What a Transition Day…
Amazing Numbers of Things Ended and Started… First off, today was the last morning for the In-Person Romance/Spies class, and last night I put up the last videos for the Study Along part of that class. Really a fun one in my opinion and Kris and the gang here seemed to enjoy it as well. I had a quick dinner with them last night which was fun. And then today Kris gave me the assignment for the Add-On novella Romance/Spies Class. You had to take the In-Person or Study Along to take this one. Not a lot of videos, but Kris gave the assignment and she will read every novella…
Hit Another Stretch Goal with 24 Hours Left!!!
Almost Done! Ends 7 pm Thursday, West Coast Time. So still a full day to get a workshop or some fun books or a subscription to Pulphouse Fiction Magazine to help it through the new year. Now, after hitting this most recent stretch goal, every backer of any reward gets 5 Pulphouse anthologies, Fiction River: Risk Takers, and four Pop-Up classes for writers (yes, readers, you can give them away) worth $600.00. And every backer gets a six-issue subscription. Total value for the workshops, the books, and the 6-issue subscription is just over $670.00. Do don’t miss this one, and don’t miss the two special workshops. Only 24 hours left…
Three Days Left… The Workshops
Going Over The Workshops in the Pulphouse Kickstarter Wow are there a lot of writer workshops available in this Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2022 Kickstarter Let me start with the two Special Workshops, only available for three more days. Both workshops are three-weeks long, are offered only twice, and the final weeks’ assignment for both workshops will be to write a short story that I will consider for Pulphouse (Not as submissions, just how I will look at the stories. If I thinks it will fit, he will tell you and you can send it to me if you want.) You have your choice of taking either three-week workshop starting…
Kickstarter Workshops
The Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Kickstarter Has Great Writing Perks! A lot of our different Kickstarter campaigns have writers workshops and class perks. Our current Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription 2020 Kickstarter seems to have some really great ones. For example, not only can you get two major Lifetime Subscriptions at half price, but you can also get 3 Regular Workshops, 3 Pop-Up classes, or 3 Classic Workshops at half price. And with each one you get a year’s subscription to Pulphouse. In the Stretch Rewards, if we make them all, you will get the following new Pop-Up Classes worth $150 each for no cost. Just for supporting the Pulphouse Magazine campaign…
Quick Solutions Series
First One Is Up… The first class in the Quick Solutions Series is called: How to Make More Than Coffee Money This new series of workshops is a cross between a classic workshop and a Pop-Up. Each one has three parts, each part has an assignment you do for yourself to help in the learning. Then there is a very pointed story prompt that if you want you can send to me to read. This first one has 18 videos, but I will warn you, the answer to the title question is not focusing on how to make quick money. Just how, over time, to make more than coffee money.…
Lifetime Subscribers Special Bonus
Lifetime Subscribers Should Have Gotten a Letter from Me… If you did not, chances are that means you have your email on Teachable turned off and are not getting any notices. Since we are not doing any full, site-wide half-price sales anymore, WMG Publishing thought it would be a nice gesture to offer those of you with Lifetime Subscriptions to any of our series a special Flash Sale. This is just for the lifetime subscribers. Sorry. And a one-time thing only good until Sunday night. So if you are a lifetime subscriber and are interested and didn’t get a letter from me, write me directly or message me here and…
Fun Day!!
All July Workshops Are Up and Available… That includes the two new workshops, Heinlein’s Rules and Media Kit. Full list is below, but all are now available. And this time of great forgetting is so bad this year, half of the classes have no one in them, which is going to make my month very easy if some don’t sign up soon. As it is, many of the classes except the two new ones are like getting private lessons from me. Remember, this is the last month for Power Words and Making a Living with Novels before they mosey off to the Classic Workshops fields and I will not respond…
Fun Collection Class
Thieves Collection Class I think this might be the most fun collection 9-week class we have done. The topic of Thieves can be in any genre and cover just about anything. Got two other collection classes starting as well today, but the Thieves to me sounds like the most fun. At the end of 9 weeks you have written five new stories and published a collection. I’m thinking a romance thieves collection would be great. Or maybe a thieves in Space Opera. Thieves topic and focus just fits anywhere. Fun. Just started today. Also the first classes in the July Regular Workshops started today as well. And the second sessions…
Wow, I Am Surprised…
Time of Great Forgetting and an American Holiday… Got all that. But I guess I am wrong. Two classes I thought we would get a lot of people signing up for, and being excited to take, and no one. Crickets… At least so far. First off, having Kris talk for almost four hours about writing and the business of writing and surviving in the business for thirty years in the Interview Classes. She talks about ten of her major series over four hours of me asking her questions about the series and publishing and writing. The people who got it free on the Kickstarter are signing up, but not one…
Heinlein’s Rules and Media Kit Workshops
All July Workshops Now Available… Both new workshops starting in July are available now. (Both are on the Lifetime Subscription as well.) Heinlein’s Business Rules Workshop will be far, far more than just going over the five simple rules. It will be how those simple five rules can turn you into a full-time professional fiction writer. They really are a major secret to writing and for the first time, Kris and I are going to give those business rules six full weeks of attention. You will be stunned at what you think you know about then, but really do not. Media Kit workshop is going to be for those really…