signed copies will take another month and it all will go on sale in the middle of April. I am really looking forward to seeing this set on my shelf. Kris and I are both really happy with how it turned out, to be honest. We each gave a new life to sixty of our short stories, ten each in each book. What a fun idea that was. I will let you all know when they are for sale to the general public. Amazing how many science…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    April and May Workshops Now Up

    Room in Both Months for New Workshops… Stay turned if we start a few new workshops in April and May I will announce them here. We have created room in both months. So I will announce if there are new workshops coming. But right now you can jump into any in April and May and if you haven’t taken a workshop yet, start with Depth. That is the basics workshop for all of them. ON ANOTHER TOPIC… Loren’s Crowdfunding Your Fiction: A Best Practices Guide is going great. Folks, you can get the book for $2 in this campaign. Anyone who has ever thought about doing a Kickstarter for a…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Thank Heavens For Naps…

    A Nap Day Today… Actually, a three-nap day, although it was actually only two because the first one was interrupted by a phone call I had to take. Now I normally take a twenty-minute nap once a day, usually right before dinner. And since I am freelance, I can do what I want. There are advantages. But today I woke up exhausted. Kris and I managed to get one of our cars into the shop for a standard tuning ,and then we got an amazing lunch that we ate sitting in the car looking at basically nothing with 1970s music playing. But the moment I got home, the first aborted…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Crowdfunding Your Fiction

    Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers… If you are a writer and have even given one thought to doing a Kickstarter campaign, you need this book. This book will become the bible for fiction Kickstarters. Done by Loren L. Coleman, who has done small campaigns and million dollar campaigns, he puts all the details together. This book will not only tell you how to run a successful campaign and make a bunch of money, but also will keep you from making some really silly blunders. He is launching this book as a Kickstarter. Duh. You can get the book for $2.00 electronic. No reason to not have it. Plus he…

  • Challenge,  Smiths Monthly

    Trying To Decide About #50

    A Very Fun Problem… Now that I have relaunched Smith’s Monthly and have three issues out so far, I am starting to face a problem that when I started this crazy magazine seemed very far off. What am I going to do with Issue #50? Something special or nothing at all? That’s right, with the June 2021 issue, I will have published 50 issues of Smith’s Monthly. All with my own work completely in it. A magazine between 50,000 and 70,000 words per month. It will have held 50 novels, over 220 short stories, and a ton of other nonfiction stuff. As I said, a very fun problem. Part of…