• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Recommended Reading

    I Love Being In StoryBundles

    For a Number of Reasons… First, I love reading, as a reader, what the other writers have put in the StoryBundle. Usually takes me the entire time the bundle is up before I get done reading or looking at them all.  But just as a reader who buys it, I love all the different books in a certain topic. Great fun. Second, it helps people find different work of mine that chances are I would write, publish, and forget. Needing a book to put into a Storybundle is a great incentive. And I have actually written a few books over the years just for a bundle. And it gives the…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Fantastic Writing Advice by Keith Johnstone

    Maybe Worth Really Looking At… I found it amazing. This advice came from a blog post Johnstone did back in 2020. Sadly, since that time he has done very few. He is 87 years of age and no longer teaching as far as I can tell as well. But he is an actor, a writer, and is known as one of the pioneers of improvisational theater. In essence, he is amazing. One of his many thoughts in this random blog post of misc. stuff was called Five Ideas. You can read the entire post here… https://www.keithjohnstone.com/post/_misc I was sent this part of the post and think it is amazing. Thanks,…

  • Challenge

    A Quick Post for the Challenge

    Didn’t Want to Miss My Streak… And right now WMG Publishing site is down, and since we are sort of hooked up, I thought I had better get over here and get a post up before this site goes down as well from whatever is causing that site to be down. I’ll be back tomorrow with information on a bunch of stuff that I was going to talk about tonight. Oh, well. So typing as fast as I can with my fingers crossed. (grin) Night!

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Smiths Monthly

    I Hope Everyone Had a Chance At The Sale…

    I Tried to Answer Questions Quickly… On request of two people, I will leave the half-price discount code in place until I get up tomorrow morning around 10 am west coast time in case someone missed something. Then the sale will be done. Kris and I and everyone at WMG Publishing really hope the sale helped and the classes will help your writing and publishing down the road. Speaking of classes, Kris and I just finished putting together the last two Pop-Ups from the Pulphouse Kickstarter and all five Pop-Ups from the stretch rewards will be sent out on the 31st. Also, I will be contacting everyone who signed up…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day of the Workshop Sale… Six New Classes Added for Today!

    That’s Right, Six Added Just In Time… This is the last day of the half-price workshop sale. Every workshop or class or subscription is half off on WMG Teachable. And wow do we have a lot of things to pick from. I detailed out some of them the last two nights posts. So any part of your writing craft or business, we have something that might help. Just find the class you want, hit purchase, then on the top of the next page put in the code: SETBACK And yes you can stock up. Just got to do them one at a time since Teachable does not have a shopping…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Two Days Left For the Half-Price Sale!!

    Countdown! I figured I should repost what I did listing a bunch of classes available and add a few more. The point is that every workshop or class or subscription is half off on WMG Teachable. And wow do we have a lot of things to pick from. Just find the class you want, hit purchase, then on the top of the next page put in the code: SETBACK And yes you can stock up. Just got to do them one at a time since Teachable does not have a shopping cart. But I did put up four places where you can buy… — Three Regular Workshops — or Three…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Only Three More Days for the Sale!

    Since I Have Been Doing Other Things… I figured I had better do a quick reminder post here on Sunday afternoon about only three days left on the sale. Every workshop or class or subscription is half off on WMG Teachable. Just find the class you want, hit purchase, then on the top of the next page put in the code: SETBACK September and October regular classes are posted and are all half off. Class #21… Sept 7th … Covers 101 Class #23… Sept 7th … Publishing 101 Class #24… Sept 7th … Writing into the Dark Class #25… Sept 7th … Writing Sales Copy Class #26… Sept 8th ……

  • Challenge,  Cover Fun

    Cover Fun for #52 of Smith’s Monthly…

    Five Short Stories and the Issue Cover… I was having fun working on these covers, stopped for dinner, came back and my InDesign had blown a fuse. Not kidding. It wanted me to sign up for a seven day free trial. Well, I had been using InDesign for decades. I tried everything, and considering this is Saturday, I was going to be out of luck until I could get help from Allyson and Josh at WMG on Monday. But Kris convinced me on late Saturday night to call Allyson, that she was still up because Kris had just gotten a text from her on another matter. So I did and…

  • Challenge,  Recommended Reading

    Cosmic Visioinaries

    A Spin-Off of Space: 1975 If you did not get the anthology Space: 1975 edited by Robert Jeschonek, you might want to grab it in this bundle. Fantastic and crazy stories that are space opera with a 1975 slant or theme or something 1975 in space. In my story I used a giant disco ball that was an alien spaceship the size of Jupiter coming in from another galaxy. And two old people from an Earth nursing home need to stop it. Yeah, that kind of crazy. And when Bob asked me into this fantastic bundle (Cosmic Visionaries), I asked if I could continue on with the same story and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Learning is Forever…

    In Writing and Publishing… Kris and I were talking today on the way back from lunch about some of the writers who have just faded away. And the more we talked, the more we realized that we knew the answer on what happened to most of them. They all just stopped learning. They reached a level that they were happy with their writing and stopped learning for a dozen different reasons. That is flat deadly in just a few years. The reason I hear the most and understand the least is the fear that learning something will upset some perfect balance in their writing and they will never sell again.…