• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Doing Something New…

    Late Pledges on a Kickstarter Campaign… This is only new for us. Many large campaigns do this to one level or another. We have done 14 campaigns before this one and never tried this. One of the reasons we wanted to do this is because it makes the surveys much nicer. Now granted, the standard Kickstarter surveys are just fine, but with an after-sale company, the surveys look better and allows for a clean ability to get the person’s add-ons. Also, it would have made fulfillment quicker, except for the fact that WMG Publishing had to evacuate our offices last week, and I was slow putting the entire thing together…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    Got to Love Them… I wrote four short stories in the last week or so, got two more to do I found out today. Actually thought I only had one, but had missed one. And in a wonderful meeting (wonderful because everyone at WMG Publishing is healthy and our offices are still there), I got a number of other deadlines set. When focused, I work great to deadlines, and at the moment I am focused on writing and exercise. So I should be fine. My writing deadlines for the next month. (Yes, I do mean one month.) — Two new original short stories. — Introductions and author intros for Cat…

  • Challenge,  running

    Last Fall

    Kris and I Ran a Lot of Fun Runs… Wow, that seems like a long time ago. But the running group I have joined put on four or five of those, and are trying to put on three of them this fall again. They were the group behind a large run called Vegas Strong to benefit the shooting victims. That would be running in a week, but was cancelled because it was just too big to be done safely. The other three they put on are still under review and might work because the runners can go out in waves. I used those runs last year to stay motivated and…

  • Challenge,  running

    Exercise Update

    A Bust of a Week… Managed one 8.5 mile day, another 5 mile day, and the rest right at 3 miles per day. Mostly because I’m letting blisters on the bottom of my feet get better. Painful little suckers. So tomorrow (actually about eight hours from right now) I will be joining the running group again to do 3 miles to start the day. With luck, that will get this coming week back on track. And then cut the intake down some on the food and I’ll be back on course. Need the weight to come down so the milage can go up. My first marathon is December 5th. Might…

  • Challenge

    Another Friday…

    Of Doing Next To Nothing… And feeling fine about that, actually. Sometimes you just have to take some time off. So I did very little email. I watched a lot of news coverage about the fires in Oregon. And for the first time in weeks, I allowed myself to sleep in. And then I took a nap, actually two of them. I went out and got us lunch from one of our favorite restaurants and brought it back (we don’t eat in restaurants at this point, just take-out). I did a bunch of organizing of files in the new office, seeing what it will be like to work my way…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Special Workshop…

    Only Through A Kickstarter… A special three-week workshop through a very, very special Kickstarter campaign put on by great editor and writer, Mark Leslie for his Obsessions Anthology. Feed the Obsession Kickstarter campaign. Kris and I both have original stories in this anthology, along with some other fantastic writers. And since the object of this campaign is an anthology called Obsessions, we offered to do (just for the Kickstarter campaign) a special three-week workshop. Exclusive 3 Week Horror Fiction Workshop “How to Write an Obsession Story (That people want to read.)” Or “How to Write a Horror Short Story.” The reason this is exclusive is because you can only sign…

  • Challenge,  News

    Community To East of Lincoln City

    A Heartbreaking Video… This is a video from two guys going up into the Panther Creek area just to the east of Lincoln City.  Completely gone. Hard to imagine, and they only got into a small area of Panther Creek. I sure hope everyone got out of there. Wow. And below the video is an image of Highway 18 (main road in and out of Lincoln City from Portland.)  

  • Challenge,  News


    WMG Publishing Evacuated Out of Lincoln City, Oregon… Actually, all the employees did. And all of our writer friends also got out safely. But wow, what a mess it was there early this morning. The New WMG Publishing offices are in a level 2 evacuation zone. And all employees homes are in the same zone. Seems last night the fire that started up in the valley going toward Portland grew immensely and came into the north side of Lincoln City. To what extent we don’t yet know. Massive rumors of all sorts of stuff. No writers lived in that area, thankfully, but family of some of the WMG staff do.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Few More Hours On The Half-Priced Sale

    Leaving the Coupon Code Active until Wednesday Evening… Since yesterday was a holiday here in the States, and today it seems like half of the West Coast is either covered in smoke, worried about fire, out of power, or all three, Kris and I figured we would let the code stay active until Wednesday evening. That way everyone had a chance to get a workshop or class that they wanted. The code to get anything on WMG Publishing’s Teachable is: EndOfSummer Those of you in the Space Opera Workshop, I mentioned on Week #2 you should look at the four Pop-Ups. Well, the codes were going to go out today,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day of Half-Price Workshop Sale

    Almost Over!!! The half-priced sale is at least. Tonight, late, is the last time the EndofSummer code will work (Tuesday Night.) I sure wish this pandemic, the reason we offer these sales, was also almost over. But sadly, at least here in the States, it is not. And here we just went through a major holiday weekend. Cover of our local paper today showed crowds of tourists on the strip, on the sidewalk, almost all without masks. The casinos enforce mask use in all areas and also social distancing. They are required to do so by the Gaming Commission and the Governor. And they don’t want to be shut down…