Anthology Workshop Starts Writing…
In Just Three Weeks… Wow, is that coming up fast. I just sent out invitations to everyone signed up on the Anthology workshop. So if you think you are signed up on the anthology workshop and didn’t get a letter from me and an invite into the group list, write me. And in sorting all this out tonight, I realized I still had two spots open. Just two. So if interested in the anthology workshop, write me soon because everyone starts writing on the week of the 24th. One story per week with a couple weeks off for the holidays. Six weeks of writing, a lot of reading, and a…
Some Workshop Stuff
Letters Out to Pulphouse Story Workshop… If you supported the Pulphouse Kickstarter with the Pulphouse Story Workshop level and have not gotten a letter from me with the log-in information, write me. This is the last time this workshop will be offered, and it is not offered for anyone but those who signed up on the Kickstarter, so don’t delay. I have gotten letters out to everyone that we know of. Workshop starts on Tuesday, the 5th. Also, November Regular Workshops start next week. Some good ones. List below. And after this last week, the Licensing Transition is going to have a ton of new stuff shortly. A mind-altering week…
Back to Normal
Back to Writing and Eating Well and Exercising… Although there wasn’t a day during the Master Business Class that I was under 13,000 steps. So I at least maintained that. And I ended up with about thirty pages of notes and information and cool details and helpful hints and major things. (Remember, Kris and I were putting this on and I still got thirty pages of notes.) Wonderful writers, great discussions, and I feel both energized and exhausted at the same time. So going to feel good being back in schedule. Real good. I will be caught up on missed email shortly and then will start into the challenge stories…
Corporations, Taxes, Copyright, and Trademarks…
Oh, My… Finishing up my notes tonight for those two lectures tomorrow that I will give to the Business Master Class. We are halfway through the licensing stuff and that has been fantastic so far. So more tomorrow, then I get to talk way down into the weeds on how to set up a licensing business and save a ton of money doing so. Going to be a blast. So off to finish up my notes and get some sleep. And try to digest the far, far too much food I ate today. Wonderful food, but still far, far too much.
Nothing to See Here
Saturday Night and Up Too Late Talking with Writers… And I left my car at the hotel and walked back to the condo because I am used to walking and not driving and I was thinking about some writing stuff and just flat forgot. Oh, well, it will be there tomorrow. But I am having fun, learning a bunch, and excited as this class moves forward. Fun conversations at lunch as well, and fun conversation with Kevin and Rebecca at dinner, which is why I had the car in the first place. So now going to go shut my mind off, get some rest, and do it again tomorrow, all…
Once Again the Power of a Streak
Without This Blog Streak I Never Would Have Turned on This Computer… But with this many years of never missing a day, even with doing a lot of other fun stuff today, I turned on the computer to type something here. Did it matter what I type? Nope. To hit the blog streak, the daily blog streak, it just had to be something. You know, I am alive, the streak is alive, and so on and so on. Imagine if you were doing this kind of streak with your writing, that no matter how late, how much your mind was elsewhere, you wrote 250 words a day on a streak.…
November Workshops Starting Soon
NOVEMBER WORKSHOPS NOW AVAILABLE ON TEACHABLE. November workshops are up and available. Here is the two month schedule. December workshops will be available in about a week and the schedule for the first half of next year will be up by the middle of December. I think the workshops in November are all good ones, so check them out. Class #43… Nov 5th … Writing into the Dark Class #44… Nov 5th … Writing Fiction Sales Copy Class #46… Nov 6th … Depth in Writing Class #47… Nov 6th …Writing and Selling Short Stories Class #49… Nov 6th … Emotion Class #50… Nov 6th … Advanced Depth Class #51… Dec 3rd … Endings Class #52……
Misc. Stuff To Talk About and Pictures
Paypal Off on Some Workshops… Teachable is working on the problem, so if you would like to pay for a workshop through Paypal and the Paypal option does not appear, just go directly to Paypal and then send the payment to the following email address: LasVegasWorkshops@wmgbooks.com Then write me and let me know which workshop you sent the money for and I will send you a code to get into it. You can do exactly the same thing if you want to support the WMG Holiday Spectacular, but don’t want to go through Kickstarter. It will count and you will get all the stretch rewards and everything. HIT STRETCH GOAL!!…
November and December Regular Workshops
Only Six Regular Workshops Per Month… As I said, a lot of workshops are headed to Classic Status in the first of November, and with teaching the How to Write a Pulphouse Story and How to Write a Holiday Story workshops in the next two months, we decided to not add in any more new regular workshops in the next two months. But there will be new regular workshops after the first of the year. And you can still sign up on the How to Write a Holiday Story for seven more days on Kickstarter through the WMG Holiday Spectacular. That is the only place that workshop is offered. It…
Shared World Second Update
First Videos Going Up… They will be there later today. Not there yet. But there are still a few openings, so here is the first post about the nine-month Shared Worlds class. And my introduction video at the bottom of this. And for those of you in the class, I will email you to let you know every time I put up new videos so you don’t always have to be checking. SHARED WORLDS: What Are They, How to Do Them, and Why… This is a one-of-a-kind class. Not a workshop, not a lecture, not a study along. For years now, Kris and I have tried to figure out how…