Pulphouse Subscription Drive Kickstarter
Yes, It Has Been Two Years… We have just launched the and wow does it have some nifty things for rewards, and add-ons, and stretch rewards. S There is a brand new workshop only included for those supporting the subscription drive. It is a three week workshop, with three assignments, the last being to write a story. The workshop is called “How to Write a Pulphouse Story” It will run both the first three weeks of October and the first three weeks of November. It will not run again, or at least not until two years from now with the next subscription drive. Only available on this Kickstarter. Plus you…
The Myth Lecture Bundles
First Bundle of Five Lectures Done… It is five of the myths that swirl around creation of words. And this week I will be finishing up the last three lectures in the Roadblocks bundle. I want to do the last two bundles (10 lectures on myths) but not one person has bought a bundle, not one. Lifetime subscribers to the lectures get them, so I will finish the last two bundles for them. And that is the best way to buy these, as I have said. So still going forward with them, clearly mostly just for my own entertainment. (grin) And in the Licensing Transition, Kris and I have a…
Great Dinner
With Ten Writers… Well, I was number ten, so I guess I had dinner with nine other writers. There were ten of us, total, and then we headed to a brew pub so Kevin and a few others could have a beer. Talking went on to almost midnight. These were all successful writers, indie writers, and fun people. Amazing how many writers we are seeing here in Vegas, and missed a couple last week who came through. Fantastic fun after all the years living a long ways from anywhere. So because of all the fun conversation, I was very late getting to the assignments tonight, but just got them done.…
Ramping Back Up Everything
And Getting Caught Up… Working on a big project we will launch in two days, which was part of the reason I went north to Oregon last week. That and a dozen other things. But now that I am back, I spent today getting caught up on email, ramping back up the running, and working on some writing. Weird how a simple three-day trip can cause so much extra work. Or it seems like it is extra. I guess I just automatically do things along every day and when something stops that flow, it reminds me how much I do by piling it all in one place. And I got…
Racing the Clock Storybundle
A Great New Bundle… I curated it and everything and I think I found some of the best fast-paced books in a lot of different genres. So below is my introduction to the entire bundle and all the books and nifty stuff. Worth grabbing folks. And if you haven’t read any of my Mary Jo Assassin novels, here is a chance. Get it at… Racing The Clock Storybundle Fast Paced in Every Genre I love reading stories that grab me and don’t let me go until I come up at the end of the story, sometimes breathless from the ride the author has taken me on. Those kinds of stories…
On My Way…
Home… Back to Vegas after a very quick, meeting-filled three days on the Oregon Coast. I am now sitting in the First Class lounge in Portland, eating a great salad and chowder and writing this. I’ll be home in about four hours, but figured I would write this now so I don’t forget later tonight. A lot of work the last three days on getting rid of stuff left from the stores, meetings on upcoming projects, and the upcoming Pulphouse Kickstarter (Launches Wednesday.) The best part was seeing old friends. The crew at WMG is just amazing, and we are slowly climbing out of all the stuff from Allyson’s brain…
Lots of Meetings
Some Days That Just Happens… Today was one of those days. But when talking publishing and promotions and licenses and writing, meetings are often fun. Today they were fun. And educational. And not even stressful. This new world of publishing and writing and licensing is just flat exciting. I think one reason for me is that I love learning. And the challenge of business. So on this blog and in different places I will be relaying some of the stuff I am learning over the next months. But tonight my brain is full, so headed to get some sleep early.
Just Sold 60,000 Comics
And Had A Great Dinner with Friends… Fun day all the way around. And yes, I sold 60,000 comics. For those that don’t remember, at one point WMG Publishing Inc owned a brick-and-mortar bookstore and three collectables stores. Two of which had comics in them. We sold the bookstore just after we expanded it with a Kickstarter help and it is doing wonderfully. We sold our main comic and collectables store and it is doing fantastic as well with its new owner, who happens to be the former store manager we hired. And then last February we shut down two others. Our reason was to take WMG Publishing Inc back to…
New Story Bundle Now Live… I’m really proud of this bundle. I love thrillers of all sorts and I got a chance to work with some of the best writers of fast-paced fiction working in all sorts of different genres to put this together. So check it out at Storybundle.com Over the next night or so I’ll give more information about the bundle and the great writers in it. But at Storybundle.com you can read the blog I did about the bundle and putting it together. If you love fast-paced books in just about every genre, this is the bundle for you. Nine novels, one collection. And I have one of…
No Comments?
Sort Of Surprised… We have the woman who runs the international licensing expo coming to the Master Business Class to help us all, and no comments. Not sure what I was expecting, but dead silence, even in private emails, sure wasn’t one of the expectations. No need to comment now. Just found it interesting with all the excitement among so many writers about licensing opportunities. So now off I go to work on more chapters of Trademark for Fiction Writers. Night…