Study Along Online Classes…
They Go with the In-Person Classes… Study Along workshops are held at exactly the same time, with the same reading list. as the in-person classes here in Vegas. The In-Person workshops start in March and we have another every two months until January 2023. These are hardcore craft workshops. We are holding the in-person Vegas classes to 15 writers and everyone must be vaccinated, so we are very certain they will take place. So at the same time as each workshop here in Vegas, there is a study-along class by the same name that is online on Teachable. It will be held from Monday through Thursday with the same story…
Power Words
Time To Consider Them… Power words, just their existence, baffles writers. Actually, most writers never consider them. Writers who know how to use them, just use them. If you don’t know how to use them, it still happens by accident at times, just no control or focus. Kris and I have been talking about doing a Power Words workshop for a long time, just like we talked about a Depth in Writing for a long time before we actually launched it. But the idea that it was too advanced kept us from even trying it. Knowing about power words and using them in the right situations will jump your writing…
Last Day of the Cattitude Bundle
On Story Bundle… Ten great books of cat stories. This ends on Thursday, so this is the last full day. I have a Pakhet Jones short novel in there called THE BIG TOM that is kind of fun and cool. And I edited the title collection of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine stories called CATTITUDE. They are truly whacked out as you can imagine a Pulphouse cat story might be. An entire book of them. Kris put this incredible bundle together and to be honest it sort of surprised me that there is only one day left. For $15 bucks you can get all ten books of cat stories. This is the…
Doing a Half-Price Sale Again…
SUMMER SETBACK SALE… For all the details as to why we are doing this again, check yesterday’s post. But the short of it is that if you use the code SETBACK on any class or workshop, you will get it for half price. But remember, this is a short-term sale. Considering how open and once again free we were all feeling here in the States about this pandemic in May, where we are now with the pandemic is a setback in any terms. We are now all better off just staying in and letting this pass over us. Even those of us vaccinated. So lots of classes to take while…
Summer Setback Sale
We Had No Plans To Do This… But yet here we are. Back at the beginning of June, when we started what we called THE LAST SALE, we really thought it would be. Even though there was a long ways to go with the pandemic, the US had opened back up, and the vaccines were working like gold. All we had to do was just keep up the vaccination pace and the US would be out of this and then, as we tend to do, we could help the rest of the world. But over the next months, Kris and I and half the rest of the population, looked on…
Of My Own Stories… I have 51 Issues of Smith’s Monthly published and #52 turned in. Those are, in a way, collections, since it is all my work. Novels, nonfiction, short stories, and so on. But I have also been maintaining a spread sheet of all the short stories I have published in Smith’s Monthly. The spread sheet is so I don’t duplicate any story and I have about 240 stories on that spread sheet. (Found a Poker Boy story tonight not published in there, but in one of my two Poker Boy collections.) Yes, I have two Poker Boy collections. They are called PLAYING A HUNCH and LUCK BE…
A Success!
Support for a Lot of Writers… That’s what the success of the Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive means. A lot of writer’s stories get published over the next year in six issues of the magazine, and in six different collections as well. In total, over the next year ,we will publish about 180 short stories from top fiction writers. And more readers get to read the writer’s work. Maybe find it for the first time. Another win for the writers. Let me give you just a basic breakdown of costs. Each issue costs around $4,000 in just author costs. Let me repeat that… Just author costs… Sometimes a little more,…
Last Day!!
And We Are Close to Next Stretch Goal! Just $900 away. If we hit that, all backers get another fun book of stories, plus another Pop-Up Workshop for writers. So please help us pass the word. Pulphouse Fiction Magazine Subscription Drive 2021. We finish at 7pm this evening, WEST COAST TIME. And the success of this subscription drive really gives Pulphouse Fiction Magazine a secure future for the next year. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am about that and relieved. The magazine has always been my baby, in both incarnations. So thank you, everyone, for the support. Now, if we can just hit that last stretch…
40 Hours Left As I Write This!! As I said last night, this Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign is turning out to be great for both writers and readers. For writers, there are two special three week workshops that you can only get through this campaign, and in 60 hours or so, we will never offer those workshops again. They are HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY and HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. They are $150 each and you will have a story assignment for the last assignment in each. Or you can get both for $250. You can take them starting September 7th or October 5th. Your choice. You also get…
Pulphouse Kickstarter Workshops
Great for Writers… And Readers… This Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign is turning out to be great for both writers and readers. For writers, there are two special three week workshops that you can only get through this campaign, and in 60 hours or so, we will never offer those workshops again. They are HOW TO WRITE A PULPHOUSE STORY and HOW TO MONETIZE SHORT FICTION. They are $150 each and you will have a story assignment for the last assignment in each. Or you can get both for $250. You can take them starting September 7th or October 5th. Your choice. You also get a year’s Pulphouse Fiction Magazine subscription with…