• Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  Recommended Reading


    A Best Practices Guide By Loren Coleman And trust me, folks, you ever thinking of adding Kickstarters into your fiction plans, you want this book in your library. And Loren wrote it to have it read, so he is practically giving it away in a Kickstarter Launch campaign. Folks, I have read this book. It will be the bible of how to do fiction campaigns going forward. Loren was the co-founder with me of the Best Practices class that is free on WMG Publishing Teachable. And he ran a 2 million plus campaign. And he has run small campaigns under different company names. This one is under his Pulse Publishing…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Hit Next Stretch Reward

    With Only Hours Left… And only hours left to get into the Special Writing Epic Fantasy three-week workshop. It will only be offered, ever, though this campaign. This campaign ends at 7 pm today, West Coast Time. So if you want the special workshop, you only have hours to sign up. So go to Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign and get the special workshop, plus all the extras. As far as workshops go that are extra, if you are a backer of this campaign, you will get, without any more cost than your backer amount, seven brand new Pop-Up Classes. (And they add into the Special Writing Epic Fantasy…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Last Thirty Hours…

    This Ends at 7 PM on Wednesday. That’s Tomorrow! The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign… Last chance to get the Special Writing Epic Fantasy workshop. It will only be offered through this campaign, never again. Last chance with a simple pledge to get a lot of great fantasy reading and six writing classes worth $900. Last chance to get the first seven books of The Fey at a discounted price. Only thirty or so hours left. Last full day. And pass the word to writer friends and fantasy fans. Help us reach that last stretch reward.

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Return of the Fey Kickstarter only 60-Plus Hours Left

    Don’t Let This One Slip Past… Folks, after almost twenty years, Kris is returning to The Fey and she needed your help. Watch her in the video and she explains it perfectly. She needed a deadline and you have given it to her now with The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign. But now, with all the stretch rewards this campaign has hit, this is more than worth everyone backing, readers or writes, to try to hit even the next stretch reward. But only a few days left, counting down now by hours!! In the campaign there are some really cool things. Kris has already started a blog series that…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Figuring Out a Stretch Goal

    Approaching Next Stretch Goal… The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign has 5 days left and we are nearing the 7th Stretch Goal (amazingly cool!). When we hit that goal, all backers will get the fantastic novel FANTASY LIFE by Kris and another Pop-Up writing class called Freedom Indie Publishing Provides. That is a $150 value. I have promised another stretch goal above the 7th, so I know for the 8th stretch reward it will be another $150 Pop-Up class called Creating Tension in Your Writing. We just have not decided on the next book for that goal. And if we get close to that goal, we will add yet…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    Post Just For Readers

    Books In The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign… Wow, are there a lot of books for readers in The Return of the Fey Kickstarter Campaign. To start off with, everyone who backs the campaign at the $5 level and above will get a copy of the brand new Fey Novella that Kris will write to get herself back writing Fey novels. She explains it all in the video. It is at the bottom of this post. Then if you backed the reward at the $30 level, (or added it to another reward) you would get all seven books of the Fey in electronic editions. And there is also a…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  workshops

    Post Just For Writers

    A Summary of Classes in the Kickstarter. We are just ten days from the end of The Return of the Fey Kickstarter campaign. So thought I would summarize where we are with classes and stretch rewards with lots of time left. First off, there are two amazing classes you can back on this campaign. You can get one or both, actually. Special Three Week Writing Epic Fantasy workshop. This will only be offered through this campaign. You can start it May 4th or June 1st. (I may have said different dates on the campaign, but these are official start dates.) Cost is $150.00 Lessons from the Writing of the Fey.…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign,  On Writing

    Saturday Night…

    Too Busy Working On a Novel… To spend too much time writing a long, thoughtful post. So basically this is another one of those filler blogs to keep my streak alive. I think this is 3,100 days in a row without missing writing and posting a blog here. Might be 3,101 days in a row. Too busy to spend the time and check exactly. (grin) Now I admit that is silliness. But still going. And the Return of the Fey Kickstarter campaign is still going and Kris and I are putting final touches on a Pop-Up class every day and I am recording one a day. Which is why I…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    Crowdfunding Your Fiction

    Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers… If you are a writer and have even given one thought to doing a Kickstarter campaign, you need this book. This book will become the bible for fiction Kickstarters. Done by Loren L. Coleman, who has done small campaigns and million dollar campaigns, he puts all the details together. This book will not only tell you how to run a successful campaign and make a bunch of money, but also will keep you from making some really silly blunders. He is launching this book as a Kickstarter. Duh. You can get the book for $2.00 electronic. No reason to not have it. Plus he…

  • Challenge,  Kickstarter Campaign

    The Fey Returns Kickstarter

    Doing Great!! In fact, we are gaining on the 6th stretch reward. The Fey Novella Kickstarter. When we hit that, it will mean that readers get seven extra books counting the new Fey Novella, and five brand new Pop-Up classes for writers, each worth $150.00.  In fact, next week Kris and I will start recording all those new Pop-Ups. And we are hoping to have to record more than five. And we are hoping to reach stretch rewards we haven’t put up yet. And if we go high enough, Kris has promised to write a second brand new Fey novella and give it to everyone. So please keep passing the…