• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Workshop Sale… Again…

    We Are Still Mostly At Home… (Or We Should Be)… Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale two months ago, we had an expectation that as things opened up, we would all be able to slowly go back to a changed, but new normal life. And that sort of happened for some. Sort of. But now everything is headed in the other direction fast, and to be safe, we all need to stay home as much as possible to not only keep the hospitals from being overrun, but to save lives. Maybe our own. But to stay sane through this next…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Recorded Yet Another New Pop-Up

    I Should Have Both Posted by Wednesday… The one I recorded a few days ago is called #21… Fear of Success, maybe the largest trigger of the critical voice there is outside of making a book important, and also a major reason many writers stop writing. The Pop-Up I just finished recording is called #22… Dealing with Toxic People. Sort of a how to recognize them, how to fix the problem, or how to get away from the problem. Sadly, often the most toxic people are friends or family who have your best intentions in mind. So I figured people needed some help on that. Now Kris and I have…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Playing With Licensing

    Once Again… I mentioned a while back for the Cold Poker Gang kickstarter that I created a set of cards with all the book covers as the backs. Looks way cool. And a few people will be getting signed decks from me from the Kickstarter rewards. (By the way, the surveys have all been sent out. I will be contacting you with workshop stuff later in the week.) I also got one test deck of cards with the new book only on it. Way cool looking. I also made a poker chip set with Cold Poker Gang on every chip in gold lettering and my new book cover on the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Recorded a New Pop-Up

    Not Live Yet…  But will be next week. In fact, I am going to record a second one as well and put both up at the same time next week. The new Pop-Up I recorded is called Fear of Success. We are doing right now the first time through a Killing the Critical Voice workshop (that we will offer every month) and fear of success is often so much of the reason for not being able to fight critical voice. And it is amazing how many writers have vanished or held themselves at a certain level because of this fear. Critical voice always comes out in fear, by the way.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Dr. Jerry Pournelle’s Advice

    Advice from Another Pro… Before he died in 2017, Dr. Jerry Pournelle recorded at the Writers of the Future conference advice to help newer writers. He wasn’t talking to fans, but to writers. It doesn’t matter what any of you thought of Jerry personally, his books were New York Times bestsellers and he was in the industry writing for over forty years or more. And besides helping writers at Writers of the Future, he often took in single student to mentor. Some major writers were his students at one time or another. And I know a lot of you don’t believe me at times about some of the advice I…

  • Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  publishing

    Author’s Copies

    They Become a Necessary Problem… After collecting author’s copies for 35 or more years now, they tend to build up in volume. And when you have two prolific authors, they really can build up in numbers. So one of the large collections I will be bringing to Vegas is all of Kris and my author’s copies. (Our brag shelves are already here. I am talking about extra copies.) The reason is that the new offices in Lincoln City just doesn’t have the room for all the back stock of WMG books and all of Kris and my author’s copies. So one collection is moving to the new Vegas office and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Just Eight Hours Left!!

    Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter Campaign… Almost to the fourth stretch goal. If we manage to hit that, everyone will get 5 extra books, plus $35o in lectures, Pop-Ups, and Classic Workshops. Plus, remember that the only place to get into the special Writing Mystery Series workshop is in this campaign. It is a three week workshop and the reward level is $150. You have your choice of taking it in July or August. And there are discounts on lectures and regular workshops as well. Ends at 6 PM tonight, West Coast Time, so not much time left. Here is the link to the campaign… Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Back in Boise

    Headed Home to Vegas… Tomorrow, Wednesday… So I will be responding to assignments on Thursday in the workshops, but all of Week #3 workshops have been launched, a real feat from this iPad. (Grin) And wow, with almost two days left as I write this in the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter (links in posts below), we are gaining on the 4th stretch goal! That one has another one of my off-brand series books to read and a choice of a Pop-Up worth $150. So I sure hope we can get to that. Thanks for passing the word. Long day today. Spent three hours in the warehouse this morning with Allyson…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    Very Close To Third Stretch Goal!!

    As I Write This… Only $90 away on the Cold Poker Gang Kickstarter. (See posts below for links.) And when we hit that, everyone will get an electronic copy of my novel Death Takes a Partner: A Mary Jo Assassin novel. (Yes, I know, I write books no one has every heard of, but actually have two in that series and some short stories.) Also, you get your choice of a classic workshop. And still have three days left and if we can hit the next stretch goal, everyone will get a copy of my Earth Protection League novel, Life of a Dream.  And your choice of any of the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Losing An Art Form In Book Sales

    Just Was Brought to My Attention… That publishing is losing an art form. Television still has it, so do movies, so do gaming and other licensing areas. But books are losing this art form completely. Tag Lines.  That’s right, writing a tag line to catch a reader’s attention used to be an art form on book covers and helped sell millions of copies of books. But now, due to simple lack of knowledge, the art form is vanishing. So what is happening? Well, in traditional publishing, massive budget cuts have taken out most of the sales force, leaving a few for only the bestsellers. Where the sales force used to…