• Challenge,  On Writing

    Day Two: Writing a Novel in a Half Month

    Chapter Two: Day Two … Standard day so far. I will keep doing the hourly breakdowns of the day as I go forward. I’m keeping little notes on a scratch pad so I remember exactly. Last night, after I signed up, I worked on reading Cave Creek stories for about an hour before at 3 am going to watch some television. Ended up getting to bed around 3:30 am. Day Two, Entry One. 11:30 am.  Rolled out of bed and got to this computer around 12:30 pm with my breakfast protein bar. That is pretty standard for me these days unless something strange is going on. I spent one hour…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Day One: Writing a Novel in Half a Month

    Chapter One: Day One I will be returning here numbers of times during the day to update this chapter. That way I don’t miss anything along the way. At least I hope I don’t. Also, I will be able to talk about my moods, what I am thinking about something. Much better than trying to recreate the entire day at the end, when I am tired. So onward with this. Day One, Entry One 11:10 am.  Rolled out of bed just about at my normal time these days and with my breakfast bar, made it to my internet computer around noon. I worked on email for a while, then spent…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Writing In Public…

    Prologue Decided to do it. Write a novel in public again, detailing it out in blog posts every night. Totally insane, but great fun, which is why I am doing this. The last few days were interesting. The more I looked at the next ten to twelve days, and looked at deadlines, and publishing and other writing projects I will be doing, the more I realized how much I had to do. So the sane thing would be to just push off trying to do a novel quickly and in public. I’ve failed a number of times trying this because of scheduling issues the first year I was here in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Smiths Monthly

    Smith’s Monthly #46 Out Tomorrow

    In Theory…  That means that I will have gotten two months out in a row, and already working on Smith’s Monthly #47 layout (March issue) and putting #48 together (April issue). As I do covers for short stories, I’ll post them here. But I have a desire to do a novel quickly, so I may do one of those books that I talk about the writing moment-by-moment each day for 10 days. The reason I got onto this idea was way back (years and years ago) I did that here, put all the blogs together into a book called Writing a Novel in Ten Days. Well, that book is in…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Boss is Back!!

    Thieves Publishes Today!! Today New York Times and USA Today bestselling novelist Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s new Diving Universe novel THIEVES publishes today. THIEVES is a great book, to say the least. Great science fiction. Boss is back and diving the boneyard. And oh, wow, is the clock ticking. Some of you may have gotten this book early through the Kickstarter we did last fall. (Hardbacks are still stuck at the printer, sadly. And the game is still stuck in China.) So if you got to read it already and like it, help us pass the word. This is just an amazing addition to the Diving Universe. And for those of…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  publishing

    Lots of Fun Reading This Week

    Got Cave Creek Stories In… I need 30 stories for the three books. Ten per book. And got just about that number in total not spread that evenly over the books. So looks like I will have a second call out to those in the Shared World Class. I had no doubt that would be the case, but was surprised at the low number. Also, a note: The Shared World class originally said nine months, but now it will be going for at least another year. Lots of stuff already there, more videos on putting these together, and more anthologies down the road. And yes, it is still possible to…

  • Challenge,  Smiths Monthly

    Smith’s Monthly Is Back!!!

    Got My Paper Copy of #45… I can’t begin to explain how much went into having this copy of  Smith’s Monthly #45 in my hand. Over three-and-a-half years between issues. For 44 months I did an issue every month, then for just about 44 months, no issues. But every one of those lost months the thought of bringing  back the magazine was on my mind. For those who do not know, Smith’s Monthly Magazine is a magazine I fill totally with my own work. I took the idea from Mike Shayne Magazine or Asimov’s Magazine or Ellery Queen’s Magazine. But none of those are filled by the title author. I…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    I’m a Copyright Junkie…

    I Know…. Sounds Painful… Today, I found some amazing articles on copyright and trademark. Basically IP. One pretty amazing article was on copyright, bad agents and lawyers, really bad contracts, divorce, and more twists and turns than anyone will be able to figure out because of all the stupidity over the decades. It concerned the Tom Clancy’s estate and Jack Ryan. I am not going to link to it because the copyright and trademark concepts in it will just give anyone who is not a copyright junkie the wrong ideas. A second court case article was posted about Dwight Yoakam suing Warner Brothers for continuing to sell his songs. Actually,…

  • Challenge,  News

    Got Both Shots!!

    Exhausted… But not sure if that is a reaction to the second shot, or relief that I have them both, or because I had to stand in a line that was almost one mile long (not kidding) in the sun on concrete for 3.5 hours. Not kidding. And there was a line that long for each of the two brands of vaccines. Thousands and thousands of people, all getting second shots at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Luckily I got there over an hour early and managed to get in the correct line, so I got my shot only two hours late from my appointment. So happy and tired. In…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Clearing the Decks

    Getting a Second Shot Thursday… So I wanted to have projects that were due immediately done in case I am down for a day or so with a reaction. So tonight Kris and I turned in all six of the Colliding Worlds books to WMG Publishing, including introductions. That turned out to be a really fun project in a lot of ways. Also tonight, we turned in the last three Year of a Cat anthologies, including all the introductions. So that’s nine major books in one night, turned in. (We had been building toward that, of course.) So after I get through the second shot (maybe tomorrow night, maybe Friday),…