Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

October Workshops Starting…

Tuesday and Wednesday…

The October regular workshops are starting, plus the second sessions of the special workshops from the Pulphouse Kickstarter. Those two are not available for sale, but the eight October regular workshops are available and there is a half-price sale going on. See the last two posts for information.

I have two more chapters in the Wet Blanket Reality book done, both on the next steps a writer goes through with agents to get to being traditionally published. So stay tuned for that. Or as they say in traditional publishing, “Hurry Up and Wait.” (Not kidding.)

Remember the two new six-week regular workshops, POWER WORDS starting tomorrow and MAKING A LIVING WITH NOVELS starting in November.

Great fun stuff, and trust me, the WET BLANKET REALITY book will not be a part of Making a Living with Novels workshop. (grin) It is now impossible to make a living with novels through traditional publishing. Far easier to make a living with short fiction these days. But making a living with novels is very, very possible indie.