Too Much Time Researching/Playing
Doing Research Is Play… At least it is for me and most other writers who get sucked down into researching fun stuff. Fun for us that is. (grin) The key is you can’t do it and not write. For me, tonight I was searching for information about the Hotel Nevada on Main Street in Las Vegas. It has been shuttered for a lot of years now and is owned by the Golden Nugget. (Tough search because of the name.) It sits right beside the Nugget parking garage for those who have been here. You never notice it because it has been painted to look like the Nugget. So I wasted…
March Is Here! What Happened?
Where Did January and February Go? Wow, the anthology workshop is almost over and the March Regular Online workshops are starting up Tuesday and Wednesday. And the Future: Structure starts on Wednesday, the 6th. You can take the other two Futures Workshops at any point since they are both still there and available. Sign up for any of them including the regular March workshops listed below on Teachable here. Or if you have a workshop credit you would like to use, write me and tell me which one you want to be in. March Six-Week Regular Workshops… Class #21… Mar 5th … Depth #3: Research Class #22… Mar 5th … Author Voice…
Running Tomorrow…
That’s Right… Another 5K Fun Run… Only this one has about 14 or so professional writers taking part. And doughnuts afterwards in the convention suite before we start for the day on stories. Some of them vegan doughnuts. All wonderful. There will be pictures, so expect those. I will be near the back of the pack. And it will be great fun. We opened up the evening talking suite tonight, a penthouse suite with more than enough room for fifty professional writers to gather in groups and talk in the evening. The networking will be great fun on this workshop, just like the Master Business Class in October. So now,…
Anthology Workshop Firing Up
Starts Friday and Goes to Wednesday Morning… Going to be a blast, I can tell you that right now. About fifty writers, about forty-some stories per anthology for eight different anthologies, plus some surprises as we always do. Wonderful fun. And for the first year in years, I am done with my reading ahead of the workshop. I am shocked, I say, shocked… We have announced next year’s anthology workshop, but don’t wait too long to sign up. We limit this to 50 writers at most and each year it fills completely. And you start writing at the end of November for next year’s class. If interested in next year’s,…
Got Reading To Do
So I Am Posting March Workshops… To remind everyone and let me get back to reading on this fine Friday night. (grin) They start on the 5th and 6th, thankfully for me after the Anthology Workshop here in Vegas. Also the new Futures Workshop: Structure will be starting on March 6th. Sign up for any of them on Teachable here. Or if you have a workshop credit you would like to use, write me and tell me which one you want to be in. March Six-Week Regular Workshops Now Available… Class #21… Mar 5th … Depth #3: Research Class #22… Mar 5th … Author Voice Class #23… Mar 5th … Dialog Class…
Real Las Vegas Workshops Deadlines
We Give The Dates the Workshops Are Held… But that is not the deadline to sign up by any means. The workshops, for the most part, all start months and months ahead of the actual date you need to attend. For example, the Mystery Workshop here in Vegas in April is closed, not because it is full but because the reading list for it went out over a month ago and those attending need time to read. And that goes the same with those in the Study Along for the mystery workshop. We don’t close that one because someone might want to just watch the videos, but if you want…
2020 Las Vegas Workshops Announced!!
Some Fantastic Workshops!!! We are a few months late announcing these this year, but now we are ready to go. We wanted to wait and find out first how the large master class went here in Las Vegas in October and then the smaller craft workshops taught by Kris here in January. The verdict? About a million times better than the coast. Everything is easier, flights are cheaper, rooms nicer and without ghosts, and the food is available in hundreds of choices for every allergy and diet. It is more expensive for WMG Publishing to do, but we think the extra costs are worth it for the writers attending. You…
Last 24 Hours
Only One Thing I Can Write About Tonight… Last 24 hours of the Smith’s Stories: Make 100 Paperbacks Kickstarter campaign. You can get regular workshop credits through the campaign to use any time in the future. Get lectures and other stuff as well. And eight of either my mystery novels (Cold Poker Gang) or eight of my sf novels (Thunder Mountain). Not counting the 100 short stories either solo or in three collections. (Every award level gets the three collections in electronic form when I am done.) And, since the campaign made its first stretch goal, everyone gets another large collection of my stories (Stories from July) and a Classic…
Six Days Left
And Major Workshop Discounts… On the Smith’s Stories: Make 100 Paperbacks Kickstarter project. Right now you can get any lecture for $40.00. Any Regular Workshop for $250.00. Or get as many Regular Workshop Credits as you want. Or Lifetime Subscription to workshops or lectures. Or a bunch of the Pop-Up series. When WMG Publishing does a Kickstarter, we sometimes add in these discounts for workshops, and since this is a project I really wanted to do, I wanted to add these workshops in to kick it over the top. And it worked. Cleared the goal in a day, which is wonderful. Thank you, everyone, who has supported this so far.…
Just Over $600 Left…
Before Every Supporter Gets a Workshop and a Book… That’s right. Smith’s Stories: Make 100 Paperback Short Stories Kickstarter campaign is almost to its stretch goal. Just over $600 left. If this campaign hits $9,000, I will give everyone who pledged at any level an electronic copy of my large collection Stories from July. It contains 32 short stories plus all the blogs I wrote about writing them. And also, on top of that, each person pledging to this campaign will get a credit for a Classic Workshop of their choice worth $150. (If you are a lifetime workshop subscriber, you can take the equivalent in lectures or Pop-Ups we…