• Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Nine Years

    Talking About the Power of a Streak… Nine years ago today, 3,285 days ago, I started a blogging streak. The idea was to blog about something, anything every day. (I had been doing a few blogs before that on the Star Trek boards and so on.) No excuses. Traveling, sick, computer failures, other more important things to do. None of that mattered. Blog had to be done. And for some reason that got into my DNA and now every night Kris even asks me if I got a blog done. As with all streaks, I had other motives at the start and never, in a billion years, did I think…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Massive Move Day

    Gaining On It… The goal is by 1 week from today, when the movers show up, everything will either be in place in this new condo or ready to go to our new storage unit. Almost no furniture except shelving will go to storage. Just a dining table and chairs, and one desk, but a ton of boxes full of books and files. Basically all our extra author books is the biggest mass. And we will move the digest collection from the other smaller storage unit to this new larger one since the larger one is air conditioned. So everything needs to be boxed and either upstairs in our new…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Sucked Down a Copyright Hole…

    I Do That To Myself At Times… I am such a copyright junkie, when given the excuse, I find myself going deeper and deeper into legal articles and having so much fun. That’s where I lost a few hours tonight. If you have no idea why I would think copyright is fun, take the Magic Bakery classic workshop. Or read my book on the topic. Copyright is magic and is why WMG Publishing exists, five employees have their jobs, and Kris and I live in this fantastic new place. One place I played tonight was the 35 year rule. For example, I signed maybe 60 Work for Hire contracts in…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    Skipping a Day

    Still Will Have Four Novels Done In a Month… But as I expected, today turned into a complete work on other stuff day. Except for a few breaks to work on moving or go out to lunch, I spent all day at this internet computer. All day and now into the night. No eye left for my writing computer. Why did I do this? Well, here is why… The Fantasy Collections Class started. The Heroes and Heroines Collection Class started. Vastness of Space Class started. Writing Spaceships Class started. Plus all the regular Tuesday monthly classes for July started. Those are Covers 101, Publishing 101, Writing into the Dark, and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops


    ALMOST DONE!!! Just so it is clear. This sale will end on today (Thursday) in the evening West Coast time.  And that will be the last pandemic half-price sale. Hard to believe this is almost over. We started these last spring in a shut-down world as WMG’s way of trying to help writers stay in and stay safe and learning through the turmoil. We hoped after the first few we would end it, and every two months we did another because the pandemic was still strong. Now, for those who are able to get the vaccine, the pandemic fear is over and we are into recovery. The vaccine has turned…

  • Challenge,  On Writing

    A Challenge Out of Nothing

    I Can Make A Challenge For Myself Out of the Stupidest Things… A month or so ago I moved my office from our condo upstairs in this building to a bedroom in the condo on the ground floor. We will be using this condo for workshops in 2022, we hope, if a few more pieces fall into place. But for this last pandemic year, Kris and I used this condo for various things and for good reasons too many to mention, I decided to move my office down here. And it has been fantastic. With the move and such, I worked on a bunch of projects, but not a novel.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  workshops

    A Fun Combination Idea…

    Got This Question From Two Writers Today… And I realized it was a really fun idea I should tell everyone about. We have a series of “Collection” classes. The classes are 9 weeks long and from week 2-6 the writers taking the class write five stories that by the 9th week will be published in a collection as part of the class. In essence from nothing to a five story collection in two months. They are fun and you can get a bundle of all six classes that will last you a year and you will write 30 short stories, or you can buy them one collection class at a…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Following Up on Yesterday’s Post…

    With a Personal Story… I wrote a novel for fun back in January of 2014 called KILL GAME: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. It came out in Smith’s Monthly in March and then as a stand-alone novel in May of 2014.  It sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month, maybe. (That’s what I have been told.) Then in November my creative voice said “Write another.” I did, a book called COLD CALL: A Cold Poker Gang Novel. Again it was in Smith’s Monthly and out stand-alone a month or so later. Sold very few copies, maybe three or four a month. I did not care and paid…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing


    This Might Be the Best Deal In a Bundle Ever!!! And it will be gone forever shortly. First you get the Pop-Up writing class called… Dealing with Toxic People Valued at $150. You can get it and 9 writing and business books by top professional writers. All of that for exactly $15.00 Not kidding. And it is going away in a day. Yikes!! Go to Storybundle.com/writing Kris has a book in the bundle about dealing with Hollywood and I have the Writing a Novel in Half a Month book I did as blogs here. And Loren Coleman’s book on Crowdfunding for Writers is worth far more than the total $15.…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Talked to Southwest Writers Tonight

    Zoom Call With a Bunch of Writers… Fun group of between 50 and 70 at any given time and enjoyable to talk with. I talked about Writing into the Dark, similar to what I did on the big speech a few years back at the 20to50 Conference. Fun because it breaks down so many myths for writers.  Forgot to mention that there is a book and a class by the same name. I really suck at self promotion. (grin) But it was a fun hour-plus. I got a great email comment and question this afternoon about Smith’s Monthly. Since I have started it back up, the question was if I…