Just Got Back
Just Got Back I drove to Salt Lake and spent a few fun days at a great romance writers conference there. Well run, lots of great writers. I’ll talk more later about it when I wake up. Back to a regular post and some articles tomorrow. Night. ———————————— Totals For Year 4, Month 3, Day 9 Writing in Public blog streak… Day 1,116
Refocus on Running Day 4
Refocus on Running Day 4 Hit the five miles for a fourth day. I have spent the last three days down in the Salt Lake area with the state chapter of the Romance Writers of America. A fantastic group, a great conference, and I was honored to be part of it, teach a couple of classes, and give a very short speech. Mostly I got to learn from all the wonderful and dedicated and driven writers there. Great time. I really love to hang around with writers who want to learn. So tomorrow I’ll go back to a more normal blog here about writing and other things since I will be home.…
Refocus on Running Day 3
Refocus on Running Day 3 Hit five miles for a third day. And I got to learn a bunch of fun stuff from some fantastic professional writers. I’ll explain more next week. And I ate far too much. (grin) As I said before, for a few days here I will focus on on this gaining distance until Sunday and then will expand this blog back out more. But right now I need to be focused on the running. This is a very short-term focus. Also I want to illustrate to those of you having some focus issues how you bore down to one thing for a short time to bring that thing…
Refocus on Running Day 1
Refocus on Running Day 1 Got started and hit the five miles instead of seven miles. For a few days here I will focus on on this until Sunday and then will expand this blog back out more. But right now I need to be focused on the running. This is a very short-term focus. Start was good. Other things… — October workshops started up. If you want to jump in, look back a few posts for the list of October workshops and write me. — Patreon supporters will be getting two issues of Smith’s Monthly shortly. More than likely next week. — Kickstarter supporters will be getting surveys in…
Getting Refocused
Getting Refocused Sometimes, when the world hits with far too many things, we all lose focus. I am no exception to that. But I am pretty good at getting refocused. So I have two major things I am going to refocus on. I have a marathon I want to at least start in November, so over the next weeks I need to give that some top focus. So that’s first. Very short term. So for the next month I will be reporting at times and doing some more videos on the marathon progress. That starts on Wednesday (today as you read this, tomorrow for me). Second, going to be bringing…
Comics and Workshops and Business Diversity
Comics and Workshops and Business Diversity Last few days was a pretty good example of the business diversity of WMG Publishing Inc. Kind of fun to look at, actually. It started off a few days ago when the electronic issues of the new Fiction River went out to subscribers. Paper copies will be headed out to authors and subscribers as soon as they arrive, which should be any day now. I will also have out a few more issues of Smith’s Monthly shortly and a new novel this month will go out. All on the publishing side of things. We are publishing about five projects a month now on a normal…
Dinner With Friends
Dinner With Friends Writers meeting at 2 this afternoon, a planning meeting afterwards, some exercise, and then dinner with friends, which was the highlight of the day. I am stunningly lucky. I still have friends from my days in junior high. I have known one of the friends I had dinner with tonight for more than fifty years. And my friend would just tell you that my being a writer was not something ever on my radar back then. I was a golfer and skier. And I hated writing. But no matter what crazy thing over the years I have done, this old friend just shakes his head and supports me.…
Back Running
Back Running A bumpy start, but got out running today. Horrid weather, but in the parking garage at the mall the weather is pretty good. No wind or rain, just some cars. I ended up doing six miles of walking and running today. Only about two miles of running. I did some tests. Seems my running pace is a little fast for what I really want to do. About ten minutes per mile. But if I run about a hundred yards, walk ten, run a hundred and keep that pace up, I can do a mile in just over eleven minutes. And got a hunch I could keep that routine…
An Evening of Learning
A Night of Learning Once again tonight it has been proven to me that I am one of the luckiest people on the planet. I got to sit in a room tonight with eighteen other professional fiction writers and spend three hours doing nothing but talking about publishing and writing. The beginning writer still tucked inside of me sort of still just claps with joy. The writers came from all over western Oregon for the evening. No structure. Only rules are only writing and publishing talk from 8 p.m. until 10:30 or 11 p.m. Sharing information and asking questions. Tonight I ended up asking a bunch of questions actually. Terms…
Point of View
Point of View As I said yesterday, Kris and I took a day off and drove into the valley, an hour to two hour drive, depending where you go from the coast. And along the way we were talking and brainstorming about the new online workshop Point of View. I was telling her what I saw from beginning writers since she doesn’t see beginning writers much with what she teaches and edits these days. I was telling her about the character having “thoughts” like I wished I was there, he thought A huge viewpoint problem if not done right in a story. And I was telling her that I…