Workshop Updates… Starting This Week…
Three New Regular Workshops Starting Up… Nine Regular Workshops this month with the sale going on. Great timing there on our Grand Opening Sale for the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine new store. The Nine Regular Workshops (including the three new this month) are… Class #12… Aug 8th … Magic Bakery Class #13… Aug 8th … Writing into the Dark Class #15… Aug 8th … Teams in Fiction Class #16… Aug 9th … Depth in Writing Class #17… Aug 9th … Plotting with Depth Class #18… Aug 9th … Depth in Action Class #19… Aug 9th … Applied Depth Class #20… Aug 9th… Killing Critical Voice Class #22… Aug 9th … Advanced…
The First DOWN IN THE DETAILS Classes Are Up…
First in Fantasy… First in Science Fiction… The first mystery class will be loaded tomorrow. Then each week one more class will be filled. But right now the first class in fantasy about Magic Shops and the first class in science fiction about writing sf invasion stories are both loaded and ready to go. The brand new series is called DOWN IN THE DETAILS series and it has eight fantasy classes, eight mystery classes, and eight science fiction classes. There is no deadline to take the classes or to turn in a story. Just one story per class per author, but no deadlines at all. If we fill one of…
Questions About New Workshops and Sale…
Got Some Great Questions…. So let me first remind everyone that the sale is on everything on WMG Teachable including all the subscriptions. And to answer one question, yes the Lifetime Everything Subscription is half price and if you already have another lifetime subscription, we can take even more off. The code to get any class, workshop, subscription on WMG Teachable 50% off is: GrandOpen Just hit purchase on anything you want and on the next page put in the code and hit apply and you will have it for half price. Everything is available, including the lifetime subscriptions and the bundles to the new DOWN IN THE DETAILS classes.…
Includes All Books, Merchandise, and Workshops! Pulphouse Fiction Magazine has a brand new Shopify store, and to celebrate, we are having a Grand Opening Sale of everything in that store, in our large bookstore, and all WMG Workshops. Go to www.pulphousemagazine.com and take a look. All the sale information is there at the top of the page. This new store is one of the many things we are excited about with Pulphouse. Fiction Magazine with our new monthly schedule. And wow do we have some fun new writing classes we are launching into this sale so you can get them half price. The code to get any class, workshop, subscription on…
Katy Perry
Kris and I Went to Her Show Tonight… Katy Perry has had a residency at the Resorts World Hotel and Casino here in Vegas for the last two years. It is called “Play.” And it is a whacked out version of Toy Story combined with Pee Wee Herman’s Playhouse, twisted a couple dozen more times and then put on steroids. For the entire first two acts I sat with my mouth open in shock and awe at the writing and the over-the-top everything. And the background animation and the between-acts animated transitions were just stunning and clear. Sometimes the animation in the back screens I could not tell if it…
Last 36 Hours of the Kickstarter
And Yes, We Hit Two More Stretch Goals!!! You can see all the details at Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2023 Kickstarter. So we have hit the third and fourth regular stretch goals and two special ones, so that means we open up Pulphouse Fiction Magazine to submissions for only the backers who help us on this subscription drive. That will be fun for me, the editor, to be honest. The magazine will never be open for general submissions. Not ever. I am too old for reading slush piles and now my eyes are too bad. But I will love reading stories from backers who believe in the magazine.…
Special Stretch Reward
We Added In a New Stretch Reward a Few Days Ago… More details at the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine 2023 Subscription Drive. We figured after we hit the first special stretch reward, it would be fun to give backers another special stretch reward. Here are the rules for this one. Just like the last one we hit in two days. SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL…160 BACKERS BY TUESDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 1ST… Locked! If this campaign reaches 160 backers by Tuesday Night, August 1st at midnight, every backer of any reward at $25 and up will get a free ebook copy of the brand-new Pulphouse anthology, An Afterlife of Really Creepy Stories. And for writers,…
A Reminder About the August Regular Workshops…
There Are Now 9 Regular Workshops… I wanted to repeat this post from a week ago for two reasons. I wanted to make sure everyone saw the regular workshops. And secondly, it is almost 3am and I am too tired to write something new. So here is the post about the regular workshops again. Very, very few are signed up for any of them. —– Not only are we keeping the normal regular workshops, but because of the new world going on with Indie Publishing, we are bringing back THE MAGIC BAKERY six week workshop. Critical to understanding how this new world and copyright is working for indie writers. We…
Second Special Stretch Goal Announced!!
We Hit the First Special Stretch Goal!! With a Day to Spare!! Wow! That was so cool. Thank you, everyone!! See all the details at the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine 2023 Subscription Drive. And since we have a day to spare, we figured it would be fun to give backers another special stretch reward. Here are the rules for that new special reward. Just like the last one we hit in two days. SPECIAL STRETCH GOAL…160 BACKERS BY TUESDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 1ST… Locked! If this campaign reaches 160 backers by Tuesday Night, August 1st at midnight, every backer of any reward at $25 and up will get a free ebook copy…
Two Mentor Spots Open
Been a Year Since I Opened This To Three Writers… Since a number of the writers I was helping in this program from years ago are not writing me as often, I decided to open this back up again for two spots. I really enjoy working closely with writers over the years, but I don’t push myself on them. I am just there to help, answer questions, and point in a certain direction. Often my weekly responses are fairly short if things are going well for the writer. Sometimes I give my kind of advice. (grin) I want each writer to be the writer they want to be. And I…