• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Challenge Stories Headed Back to Writers

    Some of You Already Know This… Some of you will find out more in the next three or four days. But the reason I didn’t respond to stories in the challenge over the last three or four weeks was because I wanted to read three or four stories from the same author at the same time. I figured what that would do was give me a real sense of any strengths and weaknesses and I would be able to tell the writer if I saw anything. Plus there are few enough signed up and still going in the Great Challenge for me to be able to do this. (And yes,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Bunch of Stuff

    But Nothing Finished… Worked on finding some art for a few projects, worked on some experiments on learning InDesign, worked on the next chapter of the Trademark For Fiction Writers book. (Have about three chapters done now, so will start posting soon.) Recorded another week of the Writing Westerns workshop. Will start recording the new Attitude Workshop soon. And I worked on this nifty thing on fiction writing myths that got triggered by a number of events. A couple of questions while in Colorado, a few letters the last few nights, and then me bringing back up Pulp Speed. All those and a few other things (I can’t remember right…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed and the Indie Writer

    Great Question This Afternoon… How does an indie writer balance the writing at pulp speed with all the publishing stuff? Got a hunch I’m going to be returning to this question a number of times in future posts, but for a short, first answer, here I go… PULP SPEED ONE About 1,000,000 (1 million) original words per year. This averages to about 2,750 words a day for 365 days. (numbers rounded) Or about 83,300 words per month.  So if you do 3,000 words a day and over 84,000 words per month ON AVERAGE for a year, you are writing at PULP SPEED ONE. So first lets use me as an…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Sorcery and Steam Storybundle…

    Now Live!!!… And folks, I have a brand new, never seen before, Poker Boy collection in it. And Kris has a brand new, never seen novella in it. And on top of that, Annie Reed has a brand new collection in the bundle and Fiction River Presents: Sorcery and Steam is also new. Plus Laura Anne Gillman’s nifty novella “From Whence You Came had very little distribution before this bundle. So this bundle is chalk full of original-to-the-bundle books. And I put it all together. And had a blast doing so. This is only available for a very short time. So grab it quickly. Here is my blog from the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Pulp Speed Back Once Again

    Third or Fourth Time… (I wrote this post in 2014, then brought it forward again in 2015, and I think one other time, but wanted to bring it forward once again, update it a little, because people ask me about it.) PULP SPEED… Not at all sure why this idea sort of hits me right. I think because it flies in the face of all the myths. A writer has to have all myths under control to even attempt this. So this post might just make you angry because it hits at belief systems I’m afraid. The second reason I can’t shake this idea is because for all of my…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Got Attitude

    Attitude Online Workshop Starting… August 6th. ——- ATTITUDE IN WRITING FICTION Attitude is everything in fiction writing. From beating back fears, to taking the courage to try something new, to believing your work is worth publishing. Attitude can help you overcome doubts, believe in yourself on the outside while you doubt everything on the inside. A good attitude in fiction writing can be learned. There are also some really bad attitudes in fiction writing, ones that will quickly or eventually kill your writing. This workshop will deal with those as well, give you warning signs. Mostly this workshop teaches attitude and the confidence it takes to believe in yourself, in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Great Challenges

    Behind On My Reading… But hope to be caught up this next week. Both novels and short stories. Looking forward to the reading, actually. Just had a few weeks of silly amount of things to do. The Great Challenge for a story-per-week lost two writers this week. They both wrote me and said they would miss. One managed ten stories, the other twelve. Fantastic! Now each of them has $600 in workshop credits as well as the short stories. So now both the novel Great Challenge and the Short Story Great Challenge have openings if you want to jump in. You sign up on Teachable and then let me know…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Amazing Learning Chance

    This Program Is Stunning for Writing and Publishing… I have to admit, when I took off for the university in Gunnison, CO to help Kevin Anderson with his new publishing program there, I was skeptical. I had been around numbers of university writing programs over the years and always left wondering why anyone wastes their time and money. So I went in with shields up and determined to keep my mouth shut about any normal university stupidity and politics because Kevin wanted this to work. Well, boy was I wrong. This program at Gunnison, both the Genre Writing MFA program and Kevin’s MBA Publishing program was amazing. Taught by real…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Great Time in Gunnison

    I am Kevin J. Anderson’s Guest Instructor… Gunnison, Colorado reminds me a lot of McCall, Idaho. Only this place has a university with an amazing publishing and genre fiction program. Kevin runs the publishing master’s program. Amazing program, just amazing, and Kevin might be the most qualified professor on the planet to run a publishing program. His program filled and those students are all smart and focused and nice people. It was fun getting to hang around with them for a few days. I’m headed back to Vegas (about a nine to ten hour drive). So if I have missed an email or not gotten codes to you for workshops,…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Silly Busy

    So Not Much Tonight… Working on the Trademark for Fiction Writers chapters to post here, on some copyright stuff, and having a wonderful dinner with other writers. And not least of all, doing some writing. So all good. Almost afraid to glance at another movie after that ugliness in endings yesterday. That movie really is a prime example why writers need to understand what their readers are expecting and answer the expectation in some fashion. And tonight had a fun discussion about one of the best ending writers to ever write, Zane Grey. My Thunder Mountain series is named after a Zane Grey novel. And I visit the same setting…