Myth Lectures Now Available…
Posted the Last Two Myth Lectures… … In the Roadblocks Bundle of five lectures. The last two are on the myths of Productivity and Quality. Nasty myths, deadly to most writers. There are five lectures on myths in the bundle, five in the first bundle, and there will be two more bundles of five each coming over the next week or so. Best way to get them all is get a lifetime subscription to the lectures. Grab them on Teachable. Trust me, they might save you a lot of years and grief.
Running On Hot Pavement…
Yeah, That’s a Good Idea… But for a good cause and we raised some money for it, so we did it. The course was around and through a mall and its parking lot. The race started late and it was over eighty degrees and bright sun when we finally started. I ran most of the first mile, then settled into a plan. I would run in the sun, walk the shade. So I ended up around 40 minutes or so. I think. Pretty good pace and I didn’t push myself at all. So fun. And here are some pictures of me and Kris. And yes, Gavin, our cat really is…
Forgot To Mention
All Short Stories Are Read for the Challenge… I am finally back up to date to this week. Really fun reading, to be honest. Sadly, numbers of writers have now dropped out and I only have five novels to read for the novel challenge, which I will be doing this next week. So both the Great Challenge for a short story per week and the Great Novel Challenge for a new novel every two months has lots of open spots. Come on folks, keep me reading. I really do enjoy it. Even when I get behind due to other things, it was a blast focusing on reading and getting caught…
Going Running
And the Season Starts… Tomorrow morning, at some amazingly early hour, Kris and I are headed off to do a charity 5k run. We are doing about ten of these charity runs around town before the end of the year. All for great causes. (Tomorrow is St Jude’s Children’s Hospital.) The high temperature tomorrow will be 102 here, more than likely one of the last hot days of the summer. We have promised ourselves that if it is too warm when the race starts, we will just walk. I’m sure we’ll both start off running, knowing us. (grin) I am working toward a marathon in the middle of November, and…
Ask Kris Anything
Quick Notice… Kris still has seven months that she will be doing an hour-long live webinar where you can ask her questions about anything from publishing, licensing, to cats. On Teachable it is called “Ask Kris Anything” and the six month still is open for one more week for those interested to sign up. The next webinar is this Sunday, the 15th at 11 am West Coast USA time. We will shut sign-ups for this off after this coming week and those signed up will be on board until the last one in March. So last week to jump on board on this one.
New Pop-Up…You’re Stuck!
Now What? That’s what Pop-Up #15 is about, helping you get unstuck and learn to not only get to the writing, but how to finish things when you are writing. All of us get stuck at one point or another. This is the help with that. And it has a nifty story prompt with it as well. It is up and available now, and in both the 11-20 bundle and the 11-15 bundle. BUT WE ARE OFFERING SOMETHING SPECIAL… Thank you, everyone, for making the Pulphouse Subscription Drive a wild success. It will be two weeks now before Kickstarter releases everything and we can get started. And to our surprise,…
Dumbest New Myth In Writing
I Heard This Two Days Ago… And flat couldn’t believe that such silliness was out there, so I went and looked, and yup, it’s a real thing. And sadly, writers of all levels are believing it. And this myth is stopping them cold. Or worse yet, sending them toward traditional publishing. I know if I believed it, I would be stopped. So what is this new myth??? “It takes four to five thousand dollars to publish an indie book.” Total and complete hogwash, and folks if you see this myth somewhere, do a tap-dance on the head of the idiot who is spreading it. This is a very, very dangerous…
How To Write a Pulphouse Story Workshop
ONLY PLACE TO SIGN UP IS ON KICKSTARTER… About 24 hours left as I write this. The How to Write a Pulphouse Story is a three week special workshop, offered only twice, once starting the first of October and then starting November 5th. (Your choice.) Three weeks, like a regular workshop (only half as long and half the price), with three assignments. (So yes, you can take it with other workshops and sorry, no, this is not included in the lifetime subscription. Only place it is available is on the Kickstarter to help Pulphouse Fiction Magazine.) The third assignment is to write a Pulphouse story and I will read it.…
Hit 5th Stretch Goal!!!
Only One Stretch Goal Left… And only 48 hours to hit the 6th Stretch Goal. So don’t delay. But first I want to thank everyone who has helped us get this far. Five Stretch goals. Wow, just wow. Thank you. But it might be possible to go a little farther, so here is the 6th goal… Stretch Goal #6… Cats ($30,000) Everyone tells us that on the internet, the best thing you can do is have a cat somewhere. So here we go. In celebration of reaching this level, Kris will do her best to get pictures of our cats and post them. And maybe some of our past cats…
Two Days Left
Set Another Stretch Goal! We are almost to our 5th stretch goal, so with two days left, we wanted to set another stretch goal, one that seems a little out of reach, but still possible. So the 6th stretch goal has a Pop-Up Bundle for writers (worth $600) and a nifty anthology for readers. Cattitude. I really hope we hit it because I would love to have everyone get a free copy of this anthology. Cover below. And thanks for all the wonderful support. Help us pass the word for the last two days. Thanks!