• Misc

    Kris’s Website Is Down

    We know about the site being down and there are a host of wonderful people working on it as I type this. It should be back up by tomorrow (Monday) just fine. Ahh, aren’t these things fun. (grin)

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Rolled In After Midnight

    So I Am Back On the Coast Until the End of April… Doing workshops, Pulphouse Magazine layout, writing short stories, and packing. A ton of packing. Tomorrow night I’ll talk about my preparation for the short story challenge. Mostly mind-set preparations, since I never plan what I am writing out ahead. So that ends tonight the great cat trip. 26 hour drive, two days of rest and helping them get settled, then a flight back tonight and a drive back to the coast. The cats are safely in the condo in Vegas with Kris and doing as well as could be expected. Now back to writing tomorrow after I get…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Headed Back To The Coast

    Flying This Time… Leaving Kris the van and two cats. Both cats seem to be getting used to the place. I’m going to be getting ready to fire up on the short-story-a-day challenge starting on Sunday. That’s just part one of this coming challenge. Plus I have an entire house to pack and get cleared. So starting Sunday these blogs will get longer as I talk about how to focus on a challenge and writing and production in the middle of a pretty intense life roll. Moving, they say, is one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. So figure this short story per day for April will…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Me and The Cats Made It

    26 Hours… I stopped and rested for a few hours in a hotel room around 5 in the morning, took a shower, then stopped every 45 minutes after that for the next six hours to rest and drink water and some caffeine. Left at 12:30 p.m. from Lincoln City and got in here to our condo in Las Vegas at 2:30. Had dinner in Boise with a friend along the way as well. Cats never said a word. I had them in a massive dog carrier that took help from Josh at WMG to get into the van. They had pillows and a blanket and they didn’t make a sound…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    A Filler Because I Am In A Car With Cats

    That’s right, two cats… I am writing this ahead and will post it from my iPad as I grab something to eat in the middle of the night somewhere along the way. I am taking two cats in a large dog carrier from the Oregon Coast to Las Vegas. So wish me luck… And this is yet again an example of the power of a streak with this blog. If I can post a blog while driving two cats non-stop for over twenty hours, anything is possible. (grin)

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Time for a Cat Update

    Here is the Gang… After the loss of our three major cats over the last year or so, with Galley going a week ago, we have a new crew. Our big three were Walter, Galley, and Ella. Galley was the center for 15 years of a number of crews and the core of this house, so he is really missed. But now our new crew is doing great. And are wonderful cats, being led by a five month old kitten with the personality the size of this place. First we have the old guy of the house now at 8 years. Cheeps is a beautiful pure-blood Red Point Berman we…

  • Misc

    Some Help If You Can for Ted White

    Yes, one of the great editors in the history of science fiction and fantasy needs a little help. I was surprised when I saw this pop up tonight. I did not realize Ted was still alive. And that he is only 13 years older than I am. I never managed to sell him anything, but still liked him. Now it appears he needs a little help, so click on the link and read his letter and see if you can spare a few bucks to help him stay in his childhood home. https://www.gofundme.com/44r62-save-my-house

  • Fun Stuff,  Misc

    A Writer in the Air

    LAS VEGAS FUN… Las Vegas is a ton of fun. Not only did I write an entire novel while there, but I also enjoyed time with my friends. First photo is looking back at the six blocks. I am on the left. Second photo is me getting closer to the landing. The third picture is me and my friend Lenny hanging over the landing pads. That will give you an idea about the video below. The video is a short version of my flight on the Slotzilla zipline in downtown Las Vegas from the viewpoint of that helmet cam I was wearing.  Short version means I cut out all the…

  • Misc

    Working on the Cache Problem

    Spent a number of hours tonight with great tech people, first at Bluehost, my provider and then with an indie tech guy who went above and beyond the call of duty to fix this issue. So at the moment, it’s going to take a little time to clear out the old code, but once you hit refresh, the old problem will vanish going forward for you. And everyone who doesn’t hit refresh (or go to a different page on the site) will be out of this in a week which is how long the cache holds stuff. Suddenly all the new posts will just appear for them. (grin) Thanks for…

  • Misc

    Back from the Cache… Part Three (first two posts deleted)

    Working on the problem… off and on all night. The fine techs at my host provider have been working on what they say is a very strange problem. We have been back and forth on the phone now for a few hours tonight. (They are wonderful and WordPress experts.) They have made a few changes in some code that might help and we turned off a thing called Varnish that might have caused part of the problem. But it seems, for the moment, some visitors are going to have to hit refresh on certain browsers. I go to this site on one browser and it comes up fine with the most…