Some Fun Pictures
Writers of the Future Awards Ceremony… Got some nifty pictures in so thought I would share a few since I don’t have time tonight to do a real blog because I have to be up early in the morning for a fun run. Getting up at the crack of dawn is not fun, but the 5k runs always are. I had signed up for the 10K tomorrow, but I am too heavy still to try that. Anyway, some fun pictures. Hope this makes those of you eligible to not miss a deadline. First off a picture of the awards ceremony with me standing at the podium doing a presentation to…
Gaining On the Next Stretch Goal…
Which Means More Free Books… And another free Pop-Up writer workshop. There are six days left on the WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021. And the higher we go, the more free stuff every backer gets. Plus the really cool part of getting an original holiday story every day from November 25th to January 1st. 38 original stories. And yes, if you are going to give the calendar as a gift, it needs to be given early so the person who gets it will love it over the entire holiday season. But if you do give it late, we catch the person up by sending out what they have missed every Monday.…
One Gift To Rule Them All!
WMG Holiday Spectacular 2021… This might be the most perfect gift for this year anyone can imagine. The cost for the Holiday Spectacular Calendar of Stories is just $25.00. That gets your family member or friend or boss 38 short stories delivered from November 25th through January 1st. One original story per day they can read on any device. 38 Original holiday stories by over 30 different authors. All you have to do is add $25 to any award in the kickstarter and then in the survey we will ask where you would like the extra calendar to go to. Or you can add as many as you want at…
Five Collections
Part of My 70 in 70 Challenge That’s right, five collections published in one day. I had a lot of fun putting these together. And I did the covers and everything, just as in the collections classes. I seldom, and I do mean seldom, ever tell anyone here about books I publish, but having five collections in one day is kind of fun. So figured I would mention it. And yes, I will tell you the exact titles and dates of publication of all 70 books when I hit it. Still going, but these five take me to 66 books of the 70 needed. And a little under a month…
Headed for Third Stretch Reward!!! This is the third year we have done this original fiction advent calendar and we think this one might be the best. WMG HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 2021 KICKSTARTER 38 original holiday stories of one type or another delivered to your device from November 25th through January 1st. Not even the authors know when their stories will appear in reader’s hands. Here is how the calendar looks… Every day a brand new original story. Also in this Kickstarter for the writers there are two great special workshops that Kris and I put together and Kris will read stories from for next year’s calendar. And, of course a…
Exhausted and Behind
You Know… As Expected… But had hoped to get more done, but alas, it will take me a couple more days to get caught up. First trip out in 0ver a year-plus (15 months, actually), so no surprise. My life and work and writing here is pretty balanced, so suddenly tossing a five day excursion into that schedule will cause problems. So please just be patient with me for a few more days. I have a couple of deadlines I have to hit and then I can start cleaning up email and other stuff and get back on track. So now going to call it a night and be back…
I’m Home…
And Will Be Catching Up Tomorrow (Sunday) Great fun as I have been saying all week. And the award ceremony was amazing like normal for Writers of the Future. You can see it at WritersoftheFuture.com The five hour drive back was five hours because one again this year I got lost coming out of Hollywood, got on the wrong freeway, and went a few miles out of my way before correcting course. Met a lot of great new writers and a lot of old friends I hadn’t seen for years. That was a lot of fun as well. So going to cut this short and leave you with two pictures.…
Great Time at Writers of the Future
Home Saturday… I had a really fun week spending time with old friends and meeting a lot of young new writers. They all seemed very dedicated and very young and talented, which honestly makes me feel very positive for the future of writing in science fiction and fantasy. The event went off without a hitch, the food was amazing, and the gathering after I got out of my tux around the pool was a ton of fun. So if you are not submitting stories to this contest every quarter, you are missing the best thing you can do for your writing career. I was amazed at what some of these…
Just Wow!! This is the third year we have done this original fiction advent calendar and we think this one might be the best. And it is getting off to a great start with being close to the second stretch goal and the first one with a Pop-Up writing workshop. Fantastic in just over two days and thank you, everyone. I am writing this from my old iPad in my hotel room in Hollywood. Great room, great time with old friends. And tomorrow in the ceremony I will be the third up in the Writers of the Future Awards ceremony, or at least it went that way today in rehearsal.…
Having Fun In Hollywood
Writer’s of the Future Event is great fun so far. Talking with a lot of old friends, enjoying talking with the younger professionals who want to talk with me. Today did a podcast that I will let you know when it airs, and Todd McCaffery and I tag-teamed a presentation on 2021 publishing business. Signed a zillion books at a table full of great friends and writers. Dave Farland, Tim Powers, Larry Niven, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Jody Lynn Nye, Nancy Kress, Rebecca Moesta, Kevin Anderson, and others. Fun. Great meals including a lunch with John, the publisher of all this. And drinks tonight sitting between Kevin Anderson and Nancy Kress.…