• Challenge,  Recommended Reading,  workshops

    Thank You All!

    Very Much Appreciate the Responses on the Workshop Question… So clearly from the comments here and the emails, Kris and I need to start putting this workshop together for some time in early 2022. So thank you one and all. Now that I have heard the comments and such, it is very clear the workshop will be valuable to writers of all levels. That’s perfect. So thanks! Visions of the Future Storybundle has just over one day left. There are some really fun books in this one. Ten books for $15. Great reading and you can give it as a gift if you want. So one day left. Don’t miss…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    Workshop Question…

    Would Anyone Be Interested In a Pulp Speed Workshop? No requirement to take it, I’m just trying to find out if there is interest. In the Making a Living with Novels workshop, I talked about Pulp Speed, described it in one video. And I have described it here on this blog a bunch of times over the years. But not once have I explained to anyone how to reach pulp speed. I do it so naturally over decades, I guess I just sort of thought that if a person wanted to do it, they could just do it. I sort of forgot what it took for me to build up…

  • Challenge,  Cover Fun

    Monthly Cover Fun

    At Least Fun for Me… Every month with Smith’s Monthly I get to do all the covers for the short stories in the issue, plus the exterior cover. And sometimes I put the covers here. This month was fairly easy, actually. There are ten short stories in this issue and one novel. But the six of the short stories are in a collection I put together, so I had already done the covers and the cover for the collection. (The entire collection is in the issue.) And one of the short stories was in an another collection I just put out, so that cover is already done as well. So…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    December and January Workshops

    All Now Available… Took me most of the day today, along with moving stuff out of the old condo and working on laying out Smith’s Monthly #55, but I got them all ready to go and posted. And as I said last night or in a comment or something, getting a brand new workshop available to start in February. Also, the Decade Ahead classes will start back up after two years of this pandemic. Crystal ball is clearing a lot. Thankfully. So January the Decade Ahead classes will start up and this next week after I get them organized some, I will open them back up for sign-ups. All the…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    December Regular Workshops Now Up

    January Workshops Will All Be Up Tomorrow… So both December and January regular workshops will be available. Then a day or so after that a number of the collection’s workshops will be extended through next year. And then three or four Master Business Class workshops will launch (Kris and I have been working on them.) We will launch even more over the next week or so. And a lot more by the end of the year. I got a couple of questions about workshop sales. And writers wondering if we are going to do another one, maybe for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Nothing really planned, but if a few…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Short Post… One Last Bit of Moving

    Finally Clearing Our Old Condo… We left some boxes, some clothes, some misc stuff in our old condo because we were not clearing out until December 1st officially. So it was sort of a storage unit, but 95% cleared out. So today I tossed away my old internet computer chair (actually gave it to the security folks here in the building for their office) and brought up a chair I had stored in the old condo. Got the last 14 boxes of the books upstairs two days ago, and last week I got a second storage unit right next to our main one. I will be moving stuff from the…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Recommended Reading

    Two Amazing Bundles of Books

    And I Curated One of Them… First off I have a Thunder Mountain novel in the Storybundle I curated by the name of Visions of the Future. My book plus 9 other great science fiction books in there by some great writers. Kris has a Diving Novel in here as well. Image of the ten books below. Get it at Storybundle.com/future Then I also have a book in a Storybundle Robert Jeschonek curated basically called Weird. The book I have in there is a Pulphouse  short story anthology of really whacked out stories titled THAT’S REALLY MESSED UP. Great writers in that anthology, but then you look at the writers…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    One More Vague Post…

    Breakthrough Today On the New Challenge… Poor Kris and Allyson. I think I have officially driven them both crazy with trying to figure out all the details on this coming challenge and working the details all through. Of course, Kris and Allyson both know me well enough to know that I just go over and over and over the same thing until I have thought about every detail. Then once I make up my mind, I just do it and stop talking about it. Got a hunch they both are praying that day is almost here. (grin) Tonight alone, after Allyson had gone home, I called her to talk about…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Brought Forward Again

    I Figured I Would Bring The Original Pulp Speed Post Forward Again… (I wrote this post around 2014, then brought it forward to 2016, then 2017, and just about every year or so since.) Not at all sure why this idea of writing at Pulp Speed sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths and critical voice under control to even attempt Pulp Speed One. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason I can’t shake this idea is because for all of…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Our Holiday Season Started

    With A 5K Run/Walk Under the Holiday Lights Three miles of holiday lights with over 2,000 people, mostly families, in pajamas. It is held at the big Nascar track and they decorate the entire area under the grandstands, around both ends of the track, and along the edge of the big track. Three miles of some of the best holiday lights I have ever seen. For the entire holiday season it is for cars to drive around under it with their radio tuned to a holiday music channel. But to open it, they do this massive charity 5k run with everyone wearing pajamas. Families of parents, kids, and grandparents all…