• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Less Than 40 Hours Left in Crimes Collide

    I Am Very Proud of These Books… Last year we did Colliding Worlds, where Kris and I each put ten science fiction short stories into a book and did six books for a total of 120 stories. This year in CRIMES COLLIDE we put ten mystery stories from me and ten from Kris into a book. Five books for a total of 100 stories. 50 from me, 50 from Kris. Crimes Collide Kickstarter Campaign No matter what reward you take, you will get all five volumes of CRIMES COLLIDE. Plus we have some amazing stretch rewards as we hit certain goals along the way. Right now we have gone by…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Patreon, Master Class, and More

    A Bunch of Stuff… First off, for those of you who are supporting my Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/deanwesleysmith, I have attempted to put up in raw form the first two stories from the challenge with covers. No clue if it worked and if only the correct tiers can see the posts. I will be putting up some Smith’s Monthly issues shortly for all supporters. But tonight trying to learn the ropes on this. If some of you who are familiar with Patreon would let me know how I did, that would be appreciated. Thanks!! Master Business Class Finally it has all 13 of the first basic foundation classes up. That is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Crimes Collide Kickstarter

    Doing Fantastic! We funded in an hour and then in the first eight hours hit the first two stretch rewards. Amazing and thank you for helping us on this. I really hope we can get to all ten of those Pop-Ups in that series. That would be so cool. So since I just finished a short story that I started at 12:30 because the day did not allow me to get close to my writing computer before then, I am just going to give everyone here all the information again about the Crimes Collide campaign, plus the video. Mystery Collection of 100 Stories… Kris and I liked what happened last…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    CRIMES COLLIDE Kickstarter

    Mystery Collection of 100 Stories… Kris and I liked what happened last year with COLLIDING WORLDS sf collection, so we are doing it again with mystery. Same format… twenty mystery stories per book, ten by her, ten by me, five big books total. Damn these are fun to do. And the Kickstarter has some really fun surprises. Lots and lots of books and stories for readers, of course. Every award included all five of the CRIMES COLLIDE books. Every reward, even the workshop rewards. And wow do we have some great stuff in this one for writers. Two Special three-week workshops like we have been doing. WRITING MYSTERY ENDINGS and…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Reading List for Thriller Humor Class Posted

    Posted in the Study Along Class… I sent out an email to everyone signed up telling everyone the reading list is there, but of course, a lot of people have opted out of email on Teachable and therefore will not get my letter. So if you didn’t get the letter from me about the reading list for the Thriller Humor Study Along and you are signed up, go to Teachable and turn on the email for yourself. Story assignments and everything will be posted on the site, but I will always send an email when I post them. And no, I can’t do it for you. It is your account.…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  workshops

    General Stuff… And Story Challenge

    Five Stories So Far… Everything going fine. 3 stories in the 2,500 word range, two stories in the 4,000 word range. I got jammed today building a new Kickstarter, so didn’t get the stories uploaded to Patreon or the rest of what I was going to do there, but will shortly. And will do a challenge complete update here shortly as well, including how the days are working out as far as timing. Workshop Sale will finally end today (Thursday in the evening). Use code YearEnd if you want to grab one last class on 50% off sale. I have been holding up on my calorie limits and hitting my…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Sale Extended and My Challenge

    Sale Extended Until Thursday Evening… We have extended the sale, meaning leave the code in place, until Thursday evening. So you can get anything on WMG Teachable for half price until Thursday by hitting purchase and then using the code YearEnd If you missed something you wanted or the sale went by and you didn’t notice until now, it’s not done yet. The reason is that we had two people ask if they could get the half price sale in a day or so, and I talked with WMG and we decided if we give it to them, we needed to just leave it open for everyone. Win/Win. So remember,…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Last Day of the Workshop Sale

    Ends Late Tonight… Tuesday Night Everything on WMG Teachable is half price. Just hit purchase on what you want, then put in the code: YearEnd And you can get it for half price. Starting right now are the Regular January Workshops. February Regular Workshops are also available for the sale, but the January ones are starting right now. They are normally $300, but for the sale they are $150 with the code. They last six weeks and take about three hours a week at your own time. The dates are the starting dates. Start with Depth in Writing if you have not taken one before. Class #1… Jan 4th ……

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Last Two Days of Year End Workshop Sale…

    Yup, Just Two Days Left… Amazing how time flies when we are all having holidays. Anything on WMG Teachable is half off. Just use the code: YearEnd To use the code, hit purchase on the class you want and then on the next page put in the code and you will be in at half price. Remember, it’s everything. Six new collection classes are now up. And a way to buy all six from the first year or all six from the second year. They are great fun and you write five new stories and publish a collection with those stories by the end of the class. A number of…

  • Challenge,  publishing,  workshops


    Paying Attention to Your Taxes? If, in the best world (which I must admit almost no writers live in), you would have already figured your income for 2021 from your writing and the expenses you can take that income down to make sure you don’t pay taxes. Yeah, and cows can fly. But that is the right way to do it, and honestly, except for 2020, I come close each year to knowing exactly what WMG Publishing made and our tax situation by the last week of the month. I don’t have it to the penny, but I know. (Let’s just say that 2020 surprised me on the income to…