• On Writing,  publishing

    The Magic Bakery: Chapter Three

    Chapter Three… How do you slice a magic pie? The answer is simply as many ways as you want. The wonderful thing about copyright is that you can license any part of it. And you can name the part and dictate the terms and define the shape of the part. I know this is difficult to imagine. And the pie analogy sort of falls apart because pie is a physical thing that can only be sliced in so many ways. But image the pie is solid and you have a saw that can slice off a piece so thin you can barely see the slice under a microscope. Yup, you…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Third Story Finished and April Workshops Starting

    ANOTHER GOOD DAY… Got the short story challenge going strong. Finished a third short story tonight and finished up another chapter on the Magic Bakery book. A good solid day and a lot of fun. ———- The Day… Got up to WMG by 2 p.m. and worked on covers for a couple of my collections and a bunch of workshop stuff. Also took a long walk to get steps. Then home to cook dinner and do the assignments for the workshops. Then off to watch The Voice. Back here around 2 a.m. and I wrote the chapter of the Magic Bakery. Then around 3 a.m., I went for half-titles to get…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Second Story Finished

    OFF TO A DECENT START… Got the short story challenge going strong. Finished a second short story tonight. Also today went to the writer’s lunch and worked a bunch on workshop stuff. A good solid day and a lot of fun. ———- The Day… Got up to WMG by 2 p.m. for the writer’s lunch. Then around 4 Kris and I went for a walk. I only managed four miles today, which is fine as I ramp this back up. I got back to my office around 5:30 and worked there until almost eight on workshop stuff. Store and then home to cook dinner. Did some e-mail and more workshop…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  running

    Starting Up… Here We Go…

    TRACKING EVERYTHING PLUS A CHALLENGE… All starting up again as many of you have asked me to do for a time. So I will be tracking writing, exercise, and also a new short story challenge for at least this month and maybe longer. Also sort of going over what I did each day so you can see how crazy my life is and how I still manage to write a bunch. And I will continue with The Magic Bakery book as well. ———- The Day… A good day overall. Got up to WMG in the middle of the afternoon after doing some e-mail. Then after a little work there and…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Workshop Night

    April Online Workshops… Everyone who is signed up should have gotten a letter from me tonight. If you are signed up and didn’t get the letter, write me. The April Online Workshops start on Tuesday and Wednesday and still lots of room to jump into any of them. It’s a good list this month. Any questions, feel free to write me. Information on each workshop under the Online Workshops tab at the top. And if you are confused as to which workshop to take first, we have a full curriculum posted on its own page. Class #31… Apr 4th … Writing Thrillers Class #32… Apr 4th … Point of View Class #33… Apr 4th…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    The Magic Bakery: Chapter Two

    Chapter Two… So what makes this bakery so magic anyway? Copyright, that’s what. As the Copyright Handbook says, “Copyright is the legal device that provides the creator of a work of art or literature, or a work that conveys information or idea, the right to control how the work is used.” So what is so magic about that? All countries in the world have copyright protections in one form or another. As of the writing of this chapter, almost all countries in the world have signed onto one copyright convention or another, agreeing to the basic aspects of copyright protections. In fact, here in the States, copyright protection was written…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    The Magic Bakery: Chapter One

    Chapter One… Digging down into all the vast areas of how writers sell books and the business of selling fiction, I figured the best way to start this would be on the surface, explaining some real logical, but forgotten (by writers), business concepts. So an example: A young writer (not in age, but in experience) writes and finishes a first novel. And somehow manages to avoid all the traps of rewriting and letting a peer workshop kill the book. Fantastic! This is a real event and once published should be celebrated. First novels are important to every writer. Get copies out to family, tell friends where the book can be bought, and…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Strengths Craft Two Workshop Now Available

    If you have signed up for all six workshops and did not get the code from me for Craft Two tonight, write me please. Here is all the information on where the Strengths Workshops now stand. Ever wished major writers would help you go in the right direction? These strength workshops do just that in craft, business, and sales. DETAILS OF THE WORKSHOPS Regular Sales This regular publishing and writing sales course tests your basic understanding of what makes a book sell. Covers, blurbs, wide distribution, expectations, plus much more. This will not only test you, but help you understand what you need to start learning to succeed in the future.…

  • Challenge

    EMail Fun Tonight

    Didn’t Get Another Chapter… But I will in the next few days. Tonight has been the big e-mail move around. No one should notice anything. My regular e-mail is just fine. But since SFF.net, one of my e-mail providers for 20 plus years decided to shut down in a few days, I had to get a few back-up e-mails working. And that is great fun. Deadline hell for something I flat didn’t want to do. (grin) And there went my writing time for both fiction and the Magic Bakery book. But got the emails working. A relief. So maybe tomorrow night for a chapter on the bakery.

  • On Writing,  publishing

    The Magic Bakery: Copyright in the Modern World of Fiction Publishing

    Introduction… Indie writers make great money these days with their small and medium-sized businesses. Some make millions, while at the same time others sell few books. The writers selling few copies tend to look for reasons why they are not selling. I could spend a lot of time listing all the reasons writers find for a book now selling, but almost always the reason is a very simple business reason. Inventory. And a complete failure to understand what they are selling. But that seemingly simple answer has a vast universe of issues around it. And understanding inventory in publishing takes an understanding of copyright. So for this book, I am…