Challenges (Wrong Information Out There)
Not Sure How This Information Got Spread… But I heard yesterday from a person who didn’t feel that spending $600 and then not being able to write on something a year in would be a good thing. And that they would lose their money like putting it in a slot machine. I wrote back and said that the challenges don’t cost anything. Yes, you spend the $600 to get into the mix. But if you miss, you get $600 in credits for anything on WMG Teachable except for another challenge. So in other words, you buy $600 in credits for any workshop or anything, and then get to have some…
Back Working and Writing
Having Fun with the Writing… Other stuff is work. (grin) Doing my obligatory blog tonight ahead of the time change and then headed to get some sleep. I recorded the Motivational Monday videos tonight, and also recorded the third week of Secrets. And I hope everyone who was supposed to get the nine Pop-Up Mystery classes got them all right. If not, check your spam filter and then if still not there, contact subscriptions at WMGbooks on Monday. In this upcoming Seeders Kickstarter, we decided to do the same ten Pop-Up focused classes, only instead of mystery, we are aiming them at science fiction. And we are going to make…
A Day Off
From Everything… It is Friday. I had a great lunch with Kris, then off to a fun movie, then home for dinner and then a nap. Then I watched a couple shows and three hours of Castle. (Yes, I have seen them all.) Yes, I will catch up any story I missed writing. I am now headed for bed for a full night’s sleep. This still counts as not missing a blog, so there. The stupidly long blog streak continues.
Pop-Ups From Campaign
Headed Your Way in the Morning… So watch your email tomorrow and if you don’t have them by Monday, contact Josh. Everyone who supported the Crimes Collide got these nine Pop-Up classes focused on mystery. They are $150 each, so everyone got $1,350 in value in classes, not counting all the extra books. Everyone got nine of the ten in this Who, What, and How to Study series because the campaign did that well, but didn’t make the last stretch reward. Now again, these will not be sent out until Friday, so don’t get ahead of WMG on this. And the 10th one in the series is not finished yet,…
Cats Vanish In Less Than A Day
Cattitude Story Bundle About to Vanish!! You don’t want to miss all this fantastic reading. Ten different novels with cats as one kind of focus or another, plus a collection and an anthology. This will end on Thursday evening. Don’t let it slip by. https://storybundle.com/cats And what is amazing is that for one low price of $20 you can get all the books and stories. Really fun stuff in all kinds of different genres. And great writers. If you bought all these books on Amazon, you would pay $50 or more. So test out some new authors, read some fantastic cat novels and stories. Nothing like cat fiction to cheer…
Less Than Two Days Left!!!
Cattitude Story Bundle About to Vanish!! You don’t want to miss all this fantastic reading. Ten different novels with cats as one kind of focus or another, plus a collection and an anthology. This will end on Thursday evening. Don’t let it slip by. https://storybundle.com/cats And what is amazing is that for one low price of $20 you can get all the books and stories. Really fun stuff in all kinds of different genres. And great writers. If you bought all these books on Amazon, you would pay $50 or more. So test out some new authors, read some fantastic cat novels and stories. Nothing like cat fiction to cheer…
Study Along Classes
March Assignment Out… I sent out the first short story assignment for the Humor/Thriller class that goes from March 21st through the 24th. Of course there is no Vegas side of this class, so it will only be the Study Along, but I am going to run it as if there is a Vegas class. The reading list went out three months ago, and the first short story assignment was posted tonight. And yes, you can still jump in if you want. Getting the reading done would be hard, but the rest of it would be fine and you can always finish the reading after the class. The first IN-PERSON…
Another Short One
Too Much Computer Time Today… My eyes are starting to blur. So since I leave this blog to the very last, it will be short tonight. Challenge is going along fine, but so stupidly busy I haven’t had a chance to put any more on Patreon. I will in a few days. Things are about to clear. Or I hope they do since I have only limited amount of screen time and have been maxing that out all week. And not exercising enough and eating too much. All bad things that will change shortly. Like tonight, I worked on a story for an invite anthology, knew I would not finish…
Running Pictures
Motivational Monday… Since in the Motivational Monday videos tomorrow, I talk about my running and how just not stopping is the key in running and writing, I figured for Sunday I would post some running pictures I promised last Monday. So here they are. All copyright Rock and Role Marathon except the last one. First one about a mile after the start. I’m still running fine. Damn this was crazy fun. Second picture is somewhere in the middle of the miles…Pretty much everyone around me was walking. Third picture is nearing the finish of the 13 miles… I’m back running again, if you call it that… Picture just after the…
Searching for Art
Hours Spent… I finished my short story fairly early tonight, so was going to go get some sleep but then decided to check our account on Deposit Photos and discovered that I was going to lose my monthly number of art downloads if I didn’t use them in the next ten hours. Yikes. So for two hours tonight I downloaded art that I might use for February stories that I haven’t done covers for. Didn’t end up using all of the credits, but used a bunch of them. Eyes just ran out of gas (or something like that.) And don’t forget that the fantastic Cattitude Storybundle only has five days…