• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Fun Combination Idea…

    Got This Question From Two Writers Today… And I realized it was a really fun idea I should tell everyone about. We have a series of “Collection” classes. The classes are 9 weeks long and from week 2-6 the writers taking the class write five stories that by the 9th week will be published in a collection as part of the class. In essence from nothing to a five story collection in two months. They are fun and you can get a bundle of all six classes that will last you a year and you will write 30 short stories, or you can buy them one collection class at a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    More On The Last Sale

    GOT SOME QUESTIONS…. So figured I would answer them here and then repost the first post on the sale from last night. Question #1… What happened to the Master Business Class? It is the only thing we are starting that is not in the sale because that would not be fair to all of those who paid full price for the in-person workshop that has now become that. The Master Business Class will come back after the sale and will start in July. Question #2… Does this sale apply to the lifetime subscriptions?  Yes, it does, to all three. Lifetime Subscription to Workshops, to Lectures, and to Study Alongs. Question…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    That’s Right, Doing One More Pandemic Sale… We have been doing these sales every two months since the pandemic started to try to help writers stay focused on their writing and learning writing and publishing. So now that many parts of this country and the world are breaking into the clear, we decided it was time to do one last sale. We sure hope these sales have helped over the last year. And this one will help you over this last little bit. So the code to get every workshop on WMG Teachable at half price is… THELASTSALE Not only are we doing this sale to help writers stay focused…

  • Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    How to Write Spaceships…

    Special Class in THE CHASE Kickstarter… And you only got about 20 hours to get it. Goes away and won’t be offered again after 7 pm West Coast Time. Most writers I know, especially beginning writers, think they know how to write spaceships. But I see very few who actually do. Most end up putting a “bridge” in the middle of the ship, or the front of the ship as if spaceships had fronts, and by the time they are done, might as well have Captain Kirk sitting down in the center. And no setting, no sense of scale, and no clue how to do any of that to make…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing

    Forty Hours Left in The Chase Kickstarter…

    Still Time to Get the New Diving Novel… And a bunch of other great stuff. You can get all sixteen Diving Books, or all six Colliding Worlds Collections, or two special workshops on writing that you will never get anywhere else. Those two workshops are only offered through this campaign and only in the next 40 hours. We also gaining quickly on the next stretch reward which has another book for everyone, plus another Pop-Up Class worth $150.00. And that will be the second one. So jump to the campaign and look at all the great stuff. And get early maybe the best Diving novel so far. And that is…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing


    On THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign. THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two, again only available through the campaign. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Following Up on Yesterday’s Post…

    With a Personal Story… I wrote a novel for fun back in January of 2014 called KILL GAME: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. It came out in Smith’s Monthly in March and then as a stand-alone novel in May of 2014.  It sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month, maybe. (That’s what I have been told.) Then in November my creative voice said “Write another.” I did, a book called COLD CALL: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. Again it was in Smith’s Monthly and out stand-alone a month or so later. Sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month. I did not care and paid…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Deadly Problems For Writers…

    Money… This might take a few posts to fully explain and add to. So hang on… Over the last month or so the biggest and most deadly issue I have tried to help writer’s through is the desire to make a lot of money with book sales quickly. In other words, the writer is not focused on the fun of writing a story, but on how the book is selling after they have finished it. This is what I call “Product Focused” vs “Process Focused.” The real problem comes in when the product focused gets into the process of writing and usually stops it cold, or makes in difficult and…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing,  publishing

    THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign Hit Third Stretch Reward

    And Is Well On Its Way to the Next… THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to the first…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Get a Master’s Degree In Publishing

    A Real Master’s Degree From Real Writers and Publishers… Not kidding. You can do it and in a year and the new year is about to start. This is the Masters Degree program taught by Kevin J. Anderson. You know, the New York Times Bestseller and half owner of Wordfire Press. That Kevin J. Anderson. And helping him is Allyson Longueira, the publisher of WMG Publishing Inc. (I also get to help a tiny bit every year.) It is almost all online, except for a week at the start and a week or two at the end in the summer. It was full before I got a chance to tell…