Six Days… Six New Stories
Got Past the First Bump… Had a stupidly crazy week of things that needed to be done now. Including recording three Pop-Up classes that did not get done and putting together five collections (that also didn’t get done yet.) Those will happen shortly. But we do have a new Kickstarter coming next week if we get approved. I built it and it’s a great one. And all the time I was writing short stories. Six in six days. But today I was tired, wanted to just go watch television, and had not gotten much of a start earlier on the story (meaning 400 words) So 11:30 pm I wanted to…
General Stuff… And Story Challenge
Five Stories So Far… Everything going fine. 3 stories in the 2,500 word range, two stories in the 4,000 word range. I got jammed today building a new Kickstarter, so didn’t get the stories uploaded to Patreon or the rest of what I was going to do there, but will shortly. And will do a challenge complete update here shortly as well, including how the days are working out as far as timing. Workshop Sale will finally end today (Thursday in the evening). Use code YearEnd if you want to grab one last class on 50% off sale. I have been holding up on my calorie limits and hitting my…
Sale Extended and My Challenge
Sale Extended Until Thursday Evening… We have extended the sale, meaning leave the code in place, until Thursday evening. So you can get anything on WMG Teachable for half price until Thursday by hitting purchase and then using the code YearEnd If you missed something you wanted or the sale went by and you didn’t notice until now, it’s not done yet. The reason is that we had two people ask if they could get the half price sale in a day or so, and I talked with WMG and we decided if we give it to them, we needed to just leave it open for everyone. Win/Win. So remember,…
Last Day of the Workshop Sale
Ends Late Tonight… Tuesday Night Everything on WMG Teachable is half price. Just hit purchase on what you want, then put in the code: YearEnd And you can get it for half price. Starting right now are the Regular January Workshops. February Regular Workshops are also available for the sale, but the January ones are starting right now. They are normally $300, but for the sale they are $150 with the code. They last six weeks and take about three hours a week at your own time. The dates are the starting dates. Start with Depth in Writing if you have not taken one before. Class #1… Jan 4th ……
Last Two Days of Year End Workshop Sale…
Yup, Just Two Days Left… Amazing how time flies when we are all having holidays. Anything on WMG Teachable is half off. Just use the code: YearEnd To use the code, hit purchase on the class you want and then on the next page put in the code and you will be in at half price. Remember, it’s everything. Six new collection classes are now up. And a way to buy all six from the first year or all six from the second year. They are great fun and you write five new stories and publish a collection with those stories by the end of the class. A number of…
Challenge Day One
Went Exactly As I Had Planned and Hoped… I got up late, made it to my writing computer first thing at the crack of 11:30 am, walking right past my internet and email computer. (I was so proud.) I looked at my half-title pages and came up with a first half of a title. “The Reason…” Then I kept looking for a second half to collide with it and saw… “of Death.” That hit me, so typed that into the title of my story template “The Reason of Death” and started the story. Started off in a suburb, so figured it was going to be a Bryant Street story until…
Happy New Year!
The Planet Made It Out of 2021! I’m sitting in my office about 12:30. Kris and I just finished watching the fireworks from our place, both over the Strip and over downtown of the fireworks off the Plaza. Amazingly cool for something that should not have happened, because right at the moment the wind is sustained over 20mph and gusts up to 40mph, and the fireworks should not have been fired with sustained over 10mph. News casts were all watching closely and talking about what would happen if the wind didn’t drop. We figured that not having them go off would be standard for the end of 2021. End of…
Paying Attention to Your Taxes? If, in the best world (which I must admit almost no writers live in), you would have already figured your income for 2021 from your writing and the expenses you can take that income down to make sure you don’t pay taxes. Yeah, and cows can fly. But that is the right way to do it, and honestly, except for 2020, I come close each year to knowing exactly what WMG Publishing made and our tax situation by the last week of the month. I don’t have it to the penny, but I know. (Let’s just say that 2020 surprised me on the income to…
All Collection Classes Now Available
And Both Bundles of Each Year’s Classes Collection Classes are nine weeks long and you end up publishing a collection based on the theme in the 9th week. We do six different classes per year. The six from last year that are all available again in 2022 are: Portals, Heroes and Heroines, Private Eyes, Holiday, Fantasy, and Relationships. The new six for 2022 will also extend into 2023 if you miss one… I will be putting up other sessions later in the week. Right now just the first sessions are up. The new collection classes are: Pets, Spies, Space Opera, Thieves, Dynasty, and Time Travel. In these classes you learn…
I Think I Am Ready…
…To Start My Challenge… For those of you new here or not following my trying to make a decision on a new challenge for 2022 all those weeks ago, here is what I decided to do in shorthand. — I will write a new short story per day every day of the year in 2022. — I will blog at least once a week, maybe twice a week about the stories being written and the days of writing. — I will do a cover for every short story as I go along and show it to you. — Each month the stories and the blogs and the covers will be…