Explaining Depth
And All the Workshops Attached to Depth… Since we are doing a sale with everything half off, and I got the question to explain exactly what Depth is and how all the workshops tie together, I figured this would be a good time to do it. To get any workshop at half price, just hit purchase on anything on Teachable, then use the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and you will get it for half price. 1… WRITING WITH DEPTH is the basis of all of the craft workshops we do. We offer it every month and I have not changed it much at all in the five or six…
August Regular Workshop Sale Starting!
Everything on WMG Teachable 50% Off! That’s right, everything. And a bunch of new stuff since the last sale. I’ll go over some of it. Go to WMG Teachable. To get the 50% off price, just hit purchase on what you would like to take, then on the next page put in the code: AugustRegularSale And hit apply and it will be 50% off. This sale lasts exactly one week. It does not include the in-person workshops, only everything on Teachable. New Stuff Included in the Sale! 9 Different Study-Along classes. (Also the Lifetime Subscription to Study Along Classes which is a fantastic deal even at full price. It includes…
Ron Collin’s Take On My Last Post
Very Much Worth Reading. You can find it here: http://typosphere.com/2022/08/19/pulp-speed-its-just-me-in-here/?fbclid=IwAR2M7fDfL_WSU4rusYyC72ugOU4XVNs4lb54IR9IFHpuSUKfWzMCoCohlPk And I think his comments are stunningly healthy and level on a topic like Pulp Speed that has little healthy about it, or level for that matter. Give it a read. Very much worth it. Thanks, Ron!
Pulp Speed in Indie Publishing
Indie vs Traditional Publishing and Speed… There are still writers working today who hit Pulp Speed, or very close to it in traditional publishing. You have to be a master of the business, have an ability to write anything, and the skills to work for many publishing houses to publish that much in traditional publishing. Just do the math. Pulp Speed is about a million consumable words per year. Say you do 300,000 words in blogs, short stories, and other misc stuff, that would leave 700,000 words for traditionally published novels. That’s ten 70,000 word novels per year. I did that for about a decade during the 1990s and there…
The Annoyance of Streaks
No One Talks About The Negative of Streaks… All we talk about is how they help us get stuff done, and how powerful they are to get us moving. And so much more. And all of it true. But sometimes, streaks are just annoying. For example, my very short streak of five miles of exercise every day is all the way up to three days now. And I can feel it gaining power with each day. But tonight, to get the last of those miles, I was walking alone in a hallway on the 7th floor of this building because one lap around that hallway is exactly 1/5th of a…
Past Crimes Bundle Last Day!!
If You Want Great Mystery Reading, Don’t Miss This One!!! I’m going to reprint here my introduction to the Past Crime’s Bundle on this last day. I was amazingly honored to be able to put this together and work with these other fantastic mystery writers. But all good things come to an end, and this bundle and the deal to get the ten books will end on Thursday evening. So don’t miss it. Just one day left!! Go to www.Storybundle.com/crime So below is my blog/introduction to the StoryBundle that I think describes it pretty well. It Came Together This Way The past often brings out the best in crime. In…
Exercise and Weight Update
First 5K Run Is In One Month… Yikes, not having the weight-loss success I had hoped. In fact, I suck. I even gained a pound this last week. I have been eating much healthier. And fewer calories. The problem is the exercise. I get started, then get focused on something else and just flat forget. Start a streak, miss, forget. Two months now of that. Some good things are that my muscles and skin are tightening up, and it is getting easier to run, even though I am still heavier than I want to be. But wow, the intense discipline I thought I could bring to this has not arrived…
What a Workshop Week
Insane, Actually… This last week we fired up and announced all six of the 2023 in person workshops. There are only two spots left in the January 2023 Fantasy Caper workshop. Write me if interested. Information is at www.wmgworkshops.com Click under the In-Person Vegas Workshops for the full list. Fantasy Thriller in July is filling fast along with Time Travel Romance in March. And one more note: The in-person workshops are $750 fee until September 1st. Then the price goes up to $1,000. We also started this week the Study Along workshops on Teachable for the six in-person classes that were added. If you can’t make Vegas, but love the…
September Workshops Now Available
Including new Applied Depth Workshop Yes, Applied Depth as been added to the Lifetime Workshop Subscription. And yes, just sign up for any of them on Teachable. Depth in Writing workshop is required to take the Applied Depth, plus it is suggested to take the Advanced Depth workshop before as well. Applied Depth Workshop takes the concepts of Basic Depth and then applies those concepts to all the major genres. Openings of stories and novels are different from genre to genre. And yes, basic depth tends to work, but there are techniques for each genre, reader expectations of opening for each genre, that will help you get readers of a…
Update Stuff
Just a Friday Night, Saturday Morning Quick Update Mostly doing workshop stuff, trying to get things squared away. September workshops should all be available later on Saturday. And I think I have everything pretty set for the In-Person workshops. (See the last few posts.) And also getting ready to start my really fun buffet project, so stay tuned for updates on that. And more than anything else, I have three stories to finish in the next few days and an issue of Pulphouse to turn in. So fun busy. Really fun. So that’s it for a quick update and a short blog.