• Challenge

    I Made It!!

    Eight Years of Daily Blogs… 2,920 days without missing. Power failures, hospital stays, computer crashes, traveling, moving, too tired to care, and I still did a blog every night. I started on August 1st, 2012, just about one year after my friend Bill died. I had been blogging before that for years and years in different places, but not daily. So this streak at the moment stands at 2,920 days. Some days there were more than one blog. No idea how many posts, just days. I have three distinct kind of blog posts. — Basic information, or things like that, sort of like this blog tonight. Often filler. Often talking…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing

    Diving Kickstarter Doing Great!

    An Understatement There… It funded in one hour (not a small ask, either) and hit the first stretch goal in ten hours. Still got twenty days to go. So for those of you who supported this, both Kris and I want to say, “Thank you!” Wow. And trust me, the novel THIEVES is going to be worth your time to read. Amazing and gripping. Especially if you are a fan of Boss and the universe in general. (And I just love this title image for the campaign, so putting it here again. Josh at WMG did a fantastic job with that using PhilCold’s original art which we commissioned for the…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing

    New Diving Kickstarter… NOW LIVE!!

    Launched Today  Not one, but two new Diving novels for this one. For those of you who are fans of the Diving Universe, Kris finally returned to Boss and the boneyard in a novel called THIEVES. Oh! My! God!  It is good!!! And has some surprises that will just keep you twisting. Amazing book. And it is a Boss book. And then Kris, in one of her moments of wanting to explain something to herself, wrote another novel that is set at the same time as the novel BONEYARDS and this one is called SQUISHY’S TEAMS. So two brand new Diving novels you can get early, way before publication dates,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Best Plans and All That…

    I Intended to Update the Kickstarter Best Practices… And put up the new file from Loren and talk about some new campaigns. But nope, getting too late for me to do it today, so it will be Wednesday. Sorry about that. Great fun when days just sort of get away from you. And especially since I am feeling like I have energy again for the first time in a week. So I just flat tackled too many projects. Plus I talked tonight with one of Dave Farland’s classes. I had fun, but got a hunch I sort of twisted a few minds. But for some reason Dave wanted me to…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Doing a Workshop

    Kris and I Are Putting Together a Kickstarter Basics Workshop… Every detail to think about when putting a Kickstarter campaign together, what to do first, second, third, and so on, all the way through the process and afterwards into fulfillment. So one of the best ways to research the details needed for the workshop is to do another Kickstarter campaign. And just write down the details as I go along. Since I have done fourteen or so now, I just automatically do things that I now have a memory of really struggling with the first few times through. And wow are there a lot of details. The one we are…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Scheduling Silliness

    No Idea What I Was Thinking… Clearly the thinking part was the problem. You see, I came back from this last trip used to getting up at 6 in the morning. I had worked my schedule back to that the week before I left and just felt like I had gotten used to it. I had to be up that early for both the driving and the 16 hour days in the warehouse working. After a week it just didn’t seem hard or painful anymore. So I get back to Vegas, totally exhausted, and am thinking how much better it would be if I just stayed on that morning schedule,…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    A Science Fiction World

    I Just Finished a Long Drive… From Las Vegas, Nevada, up through Idaho and then completely across Oregon to the Oregon Coast. About twenty hours of driving or so one way, ten hours each day for four days. In the past I have loved to just get out and drive. All my friends know that about me. And sometimes I take back roads and head for places in the wilderness Kris will never go with me to again. Ever. But this time the driving and the travel was different and not fun. In the old days I would stop every hour to see something, get out and get a snack,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Got to Have Help

    Especially with Streaks… It is flat impossible to not have help with long streaks, either writing, exercising, or blogging as I talked about last night. For example, I help Kris with her streak of steps by asking at times, especially on days when she is tired or distracted, if she has her steps. Not nagging, just being a support. Tonight, because she knows I am still off-the-charts exhausted, she reminded me three different times about doing this blog. Not nagging, just helping out. And it means a great deal to me. I know a couple writers who had weekly story streaks going that had family asking if the story was…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Day 2,911

    Blog Streak is Approaching Eight Years… On August 1st, unless I miss between now and then, I will have done a daily blog or more every day for 2,920 days. That is through major moves, power outages, internet down, computer crashes, and nasty storms. Some blogs are like this one… filler because I am too tired to write anything of value. Some have been just me talking about my day. Some have been workshop news and such. A few have been book announcements, but very few considering that over those eight years I published well over two hundred books with my name on the front covers, including a ton of…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    A Day of Naps… And Magic, Monsters, and Myths Storybundle

    I Even Managed a Few Emails… Not Many… Mostly just kept sprawling out on the bed and passing out every hour or so. Watched some television, napped, did a few emails, napped, got some steps, napped. Tomorrow I should be back to half-human. But I got something I need to remind you all about tonight, before I pass out yet again. Since this will be done late today, I need to tell you that I have a book in the Storybundle Magic, Monsters, and Myths that Kris curated. The books in this bundle are amazing. Maybe one of the better bundles I have seen in a while, to be honest.…