• Challenge,  running

    Story 55 And Running

    Still Going a Story a Day… And this weekend, Kris and I have a fun run. Actually, I have two. On Saturday, along with five or ten thousand others from Las Vegas, we will do the 5k Rock and Roll race. Really easy for us. Kris and I will walk four blocks from our home and then run around downtown, starting up Las Vegas Blvd and ending on Fremont Street before walking home for dinner. That should be great fun. Then the next evening I will manage to find my way to the Strip. That is no easy feat since the entire strip from the airport to downtown is closed…

  • Challenge,  workshops


    Ends Thursday Night Late… ​I wanted to let everyone know that this is the last day of the half-priced sale. Ends late on Thursday, February 24th. Go to https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ Then hit “See All Courses” and find the course you want. It will be half price by hitting Purchase and then on the top of the next page put in the coupon code: MidWinter That will get you the class, the workshops, the lecture, or Pop-Up at half price. And you can buy as many as you want, but you have to do it one at a time since Teachable does not have a shopping cart. The MidWinter sale will last until…

  • Challenge,  motivation,  workshops

    Two Days Left In MidWinter Workshop Sale

    Everything on WMG Teachable is half price. When you find something you want, just hit purchase and then put in the code: MidWinter to get it at half price. This sale ends Thursday evening at 7 pm.  So just two days left. Any questions, feel free to write me. And remember that the MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY is available under the sale. Four videos every Monday on writing, publishing, and other things motivational. So jump to WMG Teachable and hit see all courses to get a look at all the courses we offer. Then just use the code to get them for half price.

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Mondays Are Always Fun…

    And Really Hard… Mondays I need to spend a lot of time at the computer. This morning I started off finishing up some work left on laying out Smith’s Monthly issue. Detail computer work. Then this afternoon I did email and some of the homework assignments. More computer time. Gave my eyes a rest by going to the store and taking a nap, but after dinner back doing assignments. Got everything finished on that front by 12:30 am with one break to watch some television. Then off to write a daily short story. Finished the 3,000 word story at 3 am, then came over here to my internet computer to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Cool Collections Workshops Starting in March

    Four Different Collections Workshops They last nine weeks, you write five stories, I help you put the entire book together and the week #9 assignment is that you publish the collection that didn’t even exist before you started the class. Great fun!! And yes, by putting in the code MidWinter, you get them for half price. Also, if you hit every assignment and publish on the last day, you get a Pop-Up Credit worth $150.00 So this is a fantastic deal, especially during the sale. Collection Classes focus for March/April are SPIES RELATIONSHIPS FANTASY HEROES/HEROINES Relationships can be about any kind of relationship, not just romance. Remember, during the nine…

  • Challenge,  On Writing


    Title of the 50th Story In My Daily Short Story Challenge… That’s right, just for kicks and giggles, I realized as I started into the story and put the date on the file that it was story #50 of the challenge. So I figured, “Why Not?” And I titled the story “Fifty” and started writing. Turned out to be a 2,300 word Thunder Mountain story. Fun one. The challenge of a story per day for a year is going along fine so far. I am behind only on getting the stories on Patreon. Put another up last night, going for sleep tonight so no more tonight. As it was on…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Multitasking Big Time Today

    Not Even Counting the Sale And Bundle Stuff… Today, after my normal email, I went to work on doing the final layout of Smith’s Monthly #58. It will be out next week and up on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/deanwesleysmith Then after that Kris and I walked a few miles to a great lunch place and spent some time there working on different workshops, getting them all planned out. I have also recorded a new class called CLIMBING OUT OF THE RUBBLE which will be part of the Master Business Class, the licensing class, and also on the Decades Ahead class. It will be up by Monday in all three. It will be…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Four Challenges Now

    They Are Designed to Help and Be Fun… On WMG Teachable, you can find four challenges now. The Great Challenge… Write one short story a week for one year. The Novel Challenge… Write one new novel over 30,000 words every two months for one year. The Novella Challenge… Write one novella (15,000 to 30,000) words per month for one year. The Publishing Challenge… Publish one new major project per month for one year. (Novel, novella, collection, or omnibus all count.) The cost is $600 to buy in ($300 during the sale this next week). You start at any time, but once you start, the clock is ticking. If you miss,…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Workshop Sale and Curriculum Update…

    THE HALF-PRICE WORKSHOP SALE HAS STARTED!! Go to https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ Then hit “See All Courses” and find the course you want. It will be half price by hitting Purchase and then on the top of the next page put in the coupon code: MidWinter That will get you the class, the workshops, the lecture, or Pop-Up at half price. And you can buy as many as you want, but you have to do it one at a time since Teachable does not have a shopping cart. The MidWinter sale will last until Thursday, February 24th at 7 pm. In essence ten days total. And yes, all the challenges are half price…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    Cattatude Story Bundle

    Don’t You Just Love Cats? I have always been owned by cats. Actually all my adult life except for a few years when I was traveling too much. I love cats, so I did a bundle with all cat stories in it and a bunch of really great cat writers. This is my blog for that bundle at https://storybundle.com/cats Being a writer, it seems being owned by cats is almost like a requirement for the job description. What do you do for a living? Fiction Writer. Owned by cats? Yup. And one of the great elements of cats and writers is that writers tend to write stories with cats in…