On THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign. THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two, again only available through the campaign. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to…
Following Up on Yesterday’s Post…
With a Personal Story… I wrote a novel for fun back in January of 2014 called KILL GAME: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. It came out in Smith’s Monthly in March and then as a stand-alone novel in May of 2014. It sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month, maybe. (That’s what I have been told.) Then in November my creative voice said “Write another.” I did, a book called COLD CALL: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. Again it was in Smith’s Monthly and out stand-alone a month or so later. Sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month. I did not care and paid…
Deadly Problems For Writers…
Money… This might take a few posts to fully explain and add to. So hang on… Over the last month or so the biggest and most deadly issue I have tried to help writer’s through is the desire to make a lot of money with book sales quickly. In other words, the writer is not focused on the fun of writing a story, but on how the book is selling after they have finished it. This is what I call “Product Focused” vs “Process Focused.” The real problem comes in when the product focused gets into the process of writing and usually stops it cold, or makes in difficult and…
THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign Hit Third Stretch Reward
And Is Well On Its Way to the Next… THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to the first…
Get a Master’s Degree In Publishing
A Real Master’s Degree From Real Writers and Publishers… Not kidding. You can do it and in a year and the new year is about to start. This is the Masters Degree program taught by Kevin J. Anderson. You know, the New York Times Bestseller and half owner of Wordfire Press. That Kevin J. Anderson. And helping him is Allyson Longueira, the publisher of WMG Publishing Inc. (I also get to help a tiny bit every year.) It is almost all online, except for a week at the start and a week or two at the end in the summer. It was full before I got a chance to tell…
Amazon Buys MGM Film Studio
An Interesting Bit of News… In a month with a lot of entertainment news, this event sort of stood out. But here is a paragraph from Jane Freidman’s newsletter called Hotsheet that I found fascinating about the purchase. (You should subscribe to the newsletter, trust me.) “The $8.45 billion acquisition includes a catalog of 17,000 TV shows and 4,000 films. The press release quotes an Amazon executive as saying, “The real financial value behind this deal is the treasure trove of IP in the deep catalog that we plan to reimagine and develop together with MGM’s talented team. It’s very exciting and provides so many opportunities for high-quality storytelling.”” You…
This Might Be the Best Deal In a Bundle Ever!!! And it will be gone forever shortly. First you get the Pop-Up writing class called… Dealing with Toxic People Valued at $150. You can get it and 9 writing and business books by top professional writers. All of that for exactly $15.00 Not kidding. And it is going away in a day. Yikes!! Go to Storybundle.com/writing Kris has a book in the bundle about dealing with Hollywood and I have the Writing a Novel in Half a Month book I did as blogs here. And Loren Coleman’s book on Crowdfunding for Writers is worth far more than the total $15.…
Dealing with Toxic People Pop-Up Class Valued at $150. You can get it and 9 writing and business books by top professional writers for exactly $15.00 Not kidding. And it is going away in three days. Yikes!! Go to Storybundle.com/writing Kris has a book in the bundle about dealing with Hollywood and I have the Writing a Novel in Half a Month book I did as blogs here. And Loren Coleman’s book on Crowdfunding for Writers is worth far more than the total $15. Some amazing topics for writers. Don’t miss it. And seriously, 9 great writing and business books for $15 and toss in a $150 writing class as…
Traditional Book Publishers…
Why To Avoid At All Costs… I am going to make this post simple and very clear. This will hurt some of you who still believe in the 1980’s myth of traditional publishing being the best path. I am not sorry. First, a short story. Ten years ago I met a writer at a conference that was all excited about finishing a novel and getting the novel to an agent. (I had known this beginning writer from a few years before. Very promising writer.) A name writer at the conference who was still lost in traditional publishing had provided an introduction to this baby writer to an agent. Make note,…
Year of the Cat Series Completed
Volume #12 Just Shipped. Twelve wonderful volumes in total have shipped and next month the large electronic volume of all twelve books in one will go out. We did a Kickstarter over a year ago in January of 100 Cat Stories in 12 volumes. So since May we have sent out a new book every month. So now, a year later, all one hundred cat stories are out. To see all twelve of them, go to The Year of the Cat Series Page There you can get information on all twelve books, see the covers, the contents, and how to order them. Here is the cover for #12. Kris and…