A Day of Other Work, Not Writing Fun
Nothing Done On The Card Sharp Silver Novel… So not even going to count this as a day on the book. But notice what I spent most of my day on. (grin) I think I finally brought the look of this blog from 1990s (maybe) to 2020. I have a ton to do to get the fiction stuff up to date under the different pages. And so some other stuff I want to add in. But in time I will get there. This sudden shift has been coming on for a while. And last night that old theme finally just broke and for a while I thought I would miss…
Card Sharp Silver… Day 11
Just Another Day… Nothing special about today, other than the entire world is locked down. But here, Kris and I got a lot done. I was again late getting in here to my office. Managed the feat around 12:30 pm and did some email and stuff, then headed to the writing computer at 1:30 pm. By 2:15 I had about a thousand words done and then had lunch. Got back in here around 3 pm and recorded some stuff. Then about 3:45 I managed to get back to the writing computer and did just about another 1,000 words before 4:45 pm. Then a short nap and and then Kris and…
Card Sharp Silver… Day 9
Onward I Go… Not great numbers, but unlike many writers out there who are beating on themselves and stressed beyond words because of the world situation, I am getting words done. Not saying I haven’t been paying attention. I have. Not saying at times I don’t get stressed. I do. But not to excess because besides taking care of our business, social distancing, and disinfecting everything I touch, there ain’t a thing I can do. If I was a medical professional, I most certainly would be pitching in. But all I really know how to do after the last forty years is make shit up and entertain people. And donate…
Card Sharp Silver… Day 7
Writing Picked Up Speed… Just wish the Kickstarter for Cave Creek would. So today I managed to get in here to my internet computer around 11 am or so, doing business and emails. Then around noon I headed out once again for some errands. Bank, store for a few things I missed yesterday. Made it back after a few business calls while in the parking lot of the store, by two. Got disinfected and then Kris and I headed out for a walk to lunch. We walked the mile to the restaurant and back through the mostly empty streets of downtown Las Vegas, then back with our carry out lunch…
Cats Bundle!!
Includes my Cold Poker Gang Novel Ring Game… You know, the novel I finished about two or so weeks ago that was a twisted mystery focused on cats. Well, you can get it exclusively right now through the Storybundle titled: CATS Along with some really amazing other books and collections featuring cats. Kris put this one together and it is flat amazing. And SIX of the ten books are exclusive to the bundle, including RING GAME. And yes, the magic of indie publishing had me finish a book and less than two weeks later it is on sale, exclusive to a major bundle. Love this new world. These bundles come…
Card Sharp Silver… Day 5
Book Surprising Me… Of course, I had no idea what I was going to write when I started this thing, but what is happening is not at all what I might have expected in hindsight. Really fun and I have no flat idea where it is going or why. I love that. So the day was yet another rest day. At this rate it’s going to take me a few weeks to finish this thing. I hope to speed up at some point, but it was Monday and a bunch of business to do and things. And even worse, I didn’t roll out of bed until almost noon. Got to…
Main April Workshops Up!
Just In Time For Final Hours of the March Sadness Special I have the April regular workshops up and listed. At least the ones I am sure will be done in April. I might add a couple more later and maybe a new workshop Kris and I have been talking about. But for now, the April workshops available are: #31… Endings #34… Speed #35… Teams in Writing #36… Depth in Writing (Start with this course if new here) #39… Information Flow Those are available for a few hours in the Special. REMEMBER!! Special ends exactly at 5 pm today West Coast Time. And I have shut off Collaboration Class. It…
March Sadness Special Last Day!!
Ends at 5 pm West Coast Time Today (Thursday) I am working to get the April workshops up as quickly as I can, so they should be there three or four hours ahead of the end. I hope everyone is staying safe. Thursday I start, finally, the Cave Creek novel and will be writing about my writing day here every day, reporting problems, sessions, word counts, and so on. But for now, here is the information about the March Sadness Special one more time. No one traveling. And all of us stuck at home making sure we do not spread this virus, it’s time to turn attention to writing and…
Mentorship Open For One
I Said I Was Closing This… But I had one of the writers who just started a few months ago have a life roll (besides the silliness going on in the world where we get to stay home and write.) The writer asked if I would put her on hiatus for a year and I said sure, no problem. So that opens one spot I didn’t expect, and I also closed the mentorships with one spot still remaining open. But I am still only taking one this time and then shutting it off for the last time. So if you are interested in having me be your cheerleader, read your…
New Pop-Up Coming
How Your Business Can Survive a Downturn… It will be Pop-Up #19. Available in a few days. It will be put inside of the Decade Ahead First Quarter class. We had always planned on putting it in there, with Pop-Up #18 in February and this new one in March. But we did not expect what is happening now when we planned this. Scary times. This Pop-up will help. So the Pop-Up #19 will be available in the Decade Ahead First Quarter or as a stand-alone or in the bundles for Pop-Ups. I will announce it here when it is posted. Honestly, the best deal is the Decade Ahead Bundle, get…