• Challenge,  Fun Stuff,  running

    The Promised Pictures

    Completed the 10K… (6.2 mile run) It wasn’t pretty, but I did it. Actually, the course turned out to be 3.1 miles uphill to start, and it turned out to be a ton warmer than I expected. All desert and concrete. So I got overheated, which for a person with my heat history, is not a good thing. And the hill made it harder for a person like me who is still too heavy. I managed to stay hydrated just fine and slowed down some to even walking and running, so didn’t hit the time I was hoping for. But finished alive and without heatstroke. Win. So here are some…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Exercise and Writing

    Exercise and Health… One thing I have noticed with some pleasure is that many of you have told me you are not only writing, but focusing on getting some exercise each day. That is critical in my opinion to long-term writing. So a few things about movement to think about. Get up every hour from your computer, stare off into the distance, stretch. Even before that, make sure your computer set-up is good, meaning feet flat on the floor, arms supported, eyes looking directly at the screen. Yeah, I know, laptops on couches are your thing. And spending time in doctor’s offices will be as well if you keep that…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  running

    Challenges Update… Novel, Short, and Exercise

    Novel And Short Story Challenge There are two challenges starting September 1st. A short story challenge and a novel challenge. I sent letters to those signed up in the challenges tonight since they start in a week. (Room open in both challenge if interested.) What I got as responses from three people so far were that they were surprised that I wanted them to check in every Sunday during the challenges. Of course I do. Over the space of two or three months, all of us have down times and get stuck or have something going slower than desired. I will be there for everyone in the challenges to report…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  running

    Already Feeling Better

    Very Annoying… But since I started eating very healthy, lower calories, more protein, and got my exercise going again, I feel better. I knew that would happen but every time I am shocked. I am over 5 miles walking per day (10,000 steps for my stride), a new streak starting, and have run at least a half mile two of the last three days. And the weight has started down. Shock. This is sort of like I feel with writing, and what I hear others expressing as well. Starting is hard, but once you start writing regularly, you feel so much better, so much more joy at the world. And…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  running

    Starting Up… Here We Go…

    TRACKING EVERYTHING PLUS A CHALLENGE… All starting up again as many of you have asked me to do for a time. So I will be tracking writing, exercise, and also a new short story challenge for at least this month and maybe longer. Also sort of going over what I did each day so you can see how crazy my life is and how I still manage to write a bunch. And I will continue with The Magic Bakery book as well. ———- The Day… A good day overall. Got up to WMG in the middle of the afternoon after doing some e-mail. Then after a little work there and…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing

    Some New Goals

    New Goals… I am back at writing and exercise with new goals on both. Writing Goal My big goal is to get back up to pulp speed (million words a year fiction) and hold it for all of 2017, which would include staying on time until issue #50 of Smith’s Monthly. Now that’s an impossible goal to wrap my head around, so I am going to break it down into a shorter time frame to start with. Between now and the end of the year I want to write a number of novels, with luck at least three or four done between now and the end of the year. And at least eight short stories. That…

  • Challenge,  On Writing,  publishing,  Writing in Public

    More Running but No Writing

    More Running but No Writing Again today I spent most of my writing time working on workshop stuff. But in the middle of the day, Kris and I went out for a run. (She did all the running, actually) but I went along for a long walk (6 miles today) and one mile of that I also ran. I managed to run three quarter-mile legs with walking between, then three 1/8th mile legs with walking between. So today six miles total, one mile of which was running. I’ll take it because it felt like I can do this for the very first time. New Workshop and New Schedule Since a number…