• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Fun Auction Tonight

    Saturday Night Fun… Missed my five miles today, got four, because I wanted to rest my legs. And had fun at the auction. Every month here in town (on the first Saturday of the month for the past 35 years) there is an auction. More social for me since I seldom miss one, but also there are no minimums and trust me, antiques do not sell out here on the coast. A person could make a living buying antiques worth thousands for $50 here and hauling them to California. But tonight in the hour I was there I managed to get an entire box of silver. Mirrors, combs with silver…

  • Challenge,  Lecture Series,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Lecture Series Solution

    Writing and a Lecture Idea… Since I talked about IP valuation in the last chapter of The Magic Bakery, it has become clear that there are levels that might be valuable to a few writers to be offered in some format or another. And got some great comments in e-mail to me about the real need for a bunch of these areas, from IP to Corporation structures to writer tax issues and so on and so on. We cover some basics, very basic, in the online  Business Workshop, and we go into pretty good depth at the Business Master Class here at the coast in October. But that is it. And…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Thirty-One Years Ago Today

    I Met Kris 31 Years Ago Today… I had just left the Nebula Awards ceremony in Berkley and was visiting my father for a day or so in Arizona before heading to Taos, New Mexico for a week-long writer’s conference. 12 writers hand-picked by Algis Budry were invited. The workshop was free but on short notice we had to get there on our own, pay our own room, and so on. The instructors were Grand Master’s Fred Pohl and Jack Williamson, plus Gene Wolfe and Algis Budrys. Four of them, twelve newer professional writers. I would have sold anything to make it. So before I left my father’s house (far before…

  • On Writing,  publishing

    The Magic Bakery: Chapter Seven

    Chapter Seven… I knew I was going to need to talk about this topic in a chapter and honestly, have dreaded it. Writers, especially newer writers have no understanding of the value of their own work and how others value it. So with that problem in mind, I am going to try to add a level of understanding of value of copyright to this book. For most of you, I will fail at this, but at least I can say I tried right here in Chapter Seven. I’m calling this chapter “Perceived Value” of the inventory in the Magic Bakery. I cannot even begin to count the hundreds and hundreds of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Enjoying Some Friends

    Wonderful Dinner Tonight… Got my five miles in today, had a great meeting for WMG this afternoon, then spent some time doing Smith’s Monthly covers. Then my best friend and I went out to dinner. He and his wonderful wife are in town for the week and it has been great fun hanging around with them. I have known him now for 53 years and he has put up with me and supported my craziness for all that time. So by the time I got home it was almost 11. I did some e-mail, watched some television, then did some more Strengths Workshop homework and read some wonderful stories from…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenges Starting

    STARTED EXERCISE… Number of things happening today. Last day to sign up for the May online workshops. The first day of the Short Story Challenge that I am reading stories for. (That took me some time to set up my paperwork and tacking system on my side. First stories were wonderful.) And for me, I started my new exercise challenge. (I started the novel writing challenge for myself yesterday.) My exercise goal is once again to run a marathon in Las Vegas in November. That was the goal last year and I lost 30 pounds working at it, but I needed to lose more and have more milage under me…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Wrap Up and Start New

    STARTING FRESH… The few of you who jumped into the May short story challenge are starting up. Remember to have fun. Still two spots open if anyone wants me to read their short stories.  And a number of spots open in the novel challenge starting in June. Information on both the short story challenge and the novel challenge with me as a first reader is below. I finished my challenge last night of 30 short stories in 30 days and the final cover is done below. After I finish the next chapter of the Magic Bakery, I’ll do the blurbs for those stories and post them in one blog. Later in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenge Hit!! 30 Stories in 30 Days

    DAY THIRTY… Challenge Hit!! Stories from April all done. Wow, feels great to be honest. April turned out to be the worst month I could have tried this and yet I managed to do it by just chugging right along. One story at a time. That really was the key. The last story was one more Marble Grant story. 12 of the 30 are Marble Grant and I didn’t even have that character or realize she existed until the 9th story in the challenge. The story tonight is called “Obvious Creeper” from two story-title halves slammed together. Turned out I wrote it in two sessions with a short break. 2,200 words. Tomorrow…

  • On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Reminder About the Strengths Workshops

    THE FULL SERIES IS RECORDED AND AVAILABLE… All six of the Strengths Workshops now exist. And they are still available for a short time. If you ever wished a major professional writer would tell you what you are doing right and where you need work, now is your chance. And not just one, but two of us. Kris and I have been making our living in fiction and publishing now for over thirty years each. We have also started two mid-sized publishing companies over the years. And both of us have over twenty million copies of our books in print and have been on every major bestseller list. Kris and I…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Story Twenty-Nine

    DAY TWENTY-NINE… Almost there. One more day and Stories from April will be done. And once again Marble Grant caught my attention. I was working on workshop stuff and I got an image of a man sitting in a hallway in a hotel in Vegas. Now I never start any story with an image but went over and typed it in and low-and-behold, there was Marble Grant again. So 11 stories of hers. Maybe I should do just one more tomorrow and have an entire year of Smith’s Monthly start with her stories. We shall see tomorrow night. Took me two hours of actual writing with an hour in the…