• 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  publishing

    Book #1 of 70 Book Challenge

    This Came Out On the First Day of the 70 Book Challenge… That’s right. On my birthday. TWIST OF A KNIFE: Best 10 Mystery Stories from the First Year of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Well, it is not officially published yet, but you can get it in the Twist of a Knife Storybundle. So it actually is published and available. It is exclusive there for another two weeks or so, then it will go on sale around the world and be sent to everyone who supported the Pulphouse Kickstarter campaign. It was the 4th stretch goal. The book was a fun one to put together, actually. And I had help from…

  • 70 Book Challenge,  Challenge,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    Publishing 70 Books In One Year…

    I’m Doing It! In my 67th year, three years ago, I started a challenge to publish 67 books in my 67th year. Then things kind of went sideways with a life roll and because Kris was so sick I moved her down here to Las Vegas just after the first of the year and then had to clean out our big house and the challenge went by the wayside. (I think I still got out about thirty books, but that was all momentum from the fall.) So now, since I just turned 70, I am tempting fate and going to do the challenge again. That’s right!! I am going to…

  • Challenge,  publishing

    So Today This Started…

    A Twist of the Knife… A Mystery/Crime Bundle – Curated by Dean Wesley Smith This is the blog I wrote for the Storybundle you can get at https://storybundle.com/crime   Every Type of Mystery and Crime I love reading mystery and crime stories. I write mystery and crime stories. I edit mystery and crime stories. In fact, in every issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine that I edit, I try to have at least two or three mystery or crime stories of various types. And since the readers of Pulphouse look for something different, the types of mystery and crime stories range across the entire spectrum of the mystery genre. I really noticed those differences when…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Last Day for Half Price Holiday Sale…

    Ends Tonight (Tuesday)… Just use the code HolidaySale to get anything half price. Basically you hit “purchase” and then on the next page put the code in where it asks for it to get the workshop or class at half price. Here is all the information again as to why we are doing this. So folks, stay safe. Stay in and write and learn. That really is critical with this stupid pandemic. Now is not the time to get tired of it and get sloppy and end up sick or dead. Or kill someone around you. Nope, stay safe and careful. The end is in sight coming this next year…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Moving Forward Again…

    The Election in the States is Over… So finally, after four long and lost days of far too much junk food and watching television, this election is finally over and we all can get started forward again. So a couple of the classes that we pretty much stopped this summer will be firing back up shortly. Let me list them here, while it is still possible to jump into them at half price for a few more days. The Decade Ahead… All four quarters… When Covid hit, we tried to do a duel course on this for a short time, one writing with Covid and one after Covid, but as…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    Stay Safe!!

    Covid is Spiking Everywhere… So I really hope that all of you reading this are not taking an chances, staying safe, wearing masks, watching distance and all that. Right now Covid is worse than it has been, and I see no sign of easing up. So focus on the writing, focus on the learning of publishing and writing. Tough to get Covid when sitting alone at your computer writing. We are trying to help once again to keep you learning and in and safe with the half-price sale on the workshops that will be doing until Tuesday night. If you have any questions on anything, write me. Here is the…

  • Challenge,  running

    Made It Out On the Long Walk…

    I Did Just Fine… Actually a little better than expected. I ended up cutting the walk short by two miles down to 11 miles because it was Friday and part of my mapped path went past the new Circa Casino and Fremont Street downtown and on a Friday, that’s just too stupid and too dangerous Covid-wise. So once I realized I had laid out that path and it was Friday, I just cut off that loop and ended at 11 miles. No issues with the feet and at eight miles I did some running to see how that felt and it was fine. And this course tonight had a ton…

  • Challenge,  running

    Still Distracted…

    Didn’t Go Out On the Long Run/Walk… Wanted to watch the election stuff for the third straight night. So, with luck, this election race will be called on Friday and I can get back to writing and answering emails and get that long walk/run in. (In other words, my normal life.) To be honest, that will be wonderful. I am now officially tired of this and have eaten far, far too much crap out of pure nerves. So tomorrow I will report the outcome of the long run/walk (About 13-14 miles) and how I did. I got to get this in this weekend some time, then give myself more than…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    From Too Many Chips to Too Much Exercise…

    Not Wednesday… No, the exercise is planned for Thursday. A very long walk/run. I figure after two days of eating far too much and too much stupid stress, I needed to do something. So going out for a half-marathon distance (13.1 miles), see how it goes, what my time is, what I feel like when done. So could be interesting. I’ll report tomorrow on how it went. But tonight I want to warn you all that this is the last day, the last few hours, actually of the BIG TIME STORYBUNDLE. Basically an entire bundle of time travel books and stories, some of the best I have read. And you…

  • Challenge,  workshops

    Too Many Bags of Chips…

    And Too Much Stress… So other than hit my streak of doing a blog a day and reminding you all to look back over the last few posts for information about the half-price sale of all workshops and subscriptions, I am going to finish typing this and go back to the couch to watch even more. If you sent me an email today, I will answer it tomorrow (Wednesday). So don’t panic. So off I go for more stress. And remember, the sale will only last for a short time and if you have any questions about anything, just write me. Stay safe out there, everyone. Back to all regularly…