• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Might Make Stretch Goal #7!

    Getting Close!! Stretch Goal #7 not only has a free copy of a great Fiction River anthology for everyone, but it also has a Pop-Up Class for writers that a number of writers have written me about. Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Pop-Up: Stamina and Strategies to Write a Lot. You wouldn’t think there would be a lot to learn about that, but this idea for a Pop-Up came about one afternoon as Kris and I were headed somewhere and we got talking about writing a lot and how we both do certain things that allow us to not only write a lot each day on a bunch of projects, but keep it…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Kickstarter Ends Thursday

    Don’t Miss This One… It has already funded and hit five stretch goals. Check it out at… Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Campaign. And remember there are two special workshops in this one that are going to be great. How to Make Place a Character in Your Story and also The Rule of Three and How to Use It. So many people write me wanting to get into these special workshops after the campaign is over and we just don’t allow it. Only way into these is through this campaign and there is only three days left!! Both workshops are three weeks and you can take them either starting October 26th or November…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    So Close to Stretch Goal…

    Maybe We’ll Hit it By Morning… On the Spade/Paladin Kickstarter campaign, we are almost to the last stretch goal we had posted when we started. But no fear, Kris and I tomorrow (Friday) will post two more. We’re just trying to decide what to post. So right now I am having ups and downs on the computer connection again, so going to get this up quickly. Back tomorrow with the new stretch goals even if we don’t hit it tonight. UPDATE: Told this didn’t actually show up until this morning… So kind of a silly post since we did hit the stretch goal and I will be back shortly with…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Coming Up With New Stretch Awards

    Not An Easy Task… The Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Campaign is about $2,000 away from the top stretch goal we have listed, which includes a Pop-Up class called Automatic Depth. So Kris and I have been working to come up with one or two more stretch goals since there is still nine days left on the campaign. Now not complaining at all. The fact that we are needing to do this is very, very cool. So we will be listing some more books for readers and Pop-Up classes for writers in brand new stretch rewards on Wednesday or Thursday. So if you have any ideas of a Pop-Up you would really love…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Another Quick No Topic Post

    Some Close Calls… Internet and web site seemed to be having a night. Trying to decide which will stay up and for how long. Some sort of game they are playing I’m sure. I have been putting Pulphouse Fiction Magazine anthologies together and luckily haven’t needed either. Then noticed the fun they were having and thought I had better stop and write something here to keep my blogging streak alive. 3,327 days without missing a blog. So if this posts, the streak is alive. And make sure you check out the Spade/Paladin Kickstarter campaign. Almost to the 4th stretch goal and another Pop-Up class. Fun.  

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Spade/Paladin Kickstarter Launched!!

    For Kris’s New Novel TEN LITTLE FEN. And this campaign is a typical WMG Kickstarter campaign, with lots of great reading, mystery collections and such from Kris, and more. You can also get half-price workshop and Pop-Up deals and two very special three-week workshops. — Rule of Three: And How to Use It. — Making Place a Character Plus all the fun books and Pop-Ups if we hit some stretch goals. But most importantly, with every reward you get an electronic copy of Kris’s fantastic new Spade/Paladin novel TEN LITTLE FEN. Take a look! Just launched for a short 16 day campaign. Click here.

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    The Rule of Three

    Most Writers Don’t Understand It or Use It… Today, at lunch, Kris and I were talking about a ton of ideas we have for Pop-Up classes we wanted to do for the Spade/Paladin Kickstarter we will launch next week. We like giving writers Pop-Up classes in the stretch goals if the campaign hits a certain amount. And we liked them to sort of match the genre of the campaign, which this time is mystery. We decided and laid out some really good Pop-Ups. For example, a Pop-Up titled HOW TO GET AUTOMATIC DEPTH. Yes, there are ways to do that. Honest. And they are fun and it is perfect size…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops


    40 Hours Left As I Write This!! As I said last night, this Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign is turning out to be great for both writers and readers. For  writers, there are two special three week workshops that you can only get through this campaign, and in 60 hours or so, we will never offer those workshops again. They are HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY and HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. They are $150 each and you will have a story assignment for the last assignment in each. Or you can get both for $250. You can take them starting September 7th or October 5th. Your choice. You also get…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine,  workshops

    Pulphouse Kickstarter Workshops

    Great for Writers… And Readers… This Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign is turning out to be great for both writers and readers. For  writers, there are two special three week workshops that you can only get through this campaign, and in 60 hours or so, we will never offer those workshops again. They are HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY and HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. They are $150 each and you will have a story assignment for the last assignment in each. Or you can get both for $250. You can take them starting September 7th or October 5th. Your choice. You also get a year’s Pulphouse Fiction Magazine subscription with…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  Pulphouse Fiction Magazine,  workshops

    Three Updates…

    Three Important Projects Going… I almost need the cats from Kris’s promotion central on Facebook to help with this, but sadly at this time of the night they are all asleep. — First Project, last night I talked about the six new and really fun In-Person and Study Along workshops Kris and I are going to do starting in March 2022 and going until January 2023. And that we also cancelled the Anthology workshop because of Covid. All the details are in the last post. And the six workshops all have lots of spots left as well as the Study Along workshops for all six. In interested in the In-Person…