• Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 4

    Wow Was Today Another Rest Day… Worse than yesterday, actually. Not one, not two, but three naps. All 15 minutes or so, and I am finally starting to feel awake. Amazing how stressed I was over the last few weeks. Glad I can take the time now to just rest. So made it to my internet computer around 11 am again and worked business and letters and stuff there until around 1 pm. Then I decided I would give the novel some time, so after a first quick nap, I got to the writing computer and managed about an hour and just at 1,000 words. Really enjoying this book. So…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    March Sadness Special Last Day!!

    Ends at 5 pm West Coast Time Today (Thursday) I am working to get the April workshops up as quickly as I can, so they should be there three or four hours ahead of the end. I hope everyone is staying safe. Thursday I start, finally, the Cave Creek novel and will be writing about my writing day here every day, reporting problems, sessions, word counts, and so on. But for now, here is the information about the March Sadness Special one more time. No one traveling. And all of us stuck at home making sure we do not spread this virus, it’s time to turn attention to writing and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    So Much Business is Timing… Kris and I earlier were out for a walk (doing all the correct social distancing things, honest.) We can walk in downtown Las Vegas and not get close to anyone because this town is a ghost town, for the most part. Even the major casinos on The Strip are shut or shutting down. We are also supporting our local small restaurants where we can. Tonight, we walked to a restaurant that we love that had only been open for a month. We were the only two in there, plus one guy in a corner working on a computer. So real social distancing there. Never got…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    New Pop-Up Coming

    How Your Business Can Survive a Downturn… It will be Pop-Up #19. Available in a few days. It will be put inside of the Decade Ahead First Quarter class. We had always planned on putting it in there, with Pop-Up #18 in February and this new one in March. But we did not expect what is happening now when we planned this. Scary times. This Pop-up will help. So the Pop-Up #19 will be available in the Decade Ahead First Quarter or as a stand-alone or in the bundles for Pop-Ups. I will announce it here when it is posted. Honestly, the best deal is the Decade Ahead Bundle, get…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing,  publishing

    Cave Creek Funded!!

    In Just Twenty Hours… That is one of our fastest Kickstarter campaign funding ever. So cool. Thank you, everyone! And now everyone who backs the Cave Creek Kickstarter gets a free electronic copy of my novel Thunder Mountain, the first in my western time travel series. Plus wow do we have a bunch of fantastic writer classes in the stretch goals. Check it out and then pass the word. Also, tonight (Friday) there will be more videos posted in the Shared World class about shared worlds and how this Kickstarter and the anthologies and my novel in the world works and will impact things. In other words, a little of…

  • Cave Creek,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some Shared World Fun!

    Cave Creek… Tomorrow, if all things work, a Kickstarter campaign will be firing up called Cave Creek. It’s going to be a fun one and I will announce it here when it launches, either tomorrow or Friday early. One thing to know. The Shared World Class is still open for sign-ups. It is where writers will be not only learning to write for shared worlds (and have been getting background for a bunch of months), but writing for Cave Creek anthologies. I will also be writing a Cave Creek novel in public, meaning I will keep track of the writing here, out in public, on this site, as I do…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Two New Projects

    I Am Having A Blast… Working on two new projects. One you will see in a day or so and has a lot to do with the Shared World Class. And I am madly working on finishing a new Cold Poker Gang novel for a coming bundle. Yes, it is a cat novel. Not kidding. I seldom talk about books and stories I am writing here. But got a couple short-challenges coming up I may do the old daily writing report I haven’t done for a while. We shall see. And speaking of cats, if you got the Special How to Write a Cat Story workshop reward in the Year…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Year of the Cat Covers

    Wow, Are These Cool!!! I wanted to show you these twelve covers. And we are headed toward the second stretch goal with just over a week left on the Year of the Cat Kickstarter campaign. (Thank you, everyone!!) Now, please help pass the word so we can get up to those stretch goals with lectures and workshops involved. And get these twelve anthologies, one per month. And also, on Teachable, every month, I will be doing a Year of the Cat Class for a full year, talking about each story in each anthology and why that story worked and the writing techniques the writer used to make it work. A…

  • Challenge,  Licensing,  publishing

    Licensing 101 Workshop

    Coming Next Day Or So… Going to add a new six-week workshop to the list for March. It is called Licensing 101, basically what the name states, a six-week run-through of the basic thinking of licensing your IP. Those of you in the Licensing Transition Class will get this free with the Licensing Transition Class. So no worries there. It will add over 40 videos to the learning there. And, of course, those of you who have a Lifetime Workshop Subscription will get the workshop as well. And it will be available to sign up for normal workshop rate of $300. But if you are thinking of doing that, sign…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Got a Couple Letters

    About the New Pop-Up… Called “Nothing’s Good Enough.” Basically, this is about how critical voice creeps in when you least expect it. And ways to identify what is happening and stop it, get back to having fun. We put it as the first Pop-Up in the Decades Ahead Class as well as a regular Pop-Up you can buy directly. Why in the Decades Ahead Class in February? Because right about now is when this evil little part of critical voice starts showing its head and mucking around with your New Year’s resolution. One of the questions from someone who hasn’t taken the Pop-Up was if it would help the critical…