• Cave Creek,  Challenge,  Misc

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 15

    Strange Times… I know the world (because of really bad reporting) believes that Nevada was late locking down, but actually the governor shut all casinos and restaurants and developed the phrase “Stay Home for Nevada” about three weeks ago. Actually a few days ahead of when San Fransisco shut down. And a week later he put teeth in the order and started yanking business licenses that refused to close and arrested a few nut cases. He just finally had to call it by the official name five days ago to get national news reporters from spreading the rumor that Las Vegas was open for business. The Strip is a ghost…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 14

    Ramping Back Up… The day was swallowed by a ton of detail stuff, mostly business. Made it to this computer around 11 am and did email and some details on this web site fixes. Also some work on the Cats Bundle (see below) and some work on the Cave Creek Kickstarter, which ended successfully. Yeah! And thank you, everyone, for supporting that project. I promise it will be some fun. And surveys will go out soon. Then Kris and I headed out around 1 pm for a long walk (about four miles total) to run an errand and then picked up take-out lunch on the way back. A ton of…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    A Day of Other Work, Not Writing Fun

    Nothing Done On The Card Sharp Silver Novel… So not even going to count this as a day on the book. But notice what I spent most of my day on. (grin) I think I finally brought the look of this blog from 1990s (maybe) to 2020. I have a ton to do to get the fiction stuff up to date under the different pages. And so some other stuff I want to add in. But in time I will get there. This sudden shift has been coming on for a while. And last night that old theme finally just broke and for a while I thought I would miss…

  • Challenge,  Misc

    Notice The Construction?

    Having a Great Time… Old web site just finally gave up the ghost, and this was the theme I will be using for Smith’s Fiction web site, so just went and got it for this. Thankfully I got my blog up so I didn’t miss my streak. So some group mind help. Even with this new theme, every time I save a post it says “Updating Failed” so does anyone have any idea what I am missing. The post is saved fine, and then when I go to publish it, it says “Publishing Failed” even though it published fine. Anyone got any idea what I am missing? More than likely…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 13

    Wow, almost didn’t get this up here… My old theme broke when I updated my WordPress, would not allow me to post or anything. No clue why. My last ditch attempt was to go back to this older theme for a night until I could get it figured out. So this was a close call breaking my streak. I would have been bummed breaking my posting streak on Day 2,768. I will post this here, and then go back to the other theme to see if it survives. A quick rundown of the day. Nothing really special happened beyond the other days. Got about 2,000 words done in two sessions.…

  • Uncategorized

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 12

    Got Smacked by Monday… Life and business must continue, and tends to happen on Monday a great deal. And this Monday was no exception. I started off climbing out of bed at a little after 8 am and by about 8:50 am I was at Smith’s market. You see, they only let old people like me into the store from 8 to 9 and the shelves were stocked. Since the planet was hoarding paper products, and we were using paper towels much faster than normal, figured I needed to go in search to make it through the next few weeks. So a little success at Smiths (All stores limit to…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 11

    Just Another Day… Nothing special about today, other than the entire world is locked down. But here, Kris and I got a lot done. I was again late getting in here to my office. Managed the feat around 12:30 pm and did some email and stuff, then headed to the writing computer at 1:30 pm. By 2:15 I had about a thousand words done and then had lunch. Got back in here around 3 pm and recorded some stuff. Then about 3:45 I managed to get back to the writing computer and did just about another 1,000 words before 4:45 pm. Then a short nap and and then Kris and…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing,  Recommended Reading

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 10

    Ups Need Downs… Today was a slight down instead of an expected up. Got a very late start for me and didn’t even get to the internet computer until 1:30 pm. Yes, I slept that late. I normally get out of bed at 10:30, didn’t make it this morning until noon. Had some lunch around 2:30 pm or so, then a little more email and got to the writing computer at 3:15 pm. By 4 pm I had just over 1,000 words done and went for a long walk with Kris. Then a nap. Then I cooked dinner and watched an episode of Picard, then back in here to do…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 9

    Onward I Go… Not great numbers, but unlike many writers out there who are beating on themselves and stressed beyond words because of the world situation, I am getting words done. Not saying I haven’t been paying attention. I have. Not saying at times I don’t get stressed. I do. But not to excess because besides taking care of our business, social distancing, and disinfecting everything I touch, there ain’t a thing I can do. If I was a medical professional, I most certainly would be pitching in. But all I really know how to do after the last forty years is make shit up and entertain people. And donate…

  • Cave Creek,  Challenge,  On Writing

    Card Sharp Silver… Day 8

    Another Better Day on Words… Not sure how many exactly because for the first two sessions I flat forgot to make a note as I started and ended. Got caught up in the book. But somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000 words for the day. And really, really a fun point went past in the book today. It suddenly became clear to me how to focus all the writers who are going to write Cave Creek stories for the anthologies. My creative voice just sort of put it in and I didn’t notice until it was a ways past. You folks writing for this in the Shared World Class will see…