• Challenge,  publishing

    Changes In Publishing

    A Glimpse of a Future As many of you know, I have been around and working in publishing and fiction writing professionally since 1987. Sold my first two short stories in 1974. Over the years, I have watched publishing change numbers of times. I knew the distribution collapse of the 1990s, caused by Safeway and invoicing, would alter publishing forever. And it did. And I watched as the Kindle changed everything in publishing and created the indie movement which is now the major part of publishing (even though traditional writers and publishers don’t want to think so.) And I have watched and wondered how this pandemic was going to change…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

    Exercise Again

    Every So Often I Just Have To Talk About This… Exercising. Critical for writers. Not a fun topic and most writers just sort of shrug and move on. But since I didn’t get the time to really unpack everything Brandon is doing on his Kickstarter today and record some videos about it, I figured I would fill this blog tonight with a reminder to exercise. I am working to lose weight and my goal as I have told many, is to run at least one marathon in my 70th spin around this planet. I am building toward that with a written-out plan that I have in a notebook beside my…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Brandon Sanderson Kickstarter

    In the Fiction Section under Publishing… This is huge and great news for all of us writers because finally the fiction section of Kickstarter will start getting some attention. Loren Coleman and I have been trying to get fiction writers to put up Kickstarter campaigns. And put them in the fiction section. Why? To get readers and buyers used to looking in Kickstarter for new books and authors, just as gamers go first to Kickstarter for new games. But just like with the gaming side, it needed a huge name to come in and blow the number out of the water so that the entire category will get more attention.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day of Half-Price Workshop Sale!!

    Ends Tuesday Evening… The half-price workshop sale is almost done and no telling if we will ever do another. If the governors of the States can get this mess under control, people wear their face masks and stay six feet apart, this pandemic in the States might drop back under control. The only reason we have done these sales during this pandemic time is to help writers stay focused on learning and writing and stay home when possible. Focusing on writing and reading is a great distraction. And I sure hope this Summer Sale helped a few of you. We are sure bummed we had to do another one. So…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Organizing Classes, Study Alongs, and Subscriptions

    What Are They All? We are doing a half-price sale right now of everything on WMG Publishing’s Teachable classes and workshops for writers. Just hit purchase and then put in the code: SummerSchoolSale You will get anything you pick, or as many classes, workshops, lectures, or subscriptions as you want, at half price. This will end late on Tuesday. The last four nights I have been taking this opportunity to finally update and put together a complete curriculum of everything on WMG Publishing’s Teachable School. You can find everything I have done in the last four posts or under the Workshop Curriculum tab on the right. Actually updated. And Kris…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Organizing Lectures

    There are a Bunch of Them… All WMG Publishing workshops, Pop-ups, lectures, subscriptions, challenges, and classes are half price at the moment on Teachable. Just hit purchase and put in the code: SUMMERSCHOOLSALE The sale will be going for a few more days is all. And while this has been going on, I thought it might be a good time to tackle the curriculum project of helping people know what workshops, pop-ups, or lectures to take to match not only their interests, but also in what order. The first night I got the top 20 craft workshops and put them in an order. Find that here. Second night I did…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More Organization

    We’re Having a Sale… Everything on WMG Publishing Teachable site, including Lifetime Subscriptions and challenges, is half price. Simply hit purchase, then put in the code word… SummerSchoolSale and you will get what you want at half price. Lasts only until July 7th at 5 pm West Coast Time. While that is going on, I thought I would spend some days trying to give order to all the massive number of workshops, classic workshops, lectures, classes, and Pop-Ups we have. And the order I am trying to get this all into I decided to sort by areas of learning. So two nights ago I listed the top twenty workshops to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More Workshops Organized

    While the Half-Price Sale Is Happening… I figured I would continue to try to put some order on the massive numbers of workshops, lectures, pop-ups, and classes we have. A curriculum if you will. Very loose one. Very. Yesterday’s blog I did what I considered the top twenty regular and classic workshops to take if your desire is to become a better storyteller. Basically craft workshops. I am going to go back and add in Shared World Class and Year of the Cat class. Both are great on craft focused writing. And I tried to put the workshops yesterday in an order that would make sense to take them over…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  workshops

    An Order To Workshops

    Craft Courses First… I have a workshop curriculum that has been posted for a while, but since we are doing a half-price sale right now for everything on Teachable (see last post for details), I thought I would revamp the curriculum some and help writers decide what class to take next. Today I will do the foundation courses for craft. Tomorrow I’ll update the foundation courses for publishing, genre, and attitude. And the numbers are my suggestions on the order to take these workshops because many of them build on others. (Two types of workshops are included. Regular and Classic. It is a regular workshop offered monthly unless noted as…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Workshop Sale… Again…

    We Are Still Mostly At Home… (Or We Should Be)… Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale two months ago, we had an expectation that as things opened up, we would all be able to slowly go back to a changed, but new normal life. And that sort of happened for some. Sort of. But now everything is headed in the other direction fast, and to be safe, we all need to stay home as much as possible to not only keep the hospitals from being overrun, but to save lives. Maybe our own. But to stay sane through this next…