• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  On Writing,  publishing


    We Finally Pulled the Trigger… Motivational Mondays have been launched on Teachable and our now live. Kris and I have been talking and planning this for some time and we think it’s going to be great fun and very valuable for those getting it. Here is how it works: Every Monday on Teachable (actually Sunday night late so you can view them on Monday morning), Kris and I will put up at least three videos on some motivational topic or another concerning writing, publishing, and all the stuff around writing and publishing. See the partial list below of topics. The idea is to help writers stay on track, get unstuck,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    December Workshops Started

    All December Workshops Have Started… As of today! Still time to jump into any of them. We have two indie publishing classes, COVERS 101 and PUBLISHING 101. There is the critical workshop to start on all craft classes called WRITING WITH DEPTH. This workshop helps you start stories and pull readers into your work. And if you are having trouble writing, finishing what you write, or getting what you write out to the world, you need the KILLING THE CRITICAL VOICE workshop. TEAMS workshop will make writing novels a ton easier, and the SPEED workshop can help you to write faster. The two newest workshops we have offered are tough.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Getting Ready for a New Year Or Challenge

    Tracking Time… That is exactly what I have been doing the last three or four days. I have been keeping track of time in basically 15 minute segments. What I have been trying to work out for my own challenge is “Do I have the time it will take?” Time is like water. It just fills whatever space available. But seemingly never quite enough of it. So I have been looking at how I actually spend my days and where I could get more time and not really miss anything I am doing now. I am on an exercise and losing weight streak. Doing 10,000 steps minimum per day (5…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    More On Challenges For 2022

    A Goal vs A Challenge… Right about now, here on the 6th of December, it is a great time to start looking at the year ahead. For many writers, setting a challenge is not a good idea. But in any business or art, setting a goal can really help. So tonight I thought I would talk about the difference between a goal and a challenge. I believe both are good. And by setting a challenge, you are also setting a goal. But often goals are not challenges. Last night I listed four things that I thought were important when deciding on a challenge. They are: 1… It actually has to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Figuring Out a Challenge

    I Realized A Few Important Things About a Challenge… You have to have the following… 1… It actually has to be a challenge. Something you haven’t done before. 2… You have to remember what the challenge is on bad days six months after you start and why you are doing it. 3… The results of the challenge need to be something that can be used and advance some part of your writing or publishing world. 4… If a Writing Challenge, it has to follow Heinlein’s Rules. Okay, those all seem simple, right? And for most writers and most levels of challenges, they are simple. Until you get to a level…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Night Off

    Santa Tomorrow… Me and Kris and Lisa and a number of other writers around town, plus 25,000 to 30,000 or more other humans are all going to dress up in our matching Santa outfits, hats and all, and do 5K around the streets of downtown Vegas. Oh, my, god, is that fun and just head-shaking stupid. So I will be announcing my 2022 challenge in the next few days and doing more posts on the Wet Blanket book, plus announcing some fun new workshops and classes and the start of Motivational Monday for writing and publishing. But tonight, since I have to get up slightly early, I am taking a…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Holiday Collections Storybundle

    Now Live For A Short Time! Here is the blog I wrote for this Collections Holiday Storybundle… The Holiday Collections Bundle – Curated by Dean Wesley Smith A Lot More Stories Wow, is this bundle going to be fun. Fantastic writers and 72 different holiday short stories. That’s right. 72. And you can get all of them for one low price that works out to about 20 cents per story. Wow! And all are holiday stories. What a great way to help enjoy this wonderful season. Every book in this bundle is a collection of holiday stories of different types and focus, as would be expected from such different and…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading,  workshops

    Last Day of Workshop Sale and a Nifty Holiday Storybundle…

    Workshop Sale Lasts Until Midnight Tonight… See all the information in the last three posts. Basically just find whatever class or workshop or challenge or Pop-Up you would like, hit purchase, and then put in the code HolidaySale on the top of the next page to get 50% off the price. Make sure you hit “apply” after putting in the code. This is on Teachable. Any problems or questions, feel free to write me directly. And starting last night, there is a new holiday StoryBundle called Holliday Collections. I curated it and got holiday collections from ten other writers (plus me) and the total came out to 72 holiday short…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    2 Days Left on the Workshop Holiday Sale…

    No Pop-Up Curriculum… Going to have to be later in the month. I really want to get those 54 different topics in order here at the end of the year. I thought that using this sale as an excuse to remember to do it. (grin) But nope. Just too many things swallowed the last few days. But shortly because I have about eight more Pop-ups to load. Some will be attached to the Master Business Class. So I will get it done. As far as the sale goes, remember the code is HolidaySale to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up. We are calling it the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    3 Days Left in the Holiday Sale!!

    Did Not Yet Get to the Pop-Up Curriculum… But I hope to tomorrow. I really want to get those 54 different topics in order here at the end of the year. So using this sale as an excuse to remember to do it. (grin) Remember, the code is HolidaySale to get 50% off any workshop or challenge or lecture or Pop-Up. We are calling it the HolidaySale (code is all one word) because it started on American Thanksgiving, went over Black Friday, then through Small Business Saturday, and yesterday went past Cyber Monday to end on Thursday, December 2nd. 3 days left. This is all on Teachable. And yes, you…