Yes, 2020 Decade Ahead is Now 2022
Amazing What That Pandemic Did To So Much… I will get to changing out the introductions and the descriptions to reference 2022 in the Decade Ahead classes, but more than likely not while this sale is going on. But as I said last night, it will last all of 2022. So yes, to answer questions, signing up on The Decade Ahead 2020 classes gets you the 2022 classes and all that was done back in 2020 as well. I will be updating another class that got messed up. Shared Worlds. All the videos are there, of course, and Cave Creek is doing well and those three anthologies were wonderful. At…
On THE CHASE Kickstarter Campaign. THE CHASE is Kris’s new Diving novel that is done and ready to ship to the Kickstarter supporters in June. It actually won’t officially publish online and in stores until September, so if you want to read it soon, get on over to the Kickstarter campaign. THE CHASE: Kickstarter Campaign Also got two great special workshops in this one. We have the How to Write Spaceships three week special workshop, only available through the campaign, and Writing the Vastness of Space- Two, again only available through the campaign. The topic was so large, we decided to do another one. It is not a sequel to…
Two Posts About the New Workshop Sale
The Two Posts Before This One… Both posts talked about the In-Between workshop half-price sale and also all the new classes and workshops that are available this time. New Workshop Sale! New Workshops Now Available In Sale And remember, if you want to get any workshop on TEACHABLE.COM for half price, simply hit “Purchase” and then on the next page at the top put in the code: IN-BETWEEN All of the May regular 6-week workshops are available and all of the June regular 6-week workshops are available. Plus a good ten new Pop-Up classes. And my favorite new classes, the nine-week collection classes where you write five stories and then…
Updates On Some Classes
Slowly Seeing The Light… Amazing how the pandemic just ground so much of all of us (and the world) down to a halt. At WMG Publishing last spring and through the summer, we spent all the time making sure we were solid. Some projects were put on hold, others cancelled, until by the time we got to late August, we felt pretty solid as a company and a business. But at that time we still had no idea at all where the world, business, and publishing in general was headed, what with the second wave at that time on the pandemic and the strange political craziness here in the States.…
New Classes Available
Three New Classes Today… More coming over the next four days. NEW SIX WEEK WORKSHOP ADDED IN MAY… This one is called: May STAGES OF A PUBLISHER. Talked about adding it a month or so back, finally got it starting in May. (And yes it has been added to the Lifetime Workshop Subscription.) This turned out to be an eye-opening workshop. I wouldn’t miss this one. Might make you a ton more money down the road. Maybe not so far down the road, actually. Also we started two new Pop-Up classes as many of you expected. #29 Pop-Up: EPIC FANTASY WORLD BUILDING #30 Pop-Up: CREATING BELIEVABLE EPIC FANTASY NAMES These…
April Workshops Starting Up
Tuesday and Wednesday… Yes, it is that time. The April workshops are starting up. You can find them on WMG Publishing Teachable at https://wmg-publishing-workshops-and-lectures.teachable.com/ Hit “See all Courses” and look for the April classes. Also, for those of you taking the special workshops from the Colliding Worlds Kickstarter, the Writing SF Stories and the Vastness of Space three-week special classes, they are starting as well. I sent you a letter on how to find those and get into them back in February. They were only available through the Kickstarter campaign. The six-week classes open to everyone in April are: Class #31… Apr 6th … Covers 101 Class #32… Apr 6th…
April and May Workshops Now Up
Room in Both Months for New Workshops… Stay turned if we start a few new workshops in April and May I will announce them here. We have created room in both months. So I will announce if there are new workshops coming. But right now you can jump into any in April and May and if you haven’t taken a workshop yet, start with Depth. That is the basics workshop for all of them. ON ANOTHER TOPIC… Loren’s Crowdfunding Your Fiction: A Best Practices Guide is going great. Folks, you can get the book for $2 in this campaign. Anyone who has ever thought about doing a Kickstarter for a…
Day Twelve of Writing a Novel in a Half Month
Chapter Twelve: Day Twelve of Writing a Novel in Half a Month Last night got to bed at my normal 4 am time, but the allergies are killing me, even with a pill today. I have hearing issues anyway, but today felt like I was at 30,000 feet and my ears hadn’t popped yet. And even put in my hearing aids and all that did was make it seem worse. Have I said in previous springs how much I hate allergies? (grin) Day Twelve, Entry One. 12:15 pm to 2:00 pm. I got up around 11:30 and got to this internet computer at 12:15. Worked solid on workshop stuff and…
Workshop Questions and Day Four: Writing a Novel in Half a Month
Some Workshop Sale Questions Answered First… Before jumping into the first post for Day Four, Chapter Four… Questions About Classes for the sale… Yes, you can still jump into the Shared Worlds class. Lots of videos to catch up on, and just last night I put out a call for another Cave Creek story. I am sure there will be more calls for stories in the Cave Creek shared world, but if you do jump in, watch all the videos first. Again, there are a lot of them. Licensing Class and Decades Ahead Classes will be going for another full year. The Pandemic ground them to a halt because Licensing…
Workshop Sale AGAIN!!
Back to School, AGAIN… Workshop Half-Price Sale As I said two months ago, I honestly never would have predicted this last spring. Not in a million years. Not many did and those who did warn us of this, none of us listened to. We just couldn’t imagine being locked up for a year. But at least now we have some hope on the horizon with the vaccines going out. But they won’t do much good especially over the coming months. Back when WMG Publishing did what we all thought here would be the last workshop sale way back in May, 2020, we had an expectation that as things opened up,…