• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Sale Information, Romance Study Along Reading List, and More Covers…

    First, Two New Covers… (Cat Picture at End of Post) I have to not only do the cover for #50 (coming out in a week or so) but I also have to do the cover for #51. Not only is the cover for #51 on the back cover, but it has a number of ads in the interior. The novel in #51 will be a new Thunder Mountain novel called Green Valley. I just did both of these tonight in this form. #50 I did the full spread as well. So here they are. Amazing how different the covers are from issue to issue. I love that, to be honest.…

  • Challenge,  Cover Fun,  publishing

    Short Story Covers for #50…

    With The Help of Angel… I did these five short story covers for the short stories in #50 in about 1 hour and 45 minutes. April demanded some pets along the way and some attention and there is a new picture of her after the covers. Turns out four of the five covers were tough art choices which also took me a little longer. All stories are in my regular series, so I went back to styles I had done before and stayed in cover style. Of course, tonight all five were in Smith’s Stories branding form. Sorry these came in so large. Something messed up here in my media…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Future Member of Promotion Central

    Here Name is Angel… When my cat Walter died suddenly about six years ago now, I started on a search for a red-point Birman cat. Or actually any Birman. That’s how we ended up with Cheeps from a rescue. So over the years I have been in more rescue shelters and donated more money to them then I want to remember. And for five years now I have had a computer search out for a Birman anywhere on the West Coast. No luck. Until about three weeks ago I walked into a local shelter and there was a red-point Birman named Angel. They were calling her a Flame Point and…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Yes, 2020 Decade Ahead is Now 2022

    Amazing What That Pandemic Did To So Much… I will get to changing out the introductions and the descriptions to reference 2022 in the Decade Ahead classes, but more than likely not while this sale is going on. But as I said last night, it will last all of 2022. So yes, to answer questions, signing up on The Decade Ahead 2020 classes gets you the 2022 classes and all that was done back in 2020 as well. I will be updating another class that got messed up. Shared Worlds. All the videos are there, of course, and Cave Creek is doing well and those three anthologies were wonderful. At…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops

    Decade Ahead Classes…

    Up Early In The Morning… So just a quick note about the Decade Ahead quarterly classes. We started off fine in the first quarter (at least the first part of the first quarter) of 2020. Then pandemic and not a person, including me and Kris, had any idea where things were going. So by May of 2020 we had extended the Decade Ahead through all of 2021, thinking by this year we would all know how this was going to shake out. Well, nope. Half the world is still stuck in pandemic, but things in licensing will open back up in 2022 (and are starting to now). The pandemic has…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    A Challenge Out of Nothing

    I Can Make A Challenge For Myself Out of the Stupidest Things… A month or so ago I moved my office from our condo upstairs in this building to a bedroom in the condo on the ground floor. We will be using this condo for workshops in 2022, we hope, if a few more pieces fall into place. But for this last pandemic year, Kris and I used this condo for various things and for good reasons too many to mention, I decided to move my office down here. And it has been fantastic. With the move and such, I worked on a bunch of projects, but not a novel.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Fun Combination Idea…

    Got This Question From Two Writers Today… And I realized it was a really fun idea I should tell everyone about. We have a series of “Collection” classes. The classes are 9 weeks long and from week 2-6 the writers taking the class write five stories that by the 9th week will be published in a collection as part of the class. In essence from nothing to a five story collection in two months. They are fun and you can get a bundle of all six classes that will last you a year and you will write 30 short stories, or you can buy them one collection class at a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More On The Last Sale

    GOT SOME QUESTIONS…. So figured I would answer them here and then repost the first post on the sale from last night. Question #1… What happened to the Master Business Class? It is the only thing we are starting that is not in the sale because that would not be fair to all of those who paid full price for the in-person workshop that has now become that. The Master Business Class will come back after the sale and will start in July. Question #2… Does this sale apply to the lifetime subscriptions?  Yes, it does, to all three. Lifetime Subscription to Workshops, to Lectures, and to Study Alongs. Question…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    That’s Right, Doing One More Pandemic Sale… We have been doing these sales every two months since the pandemic started to try to help writers stay focused on their writing and learning writing and publishing. So now that many parts of this country and the world are breaking into the clear, we decided it was time to do one last sale. We sure hope these sales have helped over the last year. And this one will help you over this last little bit. So the code to get every workshop on WMG Teachable at half price is… THELASTSALE Not only are we doing this sale to help writers stay focused…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff

    A Fun Day…

    Kris’s Birthday… For four years in a row now, I ordered a birthday cake for Kris that was far, far too big by factors. This year we had to go to a new bakery and I ordered it a week ago, all on my own. A very scary feat. So the lady taking the order asked what size and pointed to what must have been a standard two-layer cake size in a display case, but between all the other massive cakes in there, it looked too small. So I asked for something bigger and she said (something I didn’t understand) and I nodded and I ended up with a cake…