• Challenge,  publishing

    Having Fun With Collections

    Going to Do Seven or Eight… I had ten collections planned for my 70 books in my 70th year. I did two earlier in the year, then just forgot about these others until Allyson at WMG reminded me a few months back and told me they had them on the schedule to be published toward the end of October. Oh, oh… I have so many short stories, I have a couple of issues. First, I can’t remember what a story is about without looking at it. Second out of a choice of around 300 short stories that are already in print, mostly in Smith’s Monthly, or other WMG publications, and…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Last Day for Justice…

    GETTING JUSTICE STORYBUNDLE ENDS TODAY!!! I am really proud of this Storybundle because not only is it a great idea for a bundle of books, but for the fantastic writers who are in it. The reading in this is flat amazing on so many different levels. And today is the very last day to get this deal. If you love all sorts of mystery novels and stories, this is a bundle for you. Enough reading for one low price to keep you in great mystery stories for months. Can’t beat this deal. So once again today is the last day and this is gone! The link to the bundle is…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    The Wet Blanket Reality… Chapter One

    Chapter One… Manuscript Must Be Perfect Writers who believe in the myth of traditional publishing also believe deeply in the myth that rewriting is good and that a manuscript must be perfect before you dare send it off to an agent. Perfect, I say!!  Perfect! (I have never in my 40 plus years in publishing ever seen a perfect manuscript.) So what happens is that years and years pass while the writer “Works on their book.” Okay, come on, we all know a number of these writers spending years “working on their book.” And sadly, these writers are proud they are doing that and they will be glad to tell…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    The Wet Blanket Reality… Introduction

    INTRODUCTION…The Myths The Wet Blanket Reality will be a writing book about the reality of trying to sell novels to traditional publishers. I suppose the title of the book could be TRADITIONAL NOVEL PUBLISHING: The Wet Blanket Reality. But as I write this here on my blog, chapter-by-chapter, I’m just going to call it by the subtitle. Fits better. And sadly gives away the book. That’s right. I am going to be a wet blanket, smother a little of your writing dreams to help you gain a more sustainable and fun dream of being a long-term professional writer. Think of it this way. Part of you is on fire so…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    StoryBundle GETTING JUSTICE…

    ONLY FOUR DAYS LEFT! I am really proud of this Storybundle because not only is it a great idea for a bundle of books, but for the fantastic writers who are in it. The reading in this will be amazing on so many different levels. And there are only four days left. If you love all sorts of mystery novels and stories, this is a bundle for you. Enough reading for one low price to keep you in great mystery stories for months. Can’t beat this deal. So once again here is my introduction I did for the bundle. The link to the bundle is here… Introduction Justice: A Great…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Ground Effect

    With Writing… Basically, ground effect with airplanes is a feeling that the plane pushes away from the ground as it gets closer, can just float over the ground once it is in the air. It has a lot of technical stuff about what causes it, but I don’t really care. What I am talking about is that feeling that it is easier to keep writing day after day when you have been writing day after day. In other words, easier to keep the writing aloft than stop and then have to restart. Stay floating over the runway instead of letting the wheels hit and coasting to a stop. A ton…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing

    Surveys Out for Kickstarter

    Very Quickly This Time… The surveys were sent out today for the Spade/Paladin Kickstarter campaign. If you didn’t get one… — First check your spam filter. — If not there, check your other email address in case you used that for Kickstarter. — If not there, just hold on until Monday. It might appear as email sometimes does. — If you were a backer of the Space/Paladin kickstarter and your pledge went through all right, and you still did not get your survey by MONDAY or TUESDAY, contact Josh at WMG Publishing and he will fire you another one. Subscriptions@wmgbooks.com ON ANOTHER MATTER… Today I managed to get another 4,000…

  • Challenge,  Misc,  On Writing

    Sometimes Days Are Good…

    Today Was a Good One… I spent the day first recording a writing class that will be part of the Kickstarter. A fun and challenging one. Then off to the grocery store to shop. Beautiful day, weather perfect, got some exercise as well. Back home to eat lunch, then hang some of the last art that needed hanging, then back up to my office to record another writing class that Kris and I had worked out. Cooked dinner for Kris when she got home, then watched a little Voice, then back to my office to do some writing on the new novel. Then watched some television with Kris, then back…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  workshops

    Ends at 7 PM Tonight

    West Coast Time… At every award level you get a great new book from Kris called TEN LITTLE FEN. And every backer at $5 and up gets seven stretch goal rewards. That includes seven new books and six new Pop-Up writing classes for no extra charge. But the real key is you don’t want to miss the last few hours of getting two special workshops that will never be available anywhere else again. Only through this campaign. So here one last time is the information about the two special workshops and the six Pop-Up writing classes. This ends in just hours. Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Campaign. EXCLUSIVE TO THIS CAMPAIGN — How…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Might Make Stretch Goal #7!

    Getting Close!! Stretch Goal #7 not only has a free copy of a great Fiction River anthology for everyone, but it also has a Pop-Up Class for writers that a number of writers have written me about. Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Pop-Up: Stamina and Strategies to Write a Lot. You wouldn’t think there would be a lot to learn about that, but this idea for a Pop-Up came about one afternoon as Kris and I were headed somewhere and we got talking about writing a lot and how we both do certain things that allow us to not only write a lot each day on a bunch of projects, but keep it…