March Sadness Special Last Day!!
Ends at 5 pm West Coast Time Today (Thursday) I am working to get the April workshops up as quickly as I can, so they should be there three or four hours ahead of the end. I hope everyone is staying safe. Thursday I start, finally, the Cave Creek novel and will be writing about my writing day here every day, reporting problems, sessions, word counts, and so on. But for now, here is the information about the March Sadness Special one more time. No one traveling. And all of us stuck at home making sure we do not spread this virus, it’s time to turn attention to writing and…
Licensing Expo Postponed
No Surprise… Now scheduled for August 11-13. Same place, and if you had rooms, you can just kick them back. Licensing Transition Class (that is still open for sign-ups) will be extended into September now, so all of you in that class get a bunch of extra, besides free access to the Licensing 101 class going on now. Got a hunch that licensee’s are going to be hungry by August. I was about to book a couple of appointments with two movie studios, but will now do so for August. Fun stuff. Sign up on Teachable. OTHER THINGS… Kickstarter Best Practices for Fiction Writers is up on Teachable for free.…
Going Running
Very Early In the Morning… After Daylight Savings Time switches… Yikes… So nothing to talk about tonight, other than I was told earlier that fulfillment for the Year of the Cat Kickstarter will be going out this coming week. And I hope everyone who got the nifty How To Write a Cat Story special workshop got my letter and codes. If not, write me. And the Cave Creek Kickstarter campaign is going toward the first stretch goal at a good pace. And it is in the second stretch goal that we started to put writer rewards. So pass the word. And the special workshop that you can only get in…
New Videos Are Up
In Numbers of Classes and Challenges… New weekly videos are up in both the Publishing Challenge and the Novel Challenge. In the publishing I talk about what I did this last week in publishing and in the novel challenge I talk about my own writing, which will really pick up speed tomorrow. (Both are open for sign-ups.) New videos in the first quarter of the Decade Ahead, the first of many that will be in March this month, since March is a very important month. So four new videos there. (You can still sign up for it or for the full year.) Of course the Licensing Transition Class has the…
First Of The Month!
Good Time To Start A Challenge… Publishing Challenge, Short Story Challenge, or Novel Challenge. All are open and a great way to keep your goals on track for the year. And a number of writers are in sight of lifetime subscriptions on the short story challenge, one on the novel challenge, and one has already gotten a lifetime subscription on the novel challenge. Keep going, folks. Only four people are signed up for the Publishing Challenge. That one seems to scare hell out of writers. (grin) This weekend I will be doing a bunch of posts about the first of March in the Decade Ahead class. And also a bunch…
March Workshops Available
They Are Now Up… Including the new workshop, Licensing 101. It has also been loaded into the Lifetime Workshop Subscription and also into the Licensing Transition workshop. That’s right, inside the $500 year-long workshop you get a $300 workshop as well. Cool, huh? You can sign up for them on Teachable. Class #21 Mar 3rd Writing RomanceClass #22 March 3rd LICENSING 101Class #24 March 3rd Writing into the DarkClass #25 March 3rd Writing Sales CopyClass #26 March 4th Depth in WritingClass #27 March 4th Writing Short StoriesClass #29 March 4th Writing with EmotionClass #30 March 4th Advanced Depth Available on Teachable. Check out the Collaboration…
Quick Updates
Collaboration Class Still Open… Still have spots left if anyone wants to first learn all the ins and outs of collaboration, plus write a story with me for a special issue of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine. Find that on Teachable. I will close it when 15 are signed up. And 24 hours or so left on the Kickstarter. The only place you can get the How to Write a Cat Story Workshop. Plus discounts on other workshops and some great reading. Year of the Cat Kickstarter. Also, March workshops are now available on Teachable, including the new Licensing 101 Workshop and last month’s new workshop How to Write Romance Fiction. Plus…
Workshop Updates and Running
Saturday Night Quick Updates… — New video on the Publishing Challenge and new video on the Novel Challenge are both up. Story prompt for the Great Challenge for short stories will be Sunday evening late, as normal. You can sign up for the challenges, even though you don’t intend to start just yet, or aren’t sure when you are starting. Starting any of the challenges is your choice as to when. — Last few days to sign up for the February regular workshops. March workshops will take their place in a day or so. — Licensing Transition Class has five February videos up, more soon. — Decade Ahead Class has…
New Videos Up
On A Bunch of Stuff… I have posted new videos on the Shared World Class and the first quarter of the Decade Ahead Class. In the next few days I will do more videos for the Licensing Transition Class as well. I also put up another weekly video on the Great Publishing Challenge and on the Great Novel Challenge. On the publishing challenge, I am doing a weekly video about my publishing progress. There are very few signed up for that challenge, but even if you sign up later on, my videos will be there. I will be doing the videos all year since the challenge to myself is to…
February Workshops Take Two
Early in the Morning… I have been at this computer now mostly for going on 17 hours, with a few breaks and a nap along the way, so I am going to just repost the February regular workshops being offered and starting on the 4th. You will see in a couple days why I spent so much time here today. Fun stuff, I can promise, he said, vaguely about a nifty Kickstarter project featuring cats. (grin) So the post about the workshops again… Now Available Here is the list of the February 6-week workshops and descriptions about each class. And a link to each one. A really good group of…